Make yourself a money magnet with this fun and easy exercise

This creative daily ritual can Make yourself an opportunity-seeking champion in just one week.

By Mary Hood August 22, 2022

The opinions expressed by entrepreneurs contributors are their own.

Gain-winning opportunities surround us. Unfortunately, we're not always trained to see them, even when they're right under our noses. Some of us are not as financially literate as we could be. Others tend to be inward-thinking or narrow-minded. Whatever the reason, we may not have a mindset that naturally seeks opportunities to build wealth.

I've always had a knack for noticing trends and seeing opportunities, which is why it worked well for me. But even I have to keep my "money magnet" skills sharp. It is a pleasure that I have used over the years to create my heritage. It's easy to do, it takes a few minutes a day and it's like playing a game.

Spend a week doing this exercise, and you'll be amazed at how attentive you'll become to spotting money-making opportunities everywhere. You can do it alone or with a partner, children or colleagues.

Related: The 5 Qualities of Superior Entrepreneurs

How to do the money magnet exercise Pick a time when creativity is high. If there's a time of day when you're doing your best to innovate, that's the time for this exercise. If you are working in a team, choose a time when the atmosphere is positive and everyone is energetic. Choose the amount of money you want to win. It can be a hundred dollars, a million, a gazillion. Money can be a goal, but I find it's more often a method by which we achieve other goals. Maybe you're not looking for a specific dollar amount, but enough to grow your business, buy another franchise, take a vacation, or donate a hundred dinners to a food bank. For a fun and creative challenge, try a puzzle like "15 Ways to Earn $100". Choose a time limit for your goal. This step is optional, but changing your goal time limit can make the exercise more enjoyable. If your goal is to make a million dollars, then in different sessions brainstorm ways to make a million in a year, a month, or even a day! Start writing (or dictating or typing) your ideas to complete it. You are looking for at least fifteen. If he could even remotely achieve your goal, no answer is too crazy, too simple, too far from reality, or too far off the beaten path. One of the benefits of doing this exercise with children is that they don't see the obstacles. If you are working with others, remember that this exercise is without criticism. Don't forget that if you work alone too! Every idea is welcomed. Limit exercise to 15-30 minutes. I would suggest producing one every two minutes. It keeps you from overthinking and prepares your mind to see opportunities quickly. If you get stuck, use the reverse brainstorming technique. Coming up with so many ideas can seem difficult at first. With practice it gets easier. That's what the Money Magnet exercise is all about! However, if you find yourself stuck, try reverse brainstorming. It means turning the question around for a different approach. If you're stuck on "how to make a million dollars in a month", change the question to "my amazing invention is worth a million dollars", or even "fifteen things that would NEVER make a million dollars", because that also , can make your ideas flow. How Money Magnet changes your mind and your life

Now that you've done the exercise, made your list, and had fun while letting your monetary creativity run free. What happens next?

You integrate reflection on your

Make yourself a money magnet with this fun and easy exercise

This creative daily ritual can Make yourself an opportunity-seeking champion in just one week.

By Mary Hood August 22, 2022

The opinions expressed by entrepreneurs contributors are their own.

Gain-winning opportunities surround us. Unfortunately, we're not always trained to see them, even when they're right under our noses. Some of us are not as financially literate as we could be. Others tend to be inward-thinking or narrow-minded. Whatever the reason, we may not have a mindset that naturally seeks opportunities to build wealth.

I've always had a knack for noticing trends and seeing opportunities, which is why it worked well for me. But even I have to keep my "money magnet" skills sharp. It is a pleasure that I have used over the years to create my heritage. It's easy to do, it takes a few minutes a day and it's like playing a game.

Spend a week doing this exercise, and you'll be amazed at how attentive you'll become to spotting money-making opportunities everywhere. You can do it alone or with a partner, children or colleagues.

Related: The 5 Qualities of Superior Entrepreneurs

How to do the money magnet exercise Pick a time when creativity is high. If there's a time of day when you're doing your best to innovate, that's the time for this exercise. If you are working in a team, choose a time when the atmosphere is positive and everyone is energetic. Choose the amount of money you want to win. It can be a hundred dollars, a million, a gazillion. Money can be a goal, but I find it's more often a method by which we achieve other goals. Maybe you're not looking for a specific dollar amount, but enough to grow your business, buy another franchise, take a vacation, or donate a hundred dinners to a food bank. For a fun and creative challenge, try a puzzle like "15 Ways to Earn $100". Choose a time limit for your goal. This step is optional, but changing your goal time limit can make the exercise more enjoyable. If your goal is to make a million dollars, then in different sessions brainstorm ways to make a million in a year, a month, or even a day! Start writing (or dictating or typing) your ideas to complete it. You are looking for at least fifteen. If he could even remotely achieve your goal, no answer is too crazy, too simple, too far from reality, or too far off the beaten path. One of the benefits of doing this exercise with children is that they don't see the obstacles. If you are working with others, remember that this exercise is without criticism. Don't forget that if you work alone too! Every idea is welcomed. Limit exercise to 15-30 minutes. I would suggest producing one every two minutes. It keeps you from overthinking and prepares your mind to see opportunities quickly. If you get stuck, use the reverse brainstorming technique. Coming up with so many ideas can seem difficult at first. With practice it gets easier. That's what the Money Magnet exercise is all about! However, if you find yourself stuck, try reverse brainstorming. It means turning the question around for a different approach. If you're stuck on "how to make a million dollars in a month", change the question to "my amazing invention is worth a million dollars", or even "fifteen things that would NEVER make a million dollars", because that also , can make your ideas flow. How Money Magnet changes your mind and your life

Now that you've done the exercise, made your list, and had fun while letting your monetary creativity run free. What happens next?

You integrate reflection on your

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