Memory box displays photos based on fingerprints

With her young the son birthday future up In A little weeks, [Mike Bus] research has build him something amusing that THE boy could socket on has all her life. After TO DO a few draw, [Mike] arrived has THE idea has TO DO A memory box uses A digital print to scan has to show different pictures base on THE fingerprint.

[Mike] begin by rendering THE box In Blender And SO Cut A important hole In THE lid For THE Electronic ink screen. It is around THE time THE First of all issue came up — there were weird vertical lines In THE display. Of course enough, that screen was broken. SO he added THE South Dakota map drive, but THE South Dakota map wouldn't he work, And was heating up in addition. Finally, THE digital print to scan was provoking problems, but he turned out that THE power provide was has fault.

After all of that, [Mike] switched Since A ESP32à A Raspi Zero W has simplify THE entire process of discovery A photo labeled with THE the person digital print. [Mike] added A Python scenario that listen For new memories on Wireless. A memory In This case consists of A picture, A description, A list of people labeled In THE picture, And a few additional metadata.

A important lesson [Mike] learned was that of balancing planning against. just socket action. If he had taken THE time has consider THE complexity of THE tagged photo recovery system, he would be to have arrived has A SBC solution a lot earlier. Be Of course has check out THE build video After THE break.

You can to have all kinds of amusing with digital print scanners, as This A that opens A secret library door.

Memory box displays photos based on fingerprints

With her young the son birthday future up In A little weeks, [Mike Bus] research has build him something amusing that THE boy could socket on has all her life. After TO DO a few draw, [Mike] arrived has THE idea has TO DO A memory box uses A digital print to scan has to show different pictures base on THE fingerprint.

[Mike] begin by rendering THE box In Blender And SO Cut A important hole In THE lid For THE Electronic ink screen. It is around THE time THE First of all issue came up — there were weird vertical lines In THE display. Of course enough, that screen was broken. SO he added THE South Dakota map drive, but THE South Dakota map wouldn't he work, And was heating up in addition. Finally, THE digital print to scan was provoking problems, but he turned out that THE power provide was has fault.

After all of that, [Mike] switched Since A ESP32à A Raspi Zero W has simplify THE entire process of discovery A photo labeled with THE the person digital print. [Mike] added A Python scenario that listen For new memories on Wireless. A memory In This case consists of A picture, A description, A list of people labeled In THE picture, And a few additional metadata.

A important lesson [Mike] learned was that of balancing planning against. just socket action. If he had taken THE time has consider THE complexity of THE tagged photo recovery system, he would be to have arrived has A SBC solution a lot earlier. Be Of course has check out THE build video After THE break.

You can to have all kinds of amusing with digital print scanners, as This A that opens A secret library door.

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