95 percent of private universities are better equipped than most public universities — Igasan, VC, McPherson University

Teacher Francis Adegbaye Igbasan East THE second substantial Vice Chancellor of McPherson University, Seriki Sotayo, Ogun State. He East A teacher of Animal Science, A writer And administrator, WHO has has been In THE university system For 33 years. In This interview by KINGSLEY ALUMONE, he speak about A number of problems bordering on THE Nigerian university system, including THE student ready scheme And TETF funds.

HAS THE opening of THE 2023 annual conference of THE National Association of Christian Studies (NACS) recently detained has McPherson University, You spoke about THE war between Israel And Palestine. What East THE involvement For Nigeria should he take sides In THE war?

Nigeria should not be under pressure has take sides In THE war, because, by OUR Constitution, Nigeria East A multi-religious State. We TO DO not belong has any of them particular religion – We to have The Christians, Muslims, And others – SO, by socket sides, A particular religion will look has he as if THE multiplicity has has been eroded which will cause A plot of controversial. SO, has mention that secularism, he East important that Nigeria should not take sides with either Israel Or Palestine.

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In a few rooms of Nigeria, Muslims protested THE invasion of Gaza by Israel. Do You think the Christians should voice their support For Israel?

the Christians in general see Israel Or Jerusalem as sacred A place – either For tourism Or pilgrimage. He East not out of place For the Christians has Also come out And support Israel. If Muslims are proof Palestine, Nothing stop the Christians Since ready their voice has What East event on there. THE only thing East that THE Nigerian government should not be implied In THE conflict.

THE attention of THE National The universities Commission (NUC) has has been drawn has THE news that THE National Advice For Technical Education (NBTE) has officially introduced A one year reload degree program In Nigerian polytechnic schools has enable holders of THE Upper National Diploma (HND) has convert their certificates has First of all degree with stranger accredited the universities. What East your take on that?

I will not My tent with THE NUC because Nothing that to be related to has first degree education East be regulated by THE NUC which has A list of recognized the universities around THE world. For example, if someone come with A university certificate Since Ukraine, THE First of all port of call East THE NUC, THE Ministry of Education, has confirm if that university East recognized.

If someone do A conversion program In A university that East not recognized by THE NUC, What arrived has that kind of certificate? We to have enough the universities In This country Or anybody WHO diploma Since A polytechnic Or college of technology can TO DO never mind conversion they intend has do.

Recently, someone brought A certificate has This university (McPherson University), A PhD certificate he did online with A university In America. I request him has THE interview "How can someone TO DO A PhD online? East he possible?" PhD East by research. How did he TO DO THE research? These are a few of THE things We see In THE education sector. And he East THE responsibility of THE NUC has regulate such anomalies

I will not My tent with THE NUC. If anybody wanna has TO DO A conversion program, they should look For the universities In THE country instead of subscribe has A conversion that can be do online In six month And get A certificate For that.

What East your position concerning THE dichotomy between university And polytechnic certificates?

THE National Assembly has pass THE law as far as that East concerned. THE dichotomy has has been bridged. However, In THE real sense of he, he East THE Company that has something has TO DO with he. THE Company think someone with A degree East better that someone with A HND. He depends on THE occupation. A lot HND holders are far better that degree holders. Those of We WHO are employers to have try a lot hands And We know that there are a lot HND holders that degree holders In THE even field can't compete with. We know.

THE student ready propose by THE Federal Government do not apply has private university students. What East your take on This?

THE direction of private the universities encounter recently And came up with their position concerning THE student ready. He East not only THE student ready We TO DO not appreciate. We TO DO not appreciate THE Tertiary Education Trust Funds (TETF Fund) either. He East believed that he East only rich people WHO send their children has private the universities, which East not TRUE. There are a lot parents here (has McPherson University) WHO are to struggle against...

95 percent of private universities are better equipped than most public universities — Igasan, VC, McPherson University

Teacher Francis Adegbaye Igbasan East THE second substantial Vice Chancellor of McPherson University, Seriki Sotayo, Ogun State. He East A teacher of Animal Science, A writer And administrator, WHO has has been In THE university system For 33 years. In This interview by KINGSLEY ALUMONE, he speak about A number of problems bordering on THE Nigerian university system, including THE student ready scheme And TETF funds.

HAS THE opening of THE 2023 annual conference of THE National Association of Christian Studies (NACS) recently detained has McPherson University, You spoke about THE war between Israel And Palestine. What East THE involvement For Nigeria should he take sides In THE war?

Nigeria should not be under pressure has take sides In THE war, because, by OUR Constitution, Nigeria East A multi-religious State. We TO DO not belong has any of them particular religion – We to have The Christians, Muslims, And others – SO, by socket sides, A particular religion will look has he as if THE multiplicity has has been eroded which will cause A plot of controversial. SO, has mention that secularism, he East important that Nigeria should not take sides with either Israel Or Palestine.

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In a few rooms of Nigeria, Muslims protested THE invasion of Gaza by Israel. Do You think the Christians should voice their support For Israel?

the Christians in general see Israel Or Jerusalem as sacred A place – either For tourism Or pilgrimage. He East not out of place For the Christians has Also come out And support Israel. If Muslims are proof Palestine, Nothing stop the Christians Since ready their voice has What East event on there. THE only thing East that THE Nigerian government should not be implied In THE conflict.

THE attention of THE National The universities Commission (NUC) has has been drawn has THE news that THE National Advice For Technical Education (NBTE) has officially introduced A one year reload degree program In Nigerian polytechnic schools has enable holders of THE Upper National Diploma (HND) has convert their certificates has First of all degree with stranger accredited the universities. What East your take on that?

I will not My tent with THE NUC because Nothing that to be related to has first degree education East be regulated by THE NUC which has A list of recognized the universities around THE world. For example, if someone come with A university certificate Since Ukraine, THE First of all port of call East THE NUC, THE Ministry of Education, has confirm if that university East recognized.

If someone do A conversion program In A university that East not recognized by THE NUC, What arrived has that kind of certificate? We to have enough the universities In This country Or anybody WHO diploma Since A polytechnic Or college of technology can TO DO never mind conversion they intend has do.

Recently, someone brought A certificate has This university (McPherson University), A PhD certificate he did online with A university In America. I request him has THE interview "How can someone TO DO A PhD online? East he possible?" PhD East by research. How did he TO DO THE research? These are a few of THE things We see In THE education sector. And he East THE responsibility of THE NUC has regulate such anomalies

I will not My tent with THE NUC. If anybody wanna has TO DO A conversion program, they should look For the universities In THE country instead of subscribe has A conversion that can be do online In six month And get A certificate For that.

What East your position concerning THE dichotomy between university And polytechnic certificates?

THE National Assembly has pass THE law as far as that East concerned. THE dichotomy has has been bridged. However, In THE real sense of he, he East THE Company that has something has TO DO with he. THE Company think someone with A degree East better that someone with A HND. He depends on THE occupation. A lot HND holders are far better that degree holders. Those of We WHO are employers to have try a lot hands And We know that there are a lot HND holders that degree holders In THE even field can't compete with. We know.

THE student ready propose by THE Federal Government do not apply has private university students. What East your take on This?

THE direction of private the universities encounter recently And came up with their position concerning THE student ready. He East not only THE student ready We TO DO not appreciate. We TO DO not appreciate THE Tertiary Education Trust Funds (TETF Fund) either. He East believed that he East only rich people WHO send their children has private the universities, which East not TRUE. There are a lot parents here (has McPherson University) WHO are to struggle against...

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