Cyberdeck 2022 Competition: Choosing the Best of the Best

Given the number of amazing builds we've covered over the past two years, we knew an official Cyberdeck contest would definitely receive some awesome entries. But never in our wildest dreams could we have predicted that more than 100 decks would eventually cross the finish line, or that of them the vast majority would be unreleased designs. In fact, the response to this competition was so overwhelming that the judging process took much longer than expected.

In the end, we decided that there were simply too many phenomenal builds entered into the contest to award $150 in Digikey spend to just three of them. So, as a bonus, we've prepared $50 Tindie gift certificates that will go to all four honorable mentions in the special category.

With that, let's take a look at the cyberdecks that took top honors according to our panel of judges.

First place: Hosaka MK I

In terms of fit and finish, the Hosaka MK I built by [Chris] is so far ahead of the competition that you'd be excused for thinking it fell into our reality because of a tear in the fabric of space and time. It is entirely believable as equipment of the future and could easily pass for a high-end movie prop.

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[Chris] says this build is a tribute to William Gibson and his work, and although the man himself said he didn't have a clear idea of ​​what a cyberdeck should look like when he wrote Neuromancer, there is no doubt that the Hosaka MK I embraced the best of the cyberpunk aesthetic that his novels helped create.

But of course, looks won't get you far. What really puts the Hosaka MK I on top is the excellent documentation, as [Chris] made sure to include plenty of internal photos and build details. He even provided a full BOM and FreeCAD design files for his deck, should anyone wish to create their own version.

Second Place: Red Cyberdeck


Cyberdeck 2022 Competition: Choosing the Best of the Best

Given the number of amazing builds we've covered over the past two years, we knew an official Cyberdeck contest would definitely receive some awesome entries. But never in our wildest dreams could we have predicted that more than 100 decks would eventually cross the finish line, or that of them the vast majority would be unreleased designs. In fact, the response to this competition was so overwhelming that the judging process took much longer than expected.

In the end, we decided that there were simply too many phenomenal builds entered into the contest to award $150 in Digikey spend to just three of them. So, as a bonus, we've prepared $50 Tindie gift certificates that will go to all four honorable mentions in the special category.

With that, let's take a look at the cyberdecks that took top honors according to our panel of judges.

First place: Hosaka MK I

In terms of fit and finish, the Hosaka MK I built by [Chris] is so far ahead of the competition that you'd be excused for thinking it fell into our reality because of a tear in the fabric of space and time. It is entirely believable as equipment of the future and could easily pass for a high-end movie prop.

22cyberdeck_hosaka1 22cyberdeck_hosaka2

[Chris] says this build is a tribute to William Gibson and his work, and although the man himself said he didn't have a clear idea of ​​what a cyberdeck should look like when he wrote Neuromancer, there is no doubt that the Hosaka MK I embraced the best of the cyberpunk aesthetic that his novels helped create.

But of course, looks won't get you far. What really puts the Hosaka MK I on top is the excellent documentation, as [Chris] made sure to include plenty of internal photos and build details. He even provided a full BOM and FreeCAD design files for his deck, should anyone wish to create their own version.

Second Place: Red Cyberdeck


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