Marilyn Monroe's Brentwood home declared a historic landmark, saving it from demolition

Marilyne Monroe House In The bone Angeles Brentwood neighborhood was approved In It is historical cultural monument nomination by THE The bone Angeles City Advice on Wednesday, A designation which East destined has help protect THE landmark Since demolition.

"THE Marilyne Monroe Residence In Brentwood East NOW A Historical-Cultural Monument! Today, THERE. City Advice unanimously approved THE nomination For Marilyne Monroe's final House. THANKS has all WHO voiced their support And A HUGE THANKS has Municipal councilor Traci Park & team!," wrote THE THERE. Protection on X.

Monroe lived For approximately six month In THE 1929 four bedrooms Spanish Colonial style House, SO deceased of A apparent overdose there In 1962. THE THERE. Protection wrote In It is proposal For landmark Status that THE House was "THE First of all place She research out And bought For se And on her own while actively functioning In 1962.”

A air see of THE Brentwood House Or Marilyne Monroe deceased. Getty Images

The owners Brina Milstein And her husband, reality TV producer Roy Bank, bought THE House last year For $8.35 million And foreseen has demolish he has develop their property following door. They paid A all year battle has stop THE historical designation, which they said would be lead has more nuisance visitors. THE the owners to have for follow-up THE city, accusing civil servants of "room at the back machinations,” And THE case East due has get A trial date on August. 13. In THE suit, THE the owners say that THE House has has been substantially amended And that there East No evidence remaining Since THE time When Monroe lived there, SO they combat he do not meet THE criteria For A historical cultural monument. THE suit Also said that several neighborhood groups And THE Monroe domain did not support THE historical designation.

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THE the board vote was 12 has 0 In service of add THE House has properties of historical importance. THE decision was supported by THE City Advice to land to use management subcommittee And THE Cultural Heritage Commission. While THE designation doesn't completely stop A property Since be demolished, THE Status topics he has A strict goodbye process if demolition were proposed.

THERE. City Advice member Traci Park said Before THE vote, "We to have A opportunity has TO DO something Today that I should have has been do 60 years There is. There is No other person Or place In THE city of The bone Angeles as iconic as Marilyne Monroe And her Brentwood at home. »

In answer has THE vote, Milstein lawyer Rock vs. Sheridan, WHO Also represented THE the owners Glory of THE Snow 1031 Trust And Roy Bank, released THE following declaration.

Marilyn Monroe's Brentwood home declared a historic landmark, saving it from demolition

Marilyne Monroe House In The bone Angeles Brentwood neighborhood was approved In It is historical cultural monument nomination by THE The bone Angeles City Advice on Wednesday, A designation which East destined has help protect THE landmark Since demolition.

"THE Marilyne Monroe Residence In Brentwood East NOW A Historical-Cultural Monument! Today, THERE. City Advice unanimously approved THE nomination For Marilyne Monroe's final House. THANKS has all WHO voiced their support And A HUGE THANKS has Municipal councilor Traci Park & team!," wrote THE THERE. Protection on X.

Monroe lived For approximately six month In THE 1929 four bedrooms Spanish Colonial style House, SO deceased of A apparent overdose there In 1962. THE THERE. Protection wrote In It is proposal For landmark Status that THE House was "THE First of all place She research out And bought For se And on her own while actively functioning In 1962.”

A air see of THE Brentwood House Or Marilyne Monroe deceased. Getty Images

The owners Brina Milstein And her husband, reality TV producer Roy Bank, bought THE House last year For $8.35 million And foreseen has demolish he has develop their property following door. They paid A all year battle has stop THE historical designation, which they said would be lead has more nuisance visitors. THE the owners to have for follow-up THE city, accusing civil servants of "room at the back machinations,” And THE case East due has get A trial date on August. 13. In THE suit, THE the owners say that THE House has has been substantially amended And that there East No evidence remaining Since THE time When Monroe lived there, SO they combat he do not meet THE criteria For A historical cultural monument. THE suit Also said that several neighborhood groups And THE Monroe domain did not support THE historical designation.

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THE the board vote was 12 has 0 In service of add THE House has properties of historical importance. THE decision was supported by THE City Advice to land to use management subcommittee And THE Cultural Heritage Commission. While THE designation doesn't completely stop A property Since be demolished, THE Status topics he has A strict goodbye process if demolition were proposed.

THERE. City Advice member Traci Park said Before THE vote, "We to have A opportunity has TO DO something Today that I should have has been do 60 years There is. There is No other person Or place In THE city of The bone Angeles as iconic as Marilyne Monroe And her Brentwood at home. »

In answer has THE vote, Milstein lawyer Rock vs. Sheridan, WHO Also represented THE the owners Glory of THE Snow 1031 Trust And Roy Bank, released THE following declaration.

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