Again, Buhari promises transparent elections in 2023

President Muhammadu Buhari has recommitted to leaving a legacy of credible elections in the country.

He also said that the participation of more women and young people in the electoral process in the general elections of 2023 was one of his main desires.

Mr. Buhari said this on his national Independence Day broadcast on Saturday.

The Independence Day broadcast is the president's last as he steps down in May when he completes his second term.

Mr. Buhari said he was committed to bequeathing a lasting democratic culture to the country, noting that was the reason behind the signing of the 2022 Election Law.

He said his experience on the ballot explains his determination to improve the process.

Mr. Buhar contested the presidential elections of 2003, 2007 and 2011, but lost to former presidents Olusegun Obasanjo, Umaru Yar'Adua and Goodluck Jonathan.

He did, however, win the presidential elections of 2015 and 2019.

"It is for this reason that I have resolved to bequeath a lasting democratic culture, which will remain perennial. The signing of the electoral law of 2021 as amended with historic provisions further assures us of an electoral process more transparent and inclusive.

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"Having witnessed firsthand the pains, anguish and disappointment of being the victim of an unfair electoral process, the pursuit of an electoral system and process that guarantees the election of leaders by the citizens remains the common thread as I prepare to wind down our administration,” the president said.

He pointed to recent autonomous elections across the country as evidence of his commitment to free, fair and credible elections.

ALSO READ: Buhari urges politicians to put Nigeria first ahead of 2023 poll

"You will all agree that recent elections over the past two years in some states (notably Anambra, Ekiti, and Osun) and a few federal constituencies have demonstrated a high degree of credibility, transparency, and freedom of choice with votes of the people really matter,” he said.

Mr. Buhari urged politicians to avoid hate speech and focus on issue-oriented campaigning ahead of elections

The president also urged young people to avoid being used by politicians to undermine the country's democratic process.

He said his desire is to see young people and women participate in the political process.

“I also want to express my wish to see more women and young people participate in the next electoral cycle,” he said. “I am sure that our young people, full of energy and energy, now realize that violence usually spoils elections and therefore should stop being used by politicians for this purpose,” he said.

> Support the integrity and credibility journalism of PREMIUM TIMES Good journalism costs a lot of money. Yet only good journalism can guarantee the possibility of a good society, an accountable democracy and a transparent government. For free and continued access to the best investigative journalism in the country, we ask that you consider providing modest support to this noble endeavour. By contributing to PREMIUM TIMES, you help sustain relevant journalism and keep it free and accessible to everyone.


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TEXT ANNOUNCEMENT: Call Willie - +2348098788999

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Again, Buhari promises transparent elections in 2023

President Muhammadu Buhari has recommitted to leaving a legacy of credible elections in the country.

He also said that the participation of more women and young people in the electoral process in the general elections of 2023 was one of his main desires.

Mr. Buhari said this on his national Independence Day broadcast on Saturday.

The Independence Day broadcast is the president's last as he steps down in May when he completes his second term.

Mr. Buhari said he was committed to bequeathing a lasting democratic culture to the country, noting that was the reason behind the signing of the 2022 Election Law.

He said his experience on the ballot explains his determination to improve the process.

Mr. Buhar contested the presidential elections of 2003, 2007 and 2011, but lost to former presidents Olusegun Obasanjo, Umaru Yar'Adua and Goodluck Jonathan.

He did, however, win the presidential elections of 2015 and 2019.

"It is for this reason that I have resolved to bequeath a lasting democratic culture, which will remain perennial. The signing of the electoral law of 2021 as amended with historic provisions further assures us of an electoral process more transparent and inclusive.

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"Having witnessed firsthand the pains, anguish and disappointment of being the victim of an unfair electoral process, the pursuit of an electoral system and process that guarantees the election of leaders by the citizens remains the common thread as I prepare to wind down our administration,” the president said.

He pointed to recent autonomous elections across the country as evidence of his commitment to free, fair and credible elections.

ALSO READ: Buhari urges politicians to put Nigeria first ahead of 2023 poll

"You will all agree that recent elections over the past two years in some states (notably Anambra, Ekiti, and Osun) and a few federal constituencies have demonstrated a high degree of credibility, transparency, and freedom of choice with votes of the people really matter,” he said.

Mr. Buhari urged politicians to avoid hate speech and focus on issue-oriented campaigning ahead of elections

The president also urged young people to avoid being used by politicians to undermine the country's democratic process.

He said his desire is to see young people and women participate in the political process.

“I also want to express my wish to see more women and young people participate in the next electoral cycle,” he said. “I am sure that our young people, full of energy and energy, now realize that violence usually spoils elections and therefore should stop being used by politicians for this purpose,” he said.

> Support the integrity and credibility journalism of PREMIUM TIMES Good journalism costs a lot of money. Yet only good journalism can guarantee the possibility of a good society, an accountable democracy and a transparent government. For free and continued access to the best investigative journalism in the country, we ask that you consider providing modest support to this noble endeavour. By contributing to PREMIUM TIMES, you help sustain relevant journalism and keep it free and accessible to everyone.


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TEXT ANNOUNCEMENT: Call Willie - +2348098788999

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