Hey impossible! Stunning video appears to show horses walking on water along the Arizona River

Kelli Rogers paddleboarded the Salt River in the Tonto National Forest. She spotted the two majestic beasts while hanging out with her excited grandchildren. In the clip, the horses appear to be floating or standing on a raft above the water

This is the mind-blowing moment two majestic wild horses appeared to walk on water in Arizona, as an optical illusion saw them "floating" down a river past amazed locals.

Kelli Rogers was paddleboarding the Salt River in the National Forest of Tonto, Arizona, spending the last month with her grandchildren excited when they noticed the two horses.

The 58-year-old was left without voice when she saw the horses floating on the water.

In the clip, the horses appear to be standing on a raft on the surface of the water. water as the landscape passes behind them - but in fact they are standing in shallower water than the person filming them as they paddle.

Sn optical illusion saw two majestic horses 6347

Looks like they were closer to Kelli and her children than the landscape behind them, giving the impression that they were moving when in fact they were standing still.

Kelli said, "That was crazy. It wasn't until I got home and watched the video that I was like 'oh, looks like they float".

Hey impossible! Stunning video appears to show horses walking on water along the Arizona River
Kelli Rogers paddleboarded the Salt River in the Tonto National Forest. She spotted the two majestic beasts while hanging out with her excited grandchildren. In the clip, the horses appear to be floating or standing on a raft above the water

This is the mind-blowing moment two majestic wild horses appeared to walk on water in Arizona, as an optical illusion saw them "floating" down a river past amazed locals.

Kelli Rogers was paddleboarding the Salt River in the National Forest of Tonto, Arizona, spending the last month with her grandchildren excited when they noticed the two horses.

The 58-year-old was left without voice when she saw the horses floating on the water.

In the clip, the horses appear to be standing on a raft on the surface of the water. water as the landscape passes behind them - but in fact they are standing in shallower water than the person filming them as they paddle.

Sn optical illusion saw two majestic horses 6347

Looks like they were closer to Kelli and her children than the landscape behind them, giving the impression that they were moving when in fact they were standing still.

Kelli said, "That was crazy. It wasn't until I got home and watched the video that I was like 'oh, looks like they float".

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