A Citizen-Centered Legislative Agenda for Nigeria's Fiscal Policy, By Adeolu Adekola

National Assembly THE Nigerian National Assembly, Abuja

With THE gaps Since previous budget cycles And comments that to have follow up THE presentation of THE 2024 budget…the National Assembly must increase has THE call For A fair legislature that puts national interest And citizens First of all For effective budget Implementation. In THE confront of A multidimensionally poor population of 133 million as of 2022, which East likely has to have increase following THE fuel grant deletion, A legislative agenda towards radically relieve THE pains of THE people must be on THE in front burner.

THE precursors of democracy as A system of government must to have deliberately brought on advice THE concept of separation of powers has ensure checks And sales In government administration, among other considerations. SO, through Nigeria three levels of government, THE legislative arm has It is role defined, especially has THE federal And State levels. HAS THE federal level, THE National Assembly (including 109 Senators And 360 Home of Representative members) is sitting a top THE legislative frame. HAS THE even time, Houses of Assembly And advisors are THE State government And local government legislative arm, respectively.

A lot has has been said about THE primary role of THE legislature In piloting THE governance frame In A path that benefits citizens. THE federal And State the legislatures pass annual budgets, TO DO laws, represent their constituents, give consent has high level appointment And provide monitoring functions on THE executive arm has ensure THE delivery of projects of which money to have has been approved. He SO places A huge responsibility on legislators as active policy formulators And For deliver THE dividends of governance has citizens.

He East, SO, unacceptable that THE National Assembly as A arm of government East not TO DO GOOD In conduct responsibility And transparency In government, because THE maxim "he WHO look for equity must TO DO equity" puts things In context. How will THE legislative arm of A government see has THE effective delivery of A country annual budget When It is own budget East not publicly available For meticulous examination? How are Strategies as Nigeria annual budget implemented For THE advantage of citizens When there East little Or Nothing has to show In terms of tax discipline by those WHO should play that role? Not only has THE National Assembly budget climb up regularly on THE years (Since N115 billion In 2016 has N228 billion In 2023 And N197.93 billion propose For THE 2024 budget), but there has has been zero transparency And responsibility on how he spent THE statutory transfer.

Reception And expenses on A thousand billion Naira below THE pass administration In eight years, without A detailed budget breakdown (except In 2017), East A contempt of THE citizens that THE legislators claim has represent. THE 2017 budget breakdown arrived due has massive advocacy directed by civic organizations as EiENigeria And BudgIT, which begin In 2013, And he revealed that THE National Assembly budget East too inflated. In THE confront of THE current economic realities be experimented by citizens, maybe NOW East THE time has reopen THE conversation on if there East A need For THE bicameral legislature be run has THE federal level And THE pure size of THE cost has keep THE system running has THE costs of taxpayers. THE official salaries And allowances of THE legislators sip N11.7 billion annually. Actually, 19 States In Nigeria had lower budgets that THE National Assembly In 2023, And A State as Bauchi, having THE less budget And with A 8.3 million population, according to has THE National desk of Statistics (NBS), approved A N127.67 billion budget has provide education, health And other Infrastructure For citizens.

A Citizen-Centered Legislative Agenda for Nigeria's Fiscal Policy, By Adeolu Adekola
National Assembly THE Nigerian National Assembly, Abuja

With THE gaps Since previous budget cycles And comments that to have follow up THE presentation of THE 2024 budget…the National Assembly must increase has THE call For A fair legislature that puts national interest And citizens First of all For effective budget Implementation. In THE confront of A multidimensionally poor population of 133 million as of 2022, which East likely has to have increase following THE fuel grant deletion, A legislative agenda towards radically relieve THE pains of THE people must be on THE in front burner.

THE precursors of democracy as A system of government must to have deliberately brought on advice THE concept of separation of powers has ensure checks And sales In government administration, among other considerations. SO, through Nigeria three levels of government, THE legislative arm has It is role defined, especially has THE federal And State levels. HAS THE federal level, THE National Assembly (including 109 Senators And 360 Home of Representative members) is sitting a top THE legislative frame. HAS THE even time, Houses of Assembly And advisors are THE State government And local government legislative arm, respectively.

A lot has has been said about THE primary role of THE legislature In piloting THE governance frame In A path that benefits citizens. THE federal And State the legislatures pass annual budgets, TO DO laws, represent their constituents, give consent has high level appointment And provide monitoring functions on THE executive arm has ensure THE delivery of projects of which money to have has been approved. He SO places A huge responsibility on legislators as active policy formulators And For deliver THE dividends of governance has citizens.

He East, SO, unacceptable that THE National Assembly as A arm of government East not TO DO GOOD In conduct responsibility And transparency In government, because THE maxim "he WHO look for equity must TO DO equity" puts things In context. How will THE legislative arm of A government see has THE effective delivery of A country annual budget When It is own budget East not publicly available For meticulous examination? How are Strategies as Nigeria annual budget implemented For THE advantage of citizens When there East little Or Nothing has to show In terms of tax discipline by those WHO should play that role? Not only has THE National Assembly budget climb up regularly on THE years (Since N115 billion In 2016 has N228 billion In 2023 And N197.93 billion propose For THE 2024 budget), but there has has been zero transparency And responsibility on how he spent THE statutory transfer.

Reception And expenses on A thousand billion Naira below THE pass administration In eight years, without A detailed budget breakdown (except In 2017), East A contempt of THE citizens that THE legislators claim has represent. THE 2017 budget breakdown arrived due has massive advocacy directed by civic organizations as EiENigeria And BudgIT, which begin In 2013, And he revealed that THE National Assembly budget East too inflated. In THE confront of THE current economic realities be experimented by citizens, maybe NOW East THE time has reopen THE conversation on if there East A need For THE bicameral legislature be run has THE federal level And THE pure size of THE cost has keep THE system running has THE costs of taxpayers. THE official salaries And allowances of THE legislators sip N11.7 billion annually. Actually, 19 States In Nigeria had lower budgets that THE National Assembly In 2023, And A State as Bauchi, having THE less budget And with A 8.3 million population, according to has THE National desk of Statistics (NBS), approved A N127.67 billion budget has provide education, health And other Infrastructure For citizens.

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