LETTERS: 'The Tories are certain of election defeat - they are trashing the economy and the NHS'

Mirror reader Colin says the Tories have brought the country to the brink of collapse and a Labor government is needed to turn things around. But are you okay?

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak speaking during Questions in the House of Commons Do you agree with Colin? Let us know in the comments below (

Image: PA)

With a general election looming and the reputation of the Conservative party in the balance, the UK needs a Labor government more than ever to save us from economic and social armageddon.

A potent cocktail of forced austerity, runaway inflation, Brexit, blatant incompetence and cronyism in government has brought the country to the brink of collapse.

My fear is that, as all indications show, the Tories are almost certain of an election defeat, they are consciously trashing the economy, industrial relations and the NHS to make it labor's job to recover our nation virtually impossible.

Even when losing power, they still have only one thing on their minds: basically themselves and their chances in future elections after their disgrace. Conservatives never have, and will never have, the welfare of the nation at heart.

Colin Durkin, Bradford, West Yorks

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LETTERS: 'The Tories are certain of election defeat - they are trashing the economy and the NHS'

Mirror reader Colin says the Tories have brought the country to the brink of collapse and a Labor government is needed to turn things around. But are you okay?

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak speaking during Questions in the House of Commons Do you agree with Colin? Let us know in the comments below (

Image: PA)

With a general election looming and the reputation of the Conservative party in the balance, the UK needs a Labor government more than ever to save us from economic and social armageddon.

A potent cocktail of forced austerity, runaway inflation, Brexit, blatant incompetence and cronyism in government has brought the country to the brink of collapse.

My fear is that, as all indications show, the Tories are almost certain of an election defeat, they are consciously trashing the economy, industrial relations and the NHS to make it labor's job to recover our nation virtually impossible.

Even when losing power, they still have only one thing on their minds: basically themselves and their chances in future elections after their disgrace. Conservatives never have, and will never have, the welfare of the nation at heart.

Colin Durkin, Bradford, West Yorks

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