Liz Truss News – Live: Tory leadership rivals clash as Javid backs Foreign Secretary

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YouGov poll shows Liz Truss as favorite in leadership raceIndyEat

The two candidates for the post of Prime Minister of the United Kingdom engage in a new battle of arguments live during the latest roundups.

Liz Truss traveled to the event in Cardiff, spurred on by two inquiries giving her huge leads as well as backing from Sajid Javid.

The former Health Secretary Mr Javid, Mr Sunak has slammed, exposing his plans for the economy would lead Britain to 'doze in a high-tax, low-growth economy'.

In The Times, he argued that Ms Truss had the "will to challenge the status quo".

The Foreign Secretary won a 34-point lead from percent over Mr. Sunak in a YouGov poll of party members, before a poll for the ConservativeHome website gave him a 32-point lead.

ConservativeHome's poll of 1,003 members Tories revealed that 58% supported the Foreign Secretary, while 26% backed Mr Sunak.

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Liz Truss News – Live: Tory leadership rivals clash as Javid backs Foreign Secretary
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YouGov poll shows Liz Truss as favorite in leadership raceIndyEat

The two candidates for the post of Prime Minister of the United Kingdom engage in a new battle of arguments live during the latest roundups.

Liz Truss traveled to the event in Cardiff, spurred on by two inquiries giving her huge leads as well as backing from Sajid Javid.

The former Health Secretary Mr Javid, Mr Sunak has slammed, exposing his plans for the economy would lead Britain to 'doze in a high-tax, low-growth economy'.

In The Times, he argued that Ms Truss had the "will to challenge the status quo".

The Foreign Secretary won a 34-point lead from percent over Mr. Sunak in a YouGov poll of party members, before a poll for the ConservativeHome website gave him a 32-point lead.

ConservativeHome's poll of 1,003 members Tories revealed that 58% supported the Foreign Secretary, while 26% backed Mr Sunak.

RecommendedLiz Truss suffers a serious setback in the race for PM with 'full-big' U-p ayerLiz Truss undergoes serious setback in PM race with 'full-fat U-tur n' on regional wage betting odds as 'underdog' Rishi Sunk closes gap on Liz Truss" height="56" width= "82" layout="responsive" class="i-amphtml-layout-responsive i-amphtml-layout-size-defined" i-amphtml-layout="responsive"/>Latest Conservative Leadership betting odds as " the underdog" Rishi Sunk closes the gap on Liz Truss

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