News from Liz Truss – live: Nobody behind the wheel amid cost of living crisis, says Gordon Brown

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'People are going to go hungry': Gordon Brown calls for urgent action on cost of living crisis' IndyEat

Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown has claimed there is a 'vacuum' in the center of government which has left him prevented from tackling the financial crisis affecting families.

The former Labor leader told Good Morning Britain: "There has to be someone in charge. And it's not just that they're sleeping behind the wheel - there is no one behind the wheel at the moment.

"You have Boris and his chancellor who are on vacation, and then you have the two leadership candidates campaigning.

< p>"What is happening at the center of government is that there is a vacuum and it must be filled immediately if we are to protect people by October."

This then arises which Mr Brown earlier warned that children would be forced to go to school 'badly dressed and malnourished' if the Government did not act to support people.

Speaking On Sky News this morning, the former Labor Prime Minister said there was 'no doubt people will be starving in October' - warning that if the Government were to postpone intervention to November or December, "retirees will have to choose between us rnish their gas meters or feed themselves.

Recommended jaGFwaSwxNjU5NDY0ODkx-2.67865499.jpg?quality=75&width=230&auto=webp" alt="Liz Truss recoils from rejection of cost of living crisis 'documents'" height="56" width=" 82" layout="responsive" class=" i-amphtml-layout-responsive i-amphtml-layout-size-defined" i-amphtml-layout="responsive"/>Liz Truss walks away from rejecting "documents" on the cost of living crisis

News from Liz Truss – live: Nobody behind the wheel amid cost of living crisis, says Gordon Brown
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'People are going to go hungry': Gordon Brown calls for urgent action on cost of living crisis' IndyEat

Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown has claimed there is a 'vacuum' in the center of government which has left him prevented from tackling the financial crisis affecting families.

The former Labor leader told Good Morning Britain: "There has to be someone in charge. And it's not just that they're sleeping behind the wheel - there is no one behind the wheel at the moment.

"You have Boris and his chancellor who are on vacation, and then you have the two leadership candidates campaigning.

< p>"What is happening at the center of government is that there is a vacuum and it must be filled immediately if we are to protect people by October."

This then arises which Mr Brown earlier warned that children would be forced to go to school 'badly dressed and malnourished' if the Government did not act to support people.

Speaking On Sky News this morning, the former Labor Prime Minister said there was 'no doubt people will be starving in October' - warning that if the Government were to postpone intervention to November or December, "retirees will have to choose between us rnish their gas meters or feed themselves.

Recommended jaGFwaSwxNjU5NDY0ODkx-2.67865499.jpg?quality=75&width=230&auto=webp" alt="Liz Truss recoils from rejection of cost of living crisis 'documents'" height="56" width=" 82" layout="responsive" class=" i-amphtml-layout-responsive i-amphtml-layout-size-defined" i-amphtml-layout="responsive"/>Liz Truss walks away from rejecting "documents" on the cost of living crisis

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