Liz Truss hangs on as PM shows UK politics 'badly broken', Nicola Sturgeon gets carried away

The SNP leader has claimed that the UK is "significantly poorer" than independent European countries of similar size to Scotland, while she presented the financial arguments in favor of independence

Nicola Sturgeon said today that UK economic policies hold Scotland back Nicola Sturgeon today said UK economic policies were holding Scotland back (

Image: PA)

Nicola Sturgeon said today that UK policy was 'broken' and being tied to Westminster was holding back Scotland's economy.

The SNP leader claimed the UK was 'considerably poorer' than independent European countries of a similar size to Scotland, as she set out the financial case for independence.

In a speech from Edinburgh, she said staying in the Union offered neither strength, security nor financial stability, as argued in the last referendum in 2014.

Now the Tories are set to impose more austerity and have beaten Scotland with a series of 'calamitous decisions', the Prime Minister has said.

Ms Sturgeon after today's budget fall: 'It is a sign of the seriousness of the British political situation that the Prime Minister's resignation has not yet been submitted.

She added: "There is no doubt that this is a self-inflicted crisis for Liz Truss, it is humiliating in a way that is quite unprecedented in terms of coming down I think. that the sooner the prime minister and indeed the whole government leaves, the better it will be for everyone"

Liz Truss clings to power after being forced to give up her mini budget
Liz Truss clings to power after being forced to give up her mini-budget (



Reflecting on the economic turmoil, she said: "The UK is increasingly looking like an outlier in terms of economic policy, performance and social outcomes. Brexit has of course accelerated these changes."< /p>

The Prime Minister said joining the EU would give Scottish trade a massive boost, saying: "Trade within the UK is important, but that must not be the limit of our ambition.< /p>

"We have a market seven times larger than the UK on our doorstep."

Scotland would switch to its own national currency if the Nationalists win the vote, Ms...

Liz Truss hangs on as PM shows UK politics 'badly broken', Nicola Sturgeon gets carried away

The SNP leader has claimed that the UK is "significantly poorer" than independent European countries of similar size to Scotland, while she presented the financial arguments in favor of independence

Nicola Sturgeon said today that UK economic policies hold Scotland back Nicola Sturgeon today said UK economic policies were holding Scotland back (

Image: PA)

Nicola Sturgeon said today that UK policy was 'broken' and being tied to Westminster was holding back Scotland's economy.

The SNP leader claimed the UK was 'considerably poorer' than independent European countries of a similar size to Scotland, as she set out the financial case for independence.

In a speech from Edinburgh, she said staying in the Union offered neither strength, security nor financial stability, as argued in the last referendum in 2014.

Now the Tories are set to impose more austerity and have beaten Scotland with a series of 'calamitous decisions', the Prime Minister has said.

Ms Sturgeon after today's budget fall: 'It is a sign of the seriousness of the British political situation that the Prime Minister's resignation has not yet been submitted.

She added: "There is no doubt that this is a self-inflicted crisis for Liz Truss, it is humiliating in a way that is quite unprecedented in terms of coming down I think. that the sooner the prime minister and indeed the whole government leaves, the better it will be for everyone"

Liz Truss clings to power after being forced to give up her mini budget
Liz Truss clings to power after being forced to give up her mini-budget (



Reflecting on the economic turmoil, she said: "The UK is increasingly looking like an outlier in terms of economic policy, performance and social outcomes. Brexit has of course accelerated these changes."< /p>

The Prime Minister said joining the EU would give Scottish trade a massive boost, saying: "Trade within the UK is important, but that must not be the limit of our ambition.< /p>

"We have a market seven times larger than the UK on our doorstep."

Scotland would switch to its own national currency if the Nationalists win the vote, Ms...

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