Major music publishers sue Anthropic for copyright infringement over song lyrics

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Major music editors deposit A bomb trial This week alleging AI business Anthropic has engaged In THE "illicit socket And using [of] massive the amounts of protected by copyright content without authorisation" has form It is popular big language model (LLM) chatbot, Claude (replaced by Claude 2 earlier This year).

THE plaintiffs, including industry heavyweight Concord, Universal, And ABKCO—complaint Anthropic East “infringing Editors rights And causing] Shame on A wide scale."

THE complaint, deposit In THE Medium District of Tennessee Nashville Division, accused Anthropic of "wholesale to copy" of song Words has fuel It is AI models, which SO regurgitate those Words When users request Songs. THE place East No accident: Tennessee East known as America "Music City," And has For more that A century has been House has major registration workshops, Labels, And artists, especially In country music (he East Or Taylor Fast obtained her to start). As such, he East likely favorable ground has artists And Labels leveling prosecutions.

This trial follows Amazon massive $4 billion investment In THE San Based in Francisco LLM development business, And East clearly A unhelpful development as THE two companies look has further commercialize their joint software And AI offerings And enable more companies has to use them.


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“Anthropic directly infringed Editors exclusive rights as Copyright holders, including THE rights of the reproduction, preparation of derivative works, distribution, And public display," THE complaint States. THE editors Also allege Anthropic allow "massive Copyright offense" by users of It is technical.

Scraping below fire

THE trial takes square aim has Anthropic business model, affirming THE business "benefits richly Since It is offense" via commercial partnerships And billion In funding. "None of that would be be possible without THE vast treasures of protected by copyright material that Anthropic scratches Since THE the Internet," he complaints, echo THE bigger concerns about data scraping that to have emerged Since generative AI technology went General public with THE launch of Anthropic rival OpenAI ChatGPT chatbot In November 2022

THE complaint against Anthropic contains examples of Claude provide close word for word copies of Words has Katie Perry "Roar," THE Gloria Gaynor-sung disco hit "I Will Survive," And other shots When » was invited. THE editors argue Anthropic could easily implement filters has block protected by copyright content, but instead keep on going has illegally exploit their catalogs.

When BusinessBeat request A Claude Instant LLM example has to write A "song about THE the death of Boyfriend Holly," THE to go out did Indeed include A reference has Put on Mclean's "American Pie" with slightly amended Words. BusinessBeat has reached out has Anthropic For further comment, but has Again has hear back....

Major music publishers sue Anthropic for copyright infringement over song lyrics

BusinessBeat present : AI Unchained - A exclusive executive event For business data leaders. Network And learn with industry peers. Learn More

Major music editors deposit A bomb trial This week alleging AI business Anthropic has engaged In THE "illicit socket And using [of] massive the amounts of protected by copyright content without authorisation" has form It is popular big language model (LLM) chatbot, Claude (replaced by Claude 2 earlier This year).

THE plaintiffs, including industry heavyweight Concord, Universal, And ABKCO—complaint Anthropic East “infringing Editors rights And causing] Shame on A wide scale."

THE complaint, deposit In THE Medium District of Tennessee Nashville Division, accused Anthropic of "wholesale to copy" of song Words has fuel It is AI models, which SO regurgitate those Words When users request Songs. THE place East No accident: Tennessee East known as America "Music City," And has For more that A century has been House has major registration workshops, Labels, And artists, especially In country music (he East Or Taylor Fast obtained her to start). As such, he East likely favorable ground has artists And Labels leveling prosecutions.

This trial follows Amazon massive $4 billion investment In THE San Based in Francisco LLM development business, And East clearly A unhelpful development as THE two companies look has further commercialize their joint software And AI offerings And enable more companies has to use them.


AI Unleashed

A exclusive invite only evening of knowledge And networking, designed For senior business executives monitoring data Battery And strategies.

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“Anthropic directly infringed Editors exclusive rights as Copyright holders, including THE rights of the reproduction, preparation of derivative works, distribution, And public display," THE complaint States. THE editors Also allege Anthropic allow "massive Copyright offense" by users of It is technical.

Scraping below fire

THE trial takes square aim has Anthropic business model, affirming THE business "benefits richly Since It is offense" via commercial partnerships And billion In funding. "None of that would be be possible without THE vast treasures of protected by copyright material that Anthropic scratches Since THE the Internet," he complaints, echo THE bigger concerns about data scraping that to have emerged Since generative AI technology went General public with THE launch of Anthropic rival OpenAI ChatGPT chatbot In November 2022

THE complaint against Anthropic contains examples of Claude provide close word for word copies of Words has Katie Perry "Roar," THE Gloria Gaynor-sung disco hit "I Will Survive," And other shots When » was invited. THE editors argue Anthropic could easily implement filters has block protected by copyright content, but instead keep on going has illegally exploit their catalogs.

When BusinessBeat request A Claude Instant LLM example has to write A "song about THE the death of Boyfriend Holly," THE to go out did Indeed include A reference has Put on Mclean's "American Pie" with slightly amended Words. BusinessBeat has reached out has Anthropic For further comment, but has Again has hear back....

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