Launch HN: Moonrepo (YC W23) - Open source build system

Hacker News new | past | comments | to ask | show | jobs | submit connection Launch HN: Moonrepo (YC W23) - Open source build system 100 points by mileswjohnson 2 hours ago | hide | past | favorite | 77 reviews Hi HN, Miles and James here from Moonrepo ( Are you struggling with large codebases? Well look no further! We created Moonrepo to simplify repository management, project ownership, task execution, and day-to-day developer and productivity workflows.

If you've ever used Bazel (or another "enterprise" build system), you probably know how complex they can be to install, configure, and use. Not to mention the cognitive overload required by developers on a daily basis. After more than a decade in the industry, including many years working on products related to infrastructure and development tools, we decided to create Moon, a language independent build system.

Legacy systems only focus on runtime logistics (faster builds, concurrency), while we also want to focus on the developer experience. To do this, we automate workflows as much as possible, with the aim of reducing manual work. We are constantly syncing and checking the configuration, so the repository stays in a healthy state. We also infer/detect as much as possible from the environment/repository/code base, so things "just work".

We wanted our system to be fun to use and easy to understand, but also to solve the same problems as existing systems. For example, configuration is in YAML, not proprietary syntax. Tasks are defined and run as if you were running them in the terminal; more abstractions like BUILD files. Unlike Bazel, we don't cache or heavily rewrite terminal output, so the feedback loop is what you would expect. We manage a tool chain, ensuring that the correct version of languages ​​are used (no more "works on my machine"). And finally, our base is built on Rust and Tokio, so performance is first-class, execution is reliable, and memory safety is guaranteed.

We follow the open core model. Moon is open source, but we are also working on a few subscription services to monitor and improve your continuous integration pipelines, a project and code ownership registry, a continuous deployment/delivery board, auxiliary application systems, etc We haven't finalized the subscription model yet, so there's no pricing information on the website. However, we have a starter/free tier that anyone can use by signing up at . In the future, we will also offer on-site services.

Although Moonrepo is relatively new, we are already feature rich, stable and used in production. We're big fans of honest feedback, and we look forward to your feedback!

Launch HN: Moonrepo (YC W23) - Open source build system
Hacker News new | past | comments | to ask | show | jobs | submit connection Launch HN: Moonrepo (YC W23) - Open source build system 100 points by mileswjohnson 2 hours ago | hide | past | favorite | 77 reviews Hi HN, Miles and James here from Moonrepo ( Are you struggling with large codebases? Well look no further! We created Moonrepo to simplify repository management, project ownership, task execution, and day-to-day developer and productivity workflows.

If you've ever used Bazel (or another "enterprise" build system), you probably know how complex they can be to install, configure, and use. Not to mention the cognitive overload required by developers on a daily basis. After more than a decade in the industry, including many years working on products related to infrastructure and development tools, we decided to create Moon, a language independent build system.

Legacy systems only focus on runtime logistics (faster builds, concurrency), while we also want to focus on the developer experience. To do this, we automate workflows as much as possible, with the aim of reducing manual work. We are constantly syncing and checking the configuration, so the repository stays in a healthy state. We also infer/detect as much as possible from the environment/repository/code base, so things "just work".

We wanted our system to be fun to use and easy to understand, but also to solve the same problems as existing systems. For example, configuration is in YAML, not proprietary syntax. Tasks are defined and run as if you were running them in the terminal; more abstractions like BUILD files. Unlike Bazel, we don't cache or heavily rewrite terminal output, so the feedback loop is what you would expect. We manage a tool chain, ensuring that the correct version of languages ​​are used (no more "works on my machine"). And finally, our base is built on Rust and Tokio, so performance is first-class, execution is reliable, and memory safety is guaranteed.

We follow the open core model. Moon is open source, but we are also working on a few subscription services to monitor and improve your continuous integration pipelines, a project and code ownership registry, a continuous deployment/delivery board, auxiliary application systems, etc We haven't finalized the subscription model yet, so there's no pricing information on the website. However, we have a starter/free tier that anyone can use by signing up at . In the future, we will also offer on-site services.

Although Moonrepo is relatively new, we are already feature rich, stable and used in production. We're big fans of honest feedback, and we look forward to your feedback!

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