7 things no one tells you about starting a business

The opinions expressed by entrepreneurs contributors are their own.

"You're crazy!" "Are you sure?" "It's going to be hard." These are all things you hear when you talk about starting a business. The critics are not wrong; It's going to be difficult, but that doesn't have to stop you from succeeding in your business. As long as you strategize, plan, and read this article before starting a business, you'll be on the right track. Here are seven tips no one tells you before you start your business:

1. It's always about who you know

When you start your own business, you may have done so for a variety of reasons. One of them may be because you didn't have the right contacts to get a job where you wanted in the first place.

Unfortunately, opening a solo business is not devoid of other people. You will need partners, potentially, and at least other business contacts to help you advertise. Don't delete your contacts because you think you don't need them. Believe me, yes.

Related: 8 Things You Need to Know Before Starting a Business

2. You'll want to quit

As passionate as you are, there are still times when you're starting your business where you'll want to throw in the towel. Even if you "do what you love", running your own business is difficult.

Work can wear you out, so be sure to take breaks. Even if it is mini-breaks or meetings, it is essential to give yourself some time to breathe. Contrary to popular belief, taking breaks does not reduce your productivity. It's quite the opposite. A well-deserved and well-timed break can re-energize you and help you get through the rest of your day faster.

3. It's non-stop

When you start your own business, there is always more work to do. When you can still work and there is no one to restrict you, you will find yourself working all the time.

Don't do that! Set boundaries for yourself and your workday. Some days you will have to work later or earlier than others. If you can, only schedule meetings or consultations during your personal work hours. If you have to work late one night, be sure to stay within your limit the next day.

Burnout is one of the biggest reasons businesses struggle to get started or never get started at all. Don't waste your time!

4. Everyone will have an opinion

If you have children, you know that everyone has something to say about their upbringing. The same is true when you "grow" a business.

You might mention to a friend that you're having trouble with something to let off steam. Then, when you just needed to feel heard, they offer three ways to solve your problem.

They mean well, but you don't have to listen to them or follow their advice. Seek advice from trusted advisors and mentors who have been in the trenches before you, so there is some wisdom in alternative opinions.

Related: 5 Honest Truths About Starting a Business

5. You will need to ask for money

Whether you think you have enough capital or you've underestimated the loan you need, you'll need to ask for more. This is true for a reasonable percentage of .

Asking for money is difficult, especially if you're asking the same person/entity for more. Don't feel guilty, even though it may seem like all your brain wants to do. Make a plan for how you will use the money and how you will pay it back.

If you borrow from the same person again, show them that you have a plan for how to use their money so that you never run out. Being able to show how you're going to spend the money shows that you've spent time defining projections, leads, timelines, and go-to-market strategies is key to building your confidence in the business. 6. You can't double-cross your customers.

Many people make the mistake of thinking that their friends and family will be their first customers. While that's true for maybe 20% of your personal network, that doesn't mean you can count on them to...

7 things no one tells you about starting a business

The opinions expressed by entrepreneurs contributors are their own.

"You're crazy!" "Are you sure?" "It's going to be hard." These are all things you hear when you talk about starting a business. The critics are not wrong; It's going to be difficult, but that doesn't have to stop you from succeeding in your business. As long as you strategize, plan, and read this article before starting a business, you'll be on the right track. Here are seven tips no one tells you before you start your business:

1. It's always about who you know

When you start your own business, you may have done so for a variety of reasons. One of them may be because you didn't have the right contacts to get a job where you wanted in the first place.

Unfortunately, opening a solo business is not devoid of other people. You will need partners, potentially, and at least other business contacts to help you advertise. Don't delete your contacts because you think you don't need them. Believe me, yes.

Related: 8 Things You Need to Know Before Starting a Business

2. You'll want to quit

As passionate as you are, there are still times when you're starting your business where you'll want to throw in the towel. Even if you "do what you love", running your own business is difficult.

Work can wear you out, so be sure to take breaks. Even if it is mini-breaks or meetings, it is essential to give yourself some time to breathe. Contrary to popular belief, taking breaks does not reduce your productivity. It's quite the opposite. A well-deserved and well-timed break can re-energize you and help you get through the rest of your day faster.

3. It's non-stop

When you start your own business, there is always more work to do. When you can still work and there is no one to restrict you, you will find yourself working all the time.

Don't do that! Set boundaries for yourself and your workday. Some days you will have to work later or earlier than others. If you can, only schedule meetings or consultations during your personal work hours. If you have to work late one night, be sure to stay within your limit the next day.

Burnout is one of the biggest reasons businesses struggle to get started or never get started at all. Don't waste your time!

4. Everyone will have an opinion

If you have children, you know that everyone has something to say about their upbringing. The same is true when you "grow" a business.

You might mention to a friend that you're having trouble with something to let off steam. Then, when you just needed to feel heard, they offer three ways to solve your problem.

They mean well, but you don't have to listen to them or follow their advice. Seek advice from trusted advisors and mentors who have been in the trenches before you, so there is some wisdom in alternative opinions.

Related: 5 Honest Truths About Starting a Business

5. You will need to ask for money

Whether you think you have enough capital or you've underestimated the loan you need, you'll need to ask for more. This is true for a reasonable percentage of .

Asking for money is difficult, especially if you're asking the same person/entity for more. Don't feel guilty, even though it may seem like all your brain wants to do. Make a plan for how you will use the money and how you will pay it back.

If you borrow from the same person again, show them that you have a plan for how to use their money so that you never run out. Being able to show how you're going to spend the money shows that you've spent time defining projections, leads, timelines, and go-to-market strategies is key to building your confidence in the business. 6. You can't double-cross your customers.

Many people make the mistake of thinking that their friends and family will be their first customers. While that's true for maybe 20% of your personal network, that doesn't mean you can count on them to...

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