Liz Truss - live: Frontrunner warned to deal with 'deeply divided' Tories amid Partygate

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Liz Truss has been warned to take extra care in dealing with a "deeply split" conservative and to put effort into it to include figures from across the party - including critics of Boris Johnson - in his cabinet.

A former The Tory minister and critic of Mr Johnson on Saturday assured there would be criticism if Ms Truss allies such as Duncan Smith and Nadine Dorries were appointed to senior positions.

He feared the situation could become "explosive" if the two leaders tried to influence a parliamentary inquiry into whether the incumbent prime minister had deliberately misled parliament.

"If she wins, then politics, including budgetary matters, most of her colleagues will feel that she deserves the opportunity to put her plans into action." She will get things through parliament,” said The Guardian, quoting the former minister.

"But if his government tries to do things on integrity issues, I think there could be problems soon enough. It would be explosive."

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Liz Truss - live: Frontrunner warned to deal with 'deeply divided' Tories amid Partygate
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Boris Johnson tells the public to buy a £20 kettle to save £10 a year on energy billsIndyEat

Liz Truss has been warned to take extra care in dealing with a "deeply split" conservative and to put effort into it to include figures from across the party - including critics of Boris Johnson - in his cabinet.

A former The Tory minister and critic of Mr Johnson on Saturday assured there would be criticism if Ms Truss allies such as Duncan Smith and Nadine Dorries were appointed to senior positions.

He feared the situation could become "explosive" if the two leaders tried to influence a parliamentary inquiry into whether the incumbent prime minister had deliberately misled parliament.

"If she wins, then politics, including budgetary matters, most of her colleagues will feel that she deserves the opportunity to put her plans into action." She will get things through parliament,” said The Guardian, quoting the former minister.

"But if his government tries to do things on integrity issues, I think there could be problems soon enough. It would be explosive."

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