AI robot companion helps some seniors fight loneliness, but others hate it

ElliQ, a AI companion robot from Intuition Robotics. Enlarge / ElliQ, A AI companion robot Since Intuition Robotics. ElliQ

A few the elderly In New York are with success combat their solitude with A Powered by AI companion robot appointed ElliQ—while others called THE "proactive" device A harass And joked about socket A chopped has that.

THE House assistant robot, do by Based in Israel Intuition the robotics, East Free has New York the elderly through A special program through THE States Desk For THE Aging (NYSOFA). On THE pass year, NYSOFA has in partnership with Intuition Robotics has bring ElliQ has on 800 the elderly in trouble with solitude. In A report last week, civil servants said they had given out hundreds And had only 150 available devices.

ElliQ understand A Tablet And A two pieces shaped like a lamp robot with A head that lights up And turned has confront A speaker. Marketed as powered by "Cognitive AI technology," he proactively commits In conversations with users, giving them reminders And instructions, such as ask them how they are TO DO, narrative them It is time has check their blood pressure Or take their medicine, And ask if they to want has to have A video call with family. Speaking with A female voice, THE robot East designed has socket Human-Like conversations, to commit In little talk, express empathy, And share humor. He can provide learning And well-being programs, such as audio books And relaxation exercises.

Interest In using social robots, such as ElliQ, For elder care has has been growth For years, but THE field always lack solid evidence that THE devices can significantly improve health, well-being, And depression. Systemic Comments In 2018 find THE technology had potential, but studies missing statistical importance And rigorous design.

THE program In New York adds has THE buzz but doesn't offer THE high quality study design that could yield definitive answers. In August, THE State released A report on A unspecified number of ElliQ users, which noted that THE device was useful. Specifically, 59 percent of users reported THE device was "very useful" has reduce solitude, while 37 percent reported he was "useful" And only 4 percent reported he as "unhelpful." Engagement with THE device decreases on time, with users initially interact with ElliQ A average of 62 times A day In THE First of all 15 days of to use, which fell has 21 times A day between 60 And 90 days And 33 times A day After 180.

Mixed feelings

"We had high hope For THE efficiency of ElliQ, but THE results that were seeing are Really exceeding OUR expectations," Greg Olsen, director of THE New York State Desk For THE Aging, said In A statement has THE time of THE reports release. "THE data speak For himself, And THE stories that were audience Since case managers And clients around THE State to have has been Nothing short of incredible."

But other recent data on THE potential For companion robots has reduce solitude has noted that There is No unique size approach. There are A plot of factors that can influence how people perceive such A device. A 2021 qualitative study evaluated THE answers Since 16 the elderly WHO were request For back on three types of robot companions, including ElliQ. THE results were mixed For THE proactive robot. While a few felt THE casual chat of ElliQ would be be comforting during A Otherwise lonely day, others felt he was intrusive And "harassing." A few felt THE devices Your was "rude."

"I don't do it know if that would be to drive Me mental if he guard interrupt Me And narrative Me What has TO DO ... I could to want has get A chopped And cut he up," A study participant said.

How welcoming A person could be has A assertive AI Assistant as ElliQ can link with A the person general preferences concerning human business, THE authors suggested. Those WHO value their space And autonomy can be less open has such as device compared with with more gregarious elderly people.

While a few participants ...

AI robot companion helps some seniors fight loneliness, but others hate it
ElliQ, a AI companion robot from Intuition Robotics. Enlarge / ElliQ, A AI companion robot Since Intuition Robotics. ElliQ

A few the elderly In New York are with success combat their solitude with A Powered by AI companion robot appointed ElliQ—while others called THE "proactive" device A harass And joked about socket A chopped has that.

THE House assistant robot, do by Based in Israel Intuition the robotics, East Free has New York the elderly through A special program through THE States Desk For THE Aging (NYSOFA). On THE pass year, NYSOFA has in partnership with Intuition Robotics has bring ElliQ has on 800 the elderly in trouble with solitude. In A report last week, civil servants said they had given out hundreds And had only 150 available devices.

ElliQ understand A Tablet And A two pieces shaped like a lamp robot with A head that lights up And turned has confront A speaker. Marketed as powered by "Cognitive AI technology," he proactively commits In conversations with users, giving them reminders And instructions, such as ask them how they are TO DO, narrative them It is time has check their blood pressure Or take their medicine, And ask if they to want has to have A video call with family. Speaking with A female voice, THE robot East designed has socket Human-Like conversations, to commit In little talk, express empathy, And share humor. He can provide learning And well-being programs, such as audio books And relaxation exercises.

Interest In using social robots, such as ElliQ, For elder care has has been growth For years, but THE field always lack solid evidence that THE devices can significantly improve health, well-being, And depression. Systemic Comments In 2018 find THE technology had potential, but studies missing statistical importance And rigorous design.

THE program In New York adds has THE buzz but doesn't offer THE high quality study design that could yield definitive answers. In August, THE State released A report on A unspecified number of ElliQ users, which noted that THE device was useful. Specifically, 59 percent of users reported THE device was "very useful" has reduce solitude, while 37 percent reported he was "useful" And only 4 percent reported he as "unhelpful." Engagement with THE device decreases on time, with users initially interact with ElliQ A average of 62 times A day In THE First of all 15 days of to use, which fell has 21 times A day between 60 And 90 days And 33 times A day After 180.

Mixed feelings

"We had high hope For THE efficiency of ElliQ, but THE results that were seeing are Really exceeding OUR expectations," Greg Olsen, director of THE New York State Desk For THE Aging, said In A statement has THE time of THE reports release. "THE data speak For himself, And THE stories that were audience Since case managers And clients around THE State to have has been Nothing short of incredible."

But other recent data on THE potential For companion robots has reduce solitude has noted that There is No unique size approach. There are A plot of factors that can influence how people perceive such A device. A 2021 qualitative study evaluated THE answers Since 16 the elderly WHO were request For back on three types of robot companions, including ElliQ. THE results were mixed For THE proactive robot. While a few felt THE casual chat of ElliQ would be be comforting during A Otherwise lonely day, others felt he was intrusive And "harassing." A few felt THE devices Your was "rude."

"I don't do it know if that would be to drive Me mental if he guard interrupt Me And narrative Me What has TO DO ... I could to want has get A chopped And cut he up," A study participant said.

How welcoming A person could be has A assertive AI Assistant as ElliQ can link with A the person general preferences concerning human business, THE authors suggested. Those WHO value their space And autonomy can be less open has such as device compared with with more gregarious elderly people.

While a few participants ...

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