Adefarasin says Nigeria needs an outstanding presidential leader in 2023

Senior Pastor of House on the Rock Church, Paul Adefarasin, has said it is time for Nigerians to take the destiny of the country seriously and free it from the clutches of self-interest and greedy people.

Speaking at a press conference to announce Experiment '17, labeled: Jesus: The Exceptional,' the cleric said it was time to put the nation on the right track to put its economy and the well-being of the people on the right track.

The priest prayed that the next president of the country in 2023 will be exceptional and has built an exceptional cabinet that will form exceptional teams for the good of the country. a nationality-defining election like no other; we know that the survival and growth of our beloved country is paramount. We must therefore recognize that the leadership we have experienced thus far is a reflection of who we are as a people. Therefore, the transformation we aspire to must start with us and I mean absolutely every one of us. No one can lead us to our prophetic destiny without galvanizing each of us in the collective task of rebuilding a devastated nation.

"Only a shift in perspective can truly free our nation from the clutches of self-interest, greed, corruption and avarice to the true value judgments of the common good, development, justice for all, security in all our aspects, freedom of worship, political stability, economic stability and growth, industrialization and the steep rise to first world nationhood.

There is a need to get the country back on track. So no matter who comes in (2023), I pray for the next President of Nigeria to be exceptional. He will put together an exceptional cabinet that will train exceptional teams under him, and which all Nigerians can truly follow regardless of race, tribe, creed or ethnicity, so that we can rebuild Nigeria. »

He added that the media is an important tool to deliver the country from bad leadership. “You brought Nigeria back from military dictatorship. We must bring Nigeria back from deception. If you (the media) learn to be the mind of the people and to be a voice of democracy, then the will of the people will resonate strongly and it will be stronger and greater than the power of money, the power of money. selfishness and the power of greed. On that note, I wish you all a great experience. hybrid version respectively due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"One of the most remarkable things about this long-awaited event is its ability to bring together a cross section of people through music in absolute surrender to their Creator regardless of age, gender, race, status or religious inclination." It is never a mere coincidence that the experience is intentionally positioned at the end of the year, which presents the perfect opportunity for all to appreciate the Whole -Mighty for deliverances wrought, blessing gained, and increase given throughout the year, with sure conviction that there will be greater grace in the year to come.”

Adefarasin says Nigeria needs an outstanding presidential leader in 2023

Senior Pastor of House on the Rock Church, Paul Adefarasin, has said it is time for Nigerians to take the destiny of the country seriously and free it from the clutches of self-interest and greedy people.

Speaking at a press conference to announce Experiment '17, labeled: Jesus: The Exceptional,' the cleric said it was time to put the nation on the right track to put its economy and the well-being of the people on the right track.

The priest prayed that the next president of the country in 2023 will be exceptional and has built an exceptional cabinet that will form exceptional teams for the good of the country. a nationality-defining election like no other; we know that the survival and growth of our beloved country is paramount. We must therefore recognize that the leadership we have experienced thus far is a reflection of who we are as a people. Therefore, the transformation we aspire to must start with us and I mean absolutely every one of us. No one can lead us to our prophetic destiny without galvanizing each of us in the collective task of rebuilding a devastated nation.

"Only a shift in perspective can truly free our nation from the clutches of self-interest, greed, corruption and avarice to the true value judgments of the common good, development, justice for all, security in all our aspects, freedom of worship, political stability, economic stability and growth, industrialization and the steep rise to first world nationhood.

There is a need to get the country back on track. So no matter who comes in (2023), I pray for the next President of Nigeria to be exceptional. He will put together an exceptional cabinet that will train exceptional teams under him, and which all Nigerians can truly follow regardless of race, tribe, creed or ethnicity, so that we can rebuild Nigeria. »

He added that the media is an important tool to deliver the country from bad leadership. “You brought Nigeria back from military dictatorship. We must bring Nigeria back from deception. If you (the media) learn to be the mind of the people and to be a voice of democracy, then the will of the people will resonate strongly and it will be stronger and greater than the power of money, the power of money. selfishness and the power of greed. On that note, I wish you all a great experience. hybrid version respectively due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"One of the most remarkable things about this long-awaited event is its ability to bring together a cross section of people through music in absolute surrender to their Creator regardless of age, gender, race, status or religious inclination." It is never a mere coincidence that the experience is intentionally positioned at the end of the year, which presents the perfect opportunity for all to appreciate the Whole -Mighty for deliverances wrought, blessing gained, and increase given throughout the year, with sure conviction that there will be greater grace in the year to come.”

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