Madonna shares sweet video of children David Banda, 16, and Estere, 9, dancing in the kitchen

Madonna David Banda See the gallery Lourdes Maria Ciccone Leon and MadonnaAlexander Wang runway show, front row, Spring Summer 2017, New York Fashion Week, USA - September 10, 2016 Lourdes Leon Vanity Fair Oscar Party, Arrivals, Los Angeles, USA - Mar 27, 2022 Wearing Versace London, UK - *EXCLUSIVE* - Madonna and Guy Ritchie's son Rocco Ritchie looks dapper in his red velvet suit leaving Twenty Two Hotel, Bar & Restaurant at 2.30am with his girlfriend Kim Turnbull Rocco was seen at a party hosting his art exhibition and it looks like the exhibition was an overall success as his sister Lourdes did praise for his unique paintings according to reports Pictured: Rocco Ritchie BACKGRID USA MAY 13, 2022 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *Clients British - Photos containing children, please rasterize face before posting*

Madonna's son David Banda and daughter Estere are born dancers! David, 16, and Estere, 9, appeared in a video posted to Madonna's Instagram account on Sunday, June 24, dancing happily in the "Vogue" singer's bright kitchen. "Cooking in the kitchen," she captioned the video, alongside emojis of dancers and a black heart. Madonna ended the caption with the hashtags, #davidbanda #estere #sautisol. In the clip, David wore a long yellow dress, dark socks and layered necklaces as he strove...

Madonna shares sweet video of children David Banda, 16, and Estere, 9, dancing in the kitchen
Madonna David Banda See the gallery Lourdes Maria Ciccone Leon and MadonnaAlexander Wang runway show, front row, Spring Summer 2017, New York Fashion Week, USA - September 10, 2016 Lourdes Leon Vanity Fair Oscar Party, Arrivals, Los Angeles, USA - Mar 27, 2022 Wearing Versace London, UK - *EXCLUSIVE* - Madonna and Guy Ritchie's son Rocco Ritchie looks dapper in his red velvet suit leaving Twenty Two Hotel, Bar & Restaurant at 2.30am with his girlfriend Kim Turnbull Rocco was seen at a party hosting his art exhibition and it looks like the exhibition was an overall success as his sister Lourdes did praise for his unique paintings according to reports Pictured: Rocco Ritchie BACKGRID USA MAY 13, 2022 USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *Clients British - Photos containing children, please rasterize face before posting*

Madonna's son David Banda and daughter Estere are born dancers! David, 16, and Estere, 9, appeared in a video posted to Madonna's Instagram account on Sunday, June 24, dancing happily in the "Vogue" singer's bright kitchen. "Cooking in the kitchen," she captioned the video, alongside emojis of dancers and a black heart. Madonna ended the caption with the hashtags, #davidbanda #estere #sautisol. In the clip, David wore a long yellow dress, dark socks and layered necklaces as he strove...

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