Do as creative practice

A conversation with artist And maker educator Mast Zigler

Mast Zigler East THE author of A new book For educators title "3 Fashions of Manufacturing." He talks about imitation, modification And innovation as three different fashions of student projects, which develop different maker SKILLS. Mast East A artist And educator WHO has has been running THE creative space has Bullis, A independent school In THE CC area. He brought A background In art And creative practical has THE creative space And her school. It is not that each student East going has be A artist but each student should develop A creative practical, regardless of subject Or area of interest.

Schools to have typically not has been very GOOD has development students WHO are creative thinkers And the makers, but This versatile aptitude East more and more precious NOW And will be more SO In THE future. This aptitude can be developed In A creative space, given A favorable environment And educators WHO to commit students In A creative practical, as Mast describe In her book, And help them become creators.

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Dale: To welcome has MakeCast, I am Valley Dougherty. I am here with Mast Zigler. Mast East A artist And educator who is writing A new book For We called Three Fashions of Manufacturing And GOOD be talk about that book Today And her experiences as A artist And educator And how he is brought that has A creative space has A school. He is talk about things In A new path, maybe For a few of you.

THE Role of Creative spaces In Education

Valley: I wrote A piece on last week And talk about how a few maker programs to start as A club, a few as A class. There is kind of A third category For A creative space East A hub Or A plot of things arrive both In And out of that hub, but You are not just functioning with students, You are Also trying has form other educators In This model.

What Matt's book, I think, has A to focus on THE process. of manufacturing, And how TO DO You lead that as A educator Or as any of them adult functioning with children on This. Instead that education someone, I to use A coach model enough A little In My thought — how TO DO You coach children has TO DO? How TO DO You help them? What are You trying has accomplish there? THE second thing that Mast I think covers Really GOOD East that a few teachers are very afraid about East When You give students THE opportunity has TO DO projects. How TO DO You manage that? How TO DO You think about he? What types of projects are they going has TO DO?

When I heard Mast give This presentation has THE Do: Education Forum, I thought he would have Really nailed down something that person had Really talked about Before. For a few projects, THE aim East has imitate something that exist Or maybe follow instructions that someone other sharing with You. Second was imitation has to modify something. And THE third he calls innovation, which East Really has TO DO something new, original And ideally something that has value has other people. Mast, to welcome has Do: Throw. It is GOOD has see You.

Matt's Journey as A Artist And Educator

Valley: Say We A little about your background And Or You are today.

Mast: SO My background East I have has been A teacher Really Since I obtained out of college. I have has been, I was A art teacher For most of My career. It is future up on half of My career. I guess th...

Do as creative practice

A conversation with artist And maker educator Mast Zigler

Mast Zigler East THE author of A new book For educators title "3 Fashions of Manufacturing." He talks about imitation, modification And innovation as three different fashions of student projects, which develop different maker SKILLS. Mast East A artist And educator WHO has has been running THE creative space has Bullis, A independent school In THE CC area. He brought A background In art And creative practical has THE creative space And her school. It is not that each student East going has be A artist but each student should develop A creative practical, regardless of subject Or area of interest.

Schools to have typically not has been very GOOD has development students WHO are creative thinkers And the makers, but This versatile aptitude East more and more precious NOW And will be more SO In THE future. This aptitude can be developed In A creative space, given A favorable environment And educators WHO to commit students In A creative practical, as Mast describe In her book, And help them become creators.

Buy "3 Fashions of Manufacturing" on To print – PDF

Dale: To welcome has MakeCast, I am Valley Dougherty. I am here with Mast Zigler. Mast East A artist And educator who is writing A new book For We called Three Fashions of Manufacturing And GOOD be talk about that book Today And her experiences as A artist And educator And how he is brought that has A creative space has A school. He is talk about things In A new path, maybe For a few of you.

THE Role of Creative spaces In Education

Valley: I wrote A piece on last week And talk about how a few maker programs to start as A club, a few as A class. There is kind of A third category For A creative space East A hub Or A plot of things arrive both In And out of that hub, but You are not just functioning with students, You are Also trying has form other educators In This model.

What Matt's book, I think, has A to focus on THE process. of manufacturing, And how TO DO You lead that as A educator Or as any of them adult functioning with children on This. Instead that education someone, I to use A coach model enough A little In My thought — how TO DO You coach children has TO DO? How TO DO You help them? What are You trying has accomplish there? THE second thing that Mast I think covers Really GOOD East that a few teachers are very afraid about East When You give students THE opportunity has TO DO projects. How TO DO You manage that? How TO DO You think about he? What types of projects are they going has TO DO?

When I heard Mast give This presentation has THE Do: Education Forum, I thought he would have Really nailed down something that person had Really talked about Before. For a few projects, THE aim East has imitate something that exist Or maybe follow instructions that someone other sharing with You. Second was imitation has to modify something. And THE third he calls innovation, which East Really has TO DO something new, original And ideally something that has value has other people. Mast, to welcome has Do: Throw. It is GOOD has see You.

Matt's Journey as A Artist And Educator

Valley: Say We A little about your background And Or You are today.

Mast: SO My background East I have has been A teacher Really Since I obtained out of college. I have has been, I was A art teacher For most of My career. It is future up on half of My career. I guess th...

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