23-year-old UNILAG student wins N1 million in Wema Bank promotion

Muritadho Shakiroh Opeyemi, A 23 years Yoruba Education student has THE University of Lagos (UNILAG), became A of THE lucky winners of 1,000,000 naira In THE fifth monthly draw of THE Wema Bank 5 For 5 Promotion Season 3, detained has THE University of Lagos on Friday, December 15.

THE fifth draw checked in A total of 120 winners at national scale, two of Who were THE grandiose price winners of 1,000,000 naira each.

With five more monthly draw has go For THE season, Wema Bank East together has transform lives And companies For THE better through THE promo.

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Emphasizing THE banks commitment has enlargement THE impact of THE promo, Toundé Mabawonku, Wema Banks Executive Director of Retail And Digital Business, said, "For We, THE 5 For 5 Promotion East all about impact And This draw has further inspired We has to break new land In THE year in front. I congratulate Shakiroh And all OUR winners, And has each other Nigerian out there, I ensure You that It is not Also late. Were only half-way through Season 3 And We to have five more draw has go. You can be A of THE 600 additional winners In Season 3 of THE 5 For 5 Promotion In 2024.”

To reiterate THE criteria For winner, he concluded, "Remember, he takes three easy not has to qualify monthly. Funds your account with has less 5,000 naira monthly, TO DO has less five transactions using your map, ALAT Or *945# And maintain A monthly average account balance of has less 5,000 naira. It is all about be A active And carry out transactions customer. THE more You to treat, THE upper your odds of winner big. »

With representatives Since THE National Lottery Regulatory Commission (NLRC) And THE Federal Competition And Consumer protection Commission (FCCPC) In presence, THE Wema Bank 5 For 5 Promotion stands undisputed as THE ideal reward program In THE banking And financial services industry, notable For It is transparency And impact.

Wema Bank introduced THE 5 For 5 Promotion In 2021 as A means of recognize And reward customer loyalty. From It is creation, THE initiative has reward thousands of Nigerians through Nigeria with monthly species price of up has 1,000,000 naira For their consistency In funding And carry out transactions with both their Wema Bank And ALAT accounts.

THE Season 3 of THE 5 For 5 Promotion has disbursed millions of Naira In species rewards has on 600 clients In different rooms of THE country.

THE campaign East together has run until Can 2024, afford more Nigerians THE opportunity has earn big each month, regardless of their location In THE country.


Sports minister meets NFF, Peseiro on CAN plans PRESS TIME PODCAST: Digital Media, social media, Or TO DO We draw THE double

Keywords: Wema BANK

23-year-old UNILAG student wins N1 million in Wema Bank promotion

Muritadho Shakiroh Opeyemi, A 23 years Yoruba Education student has THE University of Lagos (UNILAG), became A of THE lucky winners of 1,000,000 naira In THE fifth monthly draw of THE Wema Bank 5 For 5 Promotion Season 3, detained has THE University of Lagos on Friday, December 15.

THE fifth draw checked in A total of 120 winners at national scale, two of Who were THE grandiose price winners of 1,000,000 naira each.

With five more monthly draw has go For THE season, Wema Bank East together has transform lives And companies For THE better through THE promo.

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Emphasizing THE banks commitment has enlargement THE impact of THE promo, Toundé Mabawonku, Wema Banks Executive Director of Retail And Digital Business, said, "For We, THE 5 For 5 Promotion East all about impact And This draw has further inspired We has to break new land In THE year in front. I congratulate Shakiroh And all OUR winners, And has each other Nigerian out there, I ensure You that It is not Also late. Were only half-way through Season 3 And We to have five more draw has go. You can be A of THE 600 additional winners In Season 3 of THE 5 For 5 Promotion In 2024.”

To reiterate THE criteria For winner, he concluded, "Remember, he takes three easy not has to qualify monthly. Funds your account with has less 5,000 naira monthly, TO DO has less five transactions using your map, ALAT Or *945# And maintain A monthly average account balance of has less 5,000 naira. It is all about be A active And carry out transactions customer. THE more You to treat, THE upper your odds of winner big. »

With representatives Since THE National Lottery Regulatory Commission (NLRC) And THE Federal Competition And Consumer protection Commission (FCCPC) In presence, THE Wema Bank 5 For 5 Promotion stands undisputed as THE ideal reward program In THE banking And financial services industry, notable For It is transparency And impact.

Wema Bank introduced THE 5 For 5 Promotion In 2021 as A means of recognize And reward customer loyalty. From It is creation, THE initiative has reward thousands of Nigerians through Nigeria with monthly species price of up has 1,000,000 naira For their consistency In funding And carry out transactions with both their Wema Bank And ALAT accounts.

THE Season 3 of THE 5 For 5 Promotion has disbursed millions of Naira In species rewards has on 600 clients In different rooms of THE country.

THE campaign East together has run until Can 2024, afford more Nigerians THE opportunity has earn big each month, regardless of their location In THE country.


Sports minister meets NFF, Peseiro on CAN plans PRESS TIME PODCAST: Digital Media, social media, Or TO DO We draw THE double

Keywords: Wema BANK

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