2024 budget inflated by N3trn, say northern senators

SENATOR representative Bauchi Central And President, North Senators Forum, Senator Abdul Ningi, has alleged that THE 2024 Budget pass by THE Red Bedroom was swollen.

Senator Ningi do THE allegation while Speaking with THE British Diffusion Company (BBC) Hausa Service has THE weekend.

THE Peoples Democratic To party legislator declared that What was pass on THE ground of THE Senate was N25 A thousand billion, not N28 Billions.

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Senator Ningi further revealed that the legislators Since THE North to have engaged consultants has look has THE budget And their grievances would be be deposit has A meeting with Senate President.

He said: "This East TRUE, For THE pass three month, We to have engaged consultants has goodbye THE budget For We. We to have a few experts that are functioning on he double by double. We to have seen THE huge Shame that was do not only has THE North but THE entire country In that budget. We are supposed has sit with THE Senate President has inform him about What We to have observed.

"We to want has to show him What We to have seen In THE budget that East not acceptable, We will not accept them And We don't do it to want THE country has continue expenses money on those things. Apart Since What THE National Assembly did on THE ground, there was another budget that was do underground which We doesn't know.

"THE new things We to have discovered In THE budget were not known has We. We do not have seen them In THE budget that was debated And considered on THE ground of THE National Assembly.

"For example, he was said that there was A budget of N28 thousand billion but What was pass was N25 trillion. SO there East N3 thousand billion on high. Or are they? Or East he going? SO, We need has know This. There are A plot of things. We are future up with A report And We will to show THE president himself And ask him if he East aware Or no.

"This East What We destined has TO DO. We are has meet THE president. We will talk has him about THE Mambila power project, Ajaokuta And THE River Niger dredging. We will talk has him about THE Niger Republic. Recently, they said they will construction A dam, This East not GOOD For We. »

Assessment THE Bolas Ahmed Tinubu administration, Senator Ningi declared that THE North East be wronged.

"First of all of all, I to want You has know that I am A member of THE Peoples Democratic To party (PDP) And A representative of THE people. Base on My notice, THE government doesn't carried out has OUR expectations. Things are get worse compared with has When President Bolas Ahmed Tinubu took THE direction of THE country. People are going through A plot of difficulties. We live In villages. We are going there has interact with them And they are deploring seriously. They to have nowhere has go, SO they to have No A has express their grievances has that us.

"I think Bolas Ahmed Tinubu doesn't even to understand This country And he doesn't to understand THE difficulties of decision A country as Nigeria. Probably, he has her thought of What governance East, but I don't do it blame him SO a lot because When he was to make a campaign For THE seat, there was No agreement Or promise between him And THE people. People were just blind And vote For him because he supported ancient president Muhammadu Buhari When he was challenge. A few even vote For him because he East A Muslim, as such he necessary their vote on if he can Or can't TO DO THE RIGHT thing For THE country.

"But THE most painful thing East that Northerners stood For him And did all they could has bring him has power, but Unfortunately, there was No agreement between them And THE president on What should be do has THE North And THE The Northerners, especially socket In consideration THE importance And significant projects that North has has been suction And budding has get For A long time. For example, THE Ajaokuta project, THE Mambila power project, THE dredging of River Niger And other notable projects.

"What Above all disturbs My sleep East that We had A budget In 2013 And 2014 In which We reserve billion of Naira but he was neglected by President Good luck Jonathan. When President Buhari came, We thought he was A of THE projects he would be pay attention has, but Unfortunately, he was not possible For on eight years. Even road construction as Kano-Abuja East not Again completed, as if he was damn by someone, despite THE road be THE soul of OUR travelers In THE North.

"Indeed, We don't do it attack THE government as THE opposition East supposed has TO DO. But This East A result of THE situation And THE government We to have. These supposedly leaders they strength on We, were not vote by We. They brought religious problems, And ethnic And tribal problems In THE process. They used Propaganda saying that No Hausa/Fulani would be be trust...

2024 budget inflated by N3trn, say northern senators

SENATOR representative Bauchi Central And President, North Senators Forum, Senator Abdul Ningi, has alleged that THE 2024 Budget pass by THE Red Bedroom was swollen.

Senator Ningi do THE allegation while Speaking with THE British Diffusion Company (BBC) Hausa Service has THE weekend.

THE Peoples Democratic To party legislator declared that What was pass on THE ground of THE Senate was N25 A thousand billion, not N28 Billions.

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Senator Ningi further revealed that the legislators Since THE North to have engaged consultants has look has THE budget And their grievances would be be deposit has A meeting with Senate President.

He said: "This East TRUE, For THE pass three month, We to have engaged consultants has goodbye THE budget For We. We to have a few experts that are functioning on he double by double. We to have seen THE huge Shame that was do not only has THE North but THE entire country In that budget. We are supposed has sit with THE Senate President has inform him about What We to have observed.

"We to want has to show him What We to have seen In THE budget that East not acceptable, We will not accept them And We don't do it to want THE country has continue expenses money on those things. Apart Since What THE National Assembly did on THE ground, there was another budget that was do underground which We doesn't know.

"THE new things We to have discovered In THE budget were not known has We. We do not have seen them In THE budget that was debated And considered on THE ground of THE National Assembly.

"For example, he was said that there was A budget of N28 thousand billion but What was pass was N25 trillion. SO there East N3 thousand billion on high. Or are they? Or East he going? SO, We need has know This. There are A plot of things. We are future up with A report And We will to show THE president himself And ask him if he East aware Or no.

"This East What We destined has TO DO. We are has meet THE president. We will talk has him about THE Mambila power project, Ajaokuta And THE River Niger dredging. We will talk has him about THE Niger Republic. Recently, they said they will construction A dam, This East not GOOD For We. »

Assessment THE Bolas Ahmed Tinubu administration, Senator Ningi declared that THE North East be wronged.

"First of all of all, I to want You has know that I am A member of THE Peoples Democratic To party (PDP) And A representative of THE people. Base on My notice, THE government doesn't carried out has OUR expectations. Things are get worse compared with has When President Bolas Ahmed Tinubu took THE direction of THE country. People are going through A plot of difficulties. We live In villages. We are going there has interact with them And they are deploring seriously. They to have nowhere has go, SO they to have No A has express their grievances has that us.

"I think Bolas Ahmed Tinubu doesn't even to understand This country And he doesn't to understand THE difficulties of decision A country as Nigeria. Probably, he has her thought of What governance East, but I don't do it blame him SO a lot because When he was to make a campaign For THE seat, there was No agreement Or promise between him And THE people. People were just blind And vote For him because he supported ancient president Muhammadu Buhari When he was challenge. A few even vote For him because he East A Muslim, as such he necessary their vote on if he can Or can't TO DO THE RIGHT thing For THE country.

"But THE most painful thing East that Northerners stood For him And did all they could has bring him has power, but Unfortunately, there was No agreement between them And THE president on What should be do has THE North And THE The Northerners, especially socket In consideration THE importance And significant projects that North has has been suction And budding has get For A long time. For example, THE Ajaokuta project, THE Mambila power project, THE dredging of River Niger And other notable projects.

"What Above all disturbs My sleep East that We had A budget In 2013 And 2014 In which We reserve billion of Naira but he was neglected by President Good luck Jonathan. When President Buhari came, We thought he was A of THE projects he would be pay attention has, but Unfortunately, he was not possible For on eight years. Even road construction as Kano-Abuja East not Again completed, as if he was damn by someone, despite THE road be THE soul of OUR travelers In THE North.

"Indeed, We don't do it attack THE government as THE opposition East supposed has TO DO. But This East A result of THE situation And THE government We to have. These supposedly leaders they strength on We, were not vote by We. They brought religious problems, And ethnic And tribal problems In THE process. They used Propaganda saying that No Hausa/Fulani would be be trust...

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