6 questions to Lisa Fridman of Quadrata

We ask blockchain and cryptocurrency builders what they think of the industry…and throw in a few random zingers to keep them on their toes!< /em>

This week, our 6 questions are for Lisa Fridman, President and Co-Founder of Quadrata, a network that brings an identity and compliance layer to DeFi on existing public blockchains.

Lisa Fridman was previously head of blockchain strategy at Springcoin (Spring Labs). Prior to joining Spring Labs, Lisa served as Co-Head of Strategy at Martlet Asset Management, CEO of PAAMCO Europe and Global Head of Research at PAAMCO. Lisa is an experienced investor and business builder. Throughout her career, she has worked closely with institutions, offering tailor-made solutions. She earned her master's degree in business administration and graduated with high honors with a bachelor of arts degree in business economics from the University of California, Los Angeles.

1 — What does decentralization mean to you and why is it important?

Decentralization, to me, means not relying on a single entity to continue operations. For example, creating a network where different parties can validate the data needed for various use cases mitigates the potential risk of a single point of failure. We embrace this philosophy at Quadrata in the context of our passport ecosystem.

2 — What is the main obstacle to the mass adoption of blockchain technology?

The main obstacle to the mass adoption of blockchain technology is the limited availability of on-chain data and the lack of compliant solutions. By understanding the need for on- and off-chain identity, reputation, and compliance, and creating products to fill this gap in the market, we can help bring more individuals and institutions into DeFi and Web3 in general. This is still a technology challenge, so for further adoption in retail, more streamlined and easy-to-access solutions must exist.

3 — What do you think will be the biggest blockchain trend for the next 12 months?

I think the biggest blockchain trend for the next 12 months will be a reassessment of products that meet a need that exists in the market today versus solutions that have been lifted by the rising tide of markets crypto bulls and cannot fend for themselves during downturns. At Quadrata, we believe that identity needs have yet to be considered on-chain, and we expect to see more peers competing in this space.

4 - What problem do you think blockchain has a chance to solve but hasn't tried yet?

Blockchain has the potential to improve a number of areas of daily life. It's not that it hasn't been attempted yet, but there's a lot to cover. Being at the start of this journey is really exciting, and I look forward to contributing to future innovation.

5 — Do you think governments will try to kill crypto?

No, I don't think governments will try to kill crypto. I believe that for digital asset markets to attract broader participation from institutions and individuals, a constructive regulatory framework would be needed. For example, if a higher percentage of the population is dependent on DeFi for their financial needs, governments will want to put safeguards in place to ensure that people understand the risks associated with these opportunities. The challenge is to put in place such a framework that creates safeguards while promoting innovation.

6 — When you tell people that you are in the blockchain industry, how do they react?

Anyone I tell I'm in the blockchain industry usually has a strong reaction. My friends who paved the way for the crypto transition years ago welcome me to the club of believers in the power of blockchain technology to transform our world. Many more are curious about what blockchain means in practice and what the different ways to participate in the opportunities it creates might be. Almost uniformly, people are excited to talk about blockchain in all contexts, sharing their views on the value it brings and the barriers to its adoption.

Tags: AdoptionBlockchainCryptoDeFiInnovationTechnology

6 questions to Lisa Fridman of Quadrata

We ask blockchain and cryptocurrency builders what they think of the industry…and throw in a few random zingers to keep them on their toes!< /em>

This week, our 6 questions are for Lisa Fridman, President and Co-Founder of Quadrata, a network that brings an identity and compliance layer to DeFi on existing public blockchains.

Lisa Fridman was previously head of blockchain strategy at Springcoin (Spring Labs). Prior to joining Spring Labs, Lisa served as Co-Head of Strategy at Martlet Asset Management, CEO of PAAMCO Europe and Global Head of Research at PAAMCO. Lisa is an experienced investor and business builder. Throughout her career, she has worked closely with institutions, offering tailor-made solutions. She earned her master's degree in business administration and graduated with high honors with a bachelor of arts degree in business economics from the University of California, Los Angeles.

1 — What does decentralization mean to you and why is it important?

Decentralization, to me, means not relying on a single entity to continue operations. For example, creating a network where different parties can validate the data needed for various use cases mitigates the potential risk of a single point of failure. We embrace this philosophy at Quadrata in the context of our passport ecosystem.

2 — What is the main obstacle to the mass adoption of blockchain technology?

The main obstacle to the mass adoption of blockchain technology is the limited availability of on-chain data and the lack of compliant solutions. By understanding the need for on- and off-chain identity, reputation, and compliance, and creating products to fill this gap in the market, we can help bring more individuals and institutions into DeFi and Web3 in general. This is still a technology challenge, so for further adoption in retail, more streamlined and easy-to-access solutions must exist.

3 — What do you think will be the biggest blockchain trend for the next 12 months?

I think the biggest blockchain trend for the next 12 months will be a reassessment of products that meet a need that exists in the market today versus solutions that have been lifted by the rising tide of markets crypto bulls and cannot fend for themselves during downturns. At Quadrata, we believe that identity needs have yet to be considered on-chain, and we expect to see more peers competing in this space.

4 - What problem do you think blockchain has a chance to solve but hasn't tried yet?

Blockchain has the potential to improve a number of areas of daily life. It's not that it hasn't been attempted yet, but there's a lot to cover. Being at the start of this journey is really exciting, and I look forward to contributing to future innovation.

5 — Do you think governments will try to kill crypto?

No, I don't think governments will try to kill crypto. I believe that for digital asset markets to attract broader participation from institutions and individuals, a constructive regulatory framework would be needed. For example, if a higher percentage of the population is dependent on DeFi for their financial needs, governments will want to put safeguards in place to ensure that people understand the risks associated with these opportunities. The challenge is to put in place such a framework that creates safeguards while promoting innovation.

6 — When you tell people that you are in the blockchain industry, how do they react?

Anyone I tell I'm in the blockchain industry usually has a strong reaction. My friends who paved the way for the crypto transition years ago welcome me to the club of believers in the power of blockchain technology to transform our world. Many more are curious about what blockchain means in practice and what the different ways to participate in the opportunities it creates might be. Almost uniformly, people are excited to talk about blockchain in all contexts, sharing their views on the value it brings and the barriers to its adoption.

Tags: AdoptionBlockchainCryptoDeFiInnovationTechnology

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