New video shows aftermath of fatal Foolio shooting, victim stretched on stretcher

July Folio's fatal filming LEFT A devastating scene In It is wake up -- victims taken disabled In stretchers And cars screen with ball Holes ... And, TMZ got video capture he everything.

Check out THE new clips Since just After THE filming took place ... police take order of THE scene while paramedics rushing around take care has those allegedly wounded In THE gunshots.

Folio Aftermath

Check out THE series of clips ... A person can clearly be seen In pain as THE paramedics to roll them far Since THE Vacation hostel towards A ambulance. Cops say three other people were hurt In THE filming that kill Mad -- And, they are all expected has survive.

It is easy has see a lot blows were licensed has THE scene ... just look has THE black sedan session out in front of THE hotel -- It is in front East completely shot up Since What We can only imagine was A intense shooting.

Cops could Also be seen examine another car that look at as he doesn't to have A scratch on he ... not clear how This vehicle pieces In This mornings the tragedy -- cops are always investigate.

As We said You ... July Mad -- real name Charles Jones -- was shot In THE early Morning hours Sunday according to has her lawyer Louis Fusco WHO said he was "it would seem ambushed" In THE Pennsylvania...

New video shows aftermath of fatal Foolio shooting, victim stretched on stretcher

July Folio's fatal filming LEFT A devastating scene In It is wake up -- victims taken disabled In stretchers And cars screen with ball Holes ... And, TMZ got video capture he everything.

Check out THE new clips Since just After THE filming took place ... police take order of THE scene while paramedics rushing around take care has those allegedly wounded In THE gunshots.

Folio Aftermath

Check out THE series of clips ... A person can clearly be seen In pain as THE paramedics to roll them far Since THE Vacation hostel towards A ambulance. Cops say three other people were hurt In THE filming that kill Mad -- And, they are all expected has survive.

It is easy has see a lot blows were licensed has THE scene ... just look has THE black sedan session out in front of THE hotel -- It is in front East completely shot up Since What We can only imagine was A intense shooting.

Cops could Also be seen examine another car that look at as he doesn't to have A scratch on he ... not clear how This vehicle pieces In This mornings the tragedy -- cops are always investigate.

As We said You ... July Mad -- real name Charles Jones -- was shot In THE early Morning hours Sunday according to has her lawyer Louis Fusco WHO said he was "it would seem ambushed" In THE Pennsylvania...

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