New French trailer for the re-release of Kurosawa's 4K film "Seven Samurai"

Seven Samurai 4K Trailer

"Incomparable For suspense And show!” THE Jokers distribution In France to have made his debut A new trailer For THE 4K reissue to honour THE 70th Birthday of This timeless B&W action classic Since Japan. Akira Kurosawa's Seven Samurai First of all open In Japan In 1954 And Also plays has THE 1954 Venice Movie Festival. HAS celebrate This years 70th birthday, THE 2024 Cannes Movie Festival just hosted A special screening of This brand new 4K restoration. So Why This new French trailer East out NOW. They add that Seven Samurai East "A of THE most renowned movies In THE history of Japanese movie theater. We decided has restore This movie In 4K using THE last technology has TOHÔ Archives Co., Ltd. [For THE] 70th birthday of It is initial theatrical release In Japan." THE tranquility of A little Japanese village East disturbed by say again attacks by A band of looters. Seven without a master samurai accept has defend THE hopeless peasants In This seminal classic. This stars Toshiro Mifune, Takashi Shimura, And Keiko Tsushima. THE movie East Already available on Criteria Blu-ray And always reruns In theaters, but A costs 4K restoration East always majestic has witness. To have A look.

Here is THE new French trailer For THE 4K reissue of Kurosawa's Seven Samurai, direct Since YouTube:

Seven Samurai Poster

Criteria introduction : "A of THE most thrilling movie epics of all time, Seven Samurai (Shichinin No samurai) tell THE history of A sixteenth century village of which desperate residents to hire THE eponym warriors has protect them Since to invade bandits. This three hours to go up Since Akira Kurosawa—with legendary actors Toshiro Mifune And Takashi Shimura – in complete transparency weaves philosophy And entertainment, delicate human emotions And tirelessly action, In A rich, evocative, And unforgettable tale of courage And hope." Seven Samurai, initially known as 七人の侍 In Japanese, East directed by THE legendary Japanese director Akira Kurosawa - her 15 movie has THE time, just After Ikiru (1952) And Before manufacturing I Live In Fear (1955). THE scenario East writing by Akira Kurosawa, Shinobu Hashimoto, Hideo Oguni. THE movie initially created In 1954 In Japan, playing has THE 1954 Venice Movie Festival that even year. He doesn't open In THE WE until 1956 with 50 minutes of THE movie cut. THE Jokers will reissue Seven Samurai In 4K In cinemas In France on July 3rd This summer. Hopefully How's it going tour In THE WE later In THE year as GOOD. A of your all the time favorites?

Find more posts: HAS Watch, Trailer

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New French trailer for the re-release of Kurosawa's 4K film "Seven Samurai"
Seven Samurai 4K Trailer

"Incomparable For suspense And show!” THE Jokers distribution In France to have made his debut A new trailer For THE 4K reissue to honour THE 70th Birthday of This timeless B&W action classic Since Japan. Akira Kurosawa's Seven Samurai First of all open In Japan In 1954 And Also plays has THE 1954 Venice Movie Festival. HAS celebrate This years 70th birthday, THE 2024 Cannes Movie Festival just hosted A special screening of This brand new 4K restoration. So Why This new French trailer East out NOW. They add that Seven Samurai East "A of THE most renowned movies In THE history of Japanese movie theater. We decided has restore This movie In 4K using THE last technology has TOHÔ Archives Co., Ltd. [For THE] 70th birthday of It is initial theatrical release In Japan." THE tranquility of A little Japanese village East disturbed by say again attacks by A band of looters. Seven without a master samurai accept has defend THE hopeless peasants In This seminal classic. This stars Toshiro Mifune, Takashi Shimura, And Keiko Tsushima. THE movie East Already available on Criteria Blu-ray And always reruns In theaters, but A costs 4K restoration East always majestic has witness. To have A look.

Here is THE new French trailer For THE 4K reissue of Kurosawa's Seven Samurai, direct Since YouTube:

Seven Samurai Poster

Criteria introduction : "A of THE most thrilling movie epics of all time, Seven Samurai (Shichinin No samurai) tell THE history of A sixteenth century village of which desperate residents to hire THE eponym warriors has protect them Since to invade bandits. This three hours to go up Since Akira Kurosawa—with legendary actors Toshiro Mifune And Takashi Shimura – in complete transparency weaves philosophy And entertainment, delicate human emotions And tirelessly action, In A rich, evocative, And unforgettable tale of courage And hope." Seven Samurai, initially known as 七人の侍 In Japanese, East directed by THE legendary Japanese director Akira Kurosawa - her 15 movie has THE time, just After Ikiru (1952) And Before manufacturing I Live In Fear (1955). THE scenario East writing by Akira Kurosawa, Shinobu Hashimoto, Hideo Oguni. THE movie initially created In 1954 In Japan, playing has THE 1954 Venice Movie Festival that even year. He doesn't open In THE WE until 1956 with 50 minutes of THE movie cut. THE Jokers will reissue Seven Samurai In 4K In cinemas In France on July 3rd This summer. Hopefully How's it going tour In THE WE later In THE year as GOOD. A of your all the time favorites?

Find more posts: HAS Watch, Trailer

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