Alaafin Stool: Putting culture to the sword?

Can THE Awujale of Ijebuland, Oba Sikiru Kayode Adetona, live long on THE throne of her the fathers. But, how about My illustrated Ijebu people having Fuji musician, Wasiu Ayinde, as their oba A day? That East What I see In THE current drama of a few Ijebu obas And others paid tribute has him inside A 'ipebi' (isolation). SO, to leave Me be THE First of all out Ijebuland has pay tribute has THE last 'oba' In Yoruba to land. Long live, Kabiyesi, Alayeluwa, Oba Wasiu Ayinde, THE Olori Omooba Akile of Ijebuland. Can You reign long on THE throne of your ancestors! Wasiu has money, which East THE vehicle of power. More important, he has THE king of Nigeria as her godfather. Don't do it spirit Me. My spirit East just playing A joke on that possibility. But that East not THE main reason For Today speech. Oyo Alaafin East My destination.

I am not A alarmist. But A alarm East alarm strong In My head. He East about THE events In Oyo city. THE son of Atiba, Omo ojo Pennsylvania sekere mo of (Oh, THE son of Atiba, of which cymbal do not deflate When beaten by rain) are on THE edge of Sending in progress THE last vestige of Yoruba culture has It is fall. Once Oyo Alaafin (place Or THE owner of THE palace resides) succeeds In desecrating THE Alaafin stool, THE Yoruba race can as GOOD kiss It is culture Goodbye. Awon Alale o neither I (Can THE the owners of THE to land not allow he). Ewi always o neither Wi; Egba Orun o neither gba (Can THE teller of THE world not say he; can THE listener of heaven not accept he). I feel I should go summoner NOW, has call on all Itas (ancestors), WHO to have disappeared at Iwaleasa (great beyond), has increase, And defend OUR to land. OUR elders say: ok olomo kii sun (the dead WHO to have offspring don't do it sleep). Are OUR ancestors sleep? Ee you I (how come he East SO)? If I were has see THE Ijelu Ékiti priest of Esu, I would be to have request him has help We appease Laaroye has to have mercy on We. If I were has run has THE Alamoeku (Chief If a Priest), THE Adifa-se-bi-aje (he WHO divine precisely as A witch) himself, I would be to have request him has help We ask THE only A known as Okunrin-kukuru-Oke-Igbeti (The short man WHO resides on THE Hills of Igbéti), If a, What OUR crimes are. What East event In Oyo East bigger that Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo State. He East bigger that What THE Oyomesi can handle. THE Kaaro,oojire (the entire Yoruba race) must come together And rescue THE race. Keeping silent East close has allowing A mad man has himself attend has her the mother body. He will throw he In THE community river And pollute OUR source of water. We can't allow that! Oyo kingmakers known as Oyomesi, are insulting OUR sensitivity as A people. They are tackle THE very essence of OUR be. They say If a, THE Yoruba religion, East not required In THE selection of A new Alaafin! Haaaa! Eemo re (this East stranger that strange)!

Oba Noon Olayiwola Adeyemi III, THE Alaafin of Oyo, joined her ancestors on Friday, April 22, 2022. Her passage was famous all on THE world. THE Succession battle has fill THE vacant stool began almost immediately. THE last A year has has been turbulent, SO has say, In THE history of Oyo In recent times. He East THE battle For THE RIGHT candidate For THE throne of Oranmiyan that East alarm THE alarm In My head. I read THE news. I did not believe he. He was published by THE SATURDAY Tribune on September 23, 2023. He was A interview granted THE newspaper by High Chief Wakilu Oyedepo, THE Lagoon of Oyo. THE Lagoon East A member of THE Oyomesi – Oyo Kingmakers. THE head of THE band East Bashorun. THE occupant of THE title Today East High Chief Yusuf Ayoola. SATURDAY Tribune said that THE Bashorun gave authorisation has to agree THE interview has THE Lagoon. THE Lagoon was request: "What East THE role of If a In THE selection process?" Here East her answer: "If a (oracle) has Never has been consulted In THE process of selection THE Alaafin of Oyo. THE Oyomesi East If a; If a East THE Oyomesi. THE decision of THE Oyomesi East supreme In THE choice of A candidate For THE exalted stool of THE Alaafin. If a was not consulted When late Oba Noon Olayiwola Adeyemi III was has be inducted as THE Alaafin. What arrived has THE time of her induction East always costs In OUR memories. For what was he that THE person that overcome THE list was not inducted as THE king but Oba Adeyemi if Really If a was implied In THE selection process? From We to have has been inducting THE Alaafin In Oyo, If a has Never has been consulted. THE issue of If a arose during THE reign of Alaafin Sango. » This LEFT My mouth agape! How can A Oyo man say such A statement? We are talk about THE nomination of A of THE princes In Oyo has fill THE vacant stool of A Alaafin And A member of THE Oyomesi East saying If a had Never has been consulted In THE pass In wearing out such A exercise! Really? WHO East If a? WHO East Oyomesi? How can If a be Oyomesi And Oyomesi East If a? How can THE decision of Oyomesi be superior has that of If a? WHO do Oyomesi In THE First of all example? From Or TO DO members of THE Oyomesi Advice derive their poof...

Alaafin Stool: Putting culture to the sword?

Can THE Awujale of Ijebuland, Oba Sikiru Kayode Adetona, live long on THE throne of her the fathers. But, how about My illustrated Ijebu people having Fuji musician, Wasiu Ayinde, as their oba A day? That East What I see In THE current drama of a few Ijebu obas And others paid tribute has him inside A 'ipebi' (isolation). SO, to leave Me be THE First of all out Ijebuland has pay tribute has THE last 'oba' In Yoruba to land. Long live, Kabiyesi, Alayeluwa, Oba Wasiu Ayinde, THE Olori Omooba Akile of Ijebuland. Can You reign long on THE throne of your ancestors! Wasiu has money, which East THE vehicle of power. More important, he has THE king of Nigeria as her godfather. Don't do it spirit Me. My spirit East just playing A joke on that possibility. But that East not THE main reason For Today speech. Oyo Alaafin East My destination.

I am not A alarmist. But A alarm East alarm strong In My head. He East about THE events In Oyo city. THE son of Atiba, Omo ojo Pennsylvania sekere mo of (Oh, THE son of Atiba, of which cymbal do not deflate When beaten by rain) are on THE edge of Sending in progress THE last vestige of Yoruba culture has It is fall. Once Oyo Alaafin (place Or THE owner of THE palace resides) succeeds In desecrating THE Alaafin stool, THE Yoruba race can as GOOD kiss It is culture Goodbye. Awon Alale o neither I (Can THE the owners of THE to land not allow he). Ewi always o neither Wi; Egba Orun o neither gba (Can THE teller of THE world not say he; can THE listener of heaven not accept he). I feel I should go summoner NOW, has call on all Itas (ancestors), WHO to have disappeared at Iwaleasa (great beyond), has increase, And defend OUR to land. OUR elders say: ok olomo kii sun (the dead WHO to have offspring don't do it sleep). Are OUR ancestors sleep? Ee you I (how come he East SO)? If I were has see THE Ijelu Ékiti priest of Esu, I would be to have request him has help We appease Laaroye has to have mercy on We. If I were has run has THE Alamoeku (Chief If a Priest), THE Adifa-se-bi-aje (he WHO divine precisely as A witch) himself, I would be to have request him has help We ask THE only A known as Okunrin-kukuru-Oke-Igbeti (The short man WHO resides on THE Hills of Igbéti), If a, What OUR crimes are. What East event In Oyo East bigger that Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo State. He East bigger that What THE Oyomesi can handle. THE Kaaro,oojire (the entire Yoruba race) must come together And rescue THE race. Keeping silent East close has allowing A mad man has himself attend has her the mother body. He will throw he In THE community river And pollute OUR source of water. We can't allow that! Oyo kingmakers known as Oyomesi, are insulting OUR sensitivity as A people. They are tackle THE very essence of OUR be. They say If a, THE Yoruba religion, East not required In THE selection of A new Alaafin! Haaaa! Eemo re (this East stranger that strange)!

Oba Noon Olayiwola Adeyemi III, THE Alaafin of Oyo, joined her ancestors on Friday, April 22, 2022. Her passage was famous all on THE world. THE Succession battle has fill THE vacant stool began almost immediately. THE last A year has has been turbulent, SO has say, In THE history of Oyo In recent times. He East THE battle For THE RIGHT candidate For THE throne of Oranmiyan that East alarm THE alarm In My head. I read THE news. I did not believe he. He was published by THE SATURDAY Tribune on September 23, 2023. He was A interview granted THE newspaper by High Chief Wakilu Oyedepo, THE Lagoon of Oyo. THE Lagoon East A member of THE Oyomesi – Oyo Kingmakers. THE head of THE band East Bashorun. THE occupant of THE title Today East High Chief Yusuf Ayoola. SATURDAY Tribune said that THE Bashorun gave authorisation has to agree THE interview has THE Lagoon. THE Lagoon was request: "What East THE role of If a In THE selection process?" Here East her answer: "If a (oracle) has Never has been consulted In THE process of selection THE Alaafin of Oyo. THE Oyomesi East If a; If a East THE Oyomesi. THE decision of THE Oyomesi East supreme In THE choice of A candidate For THE exalted stool of THE Alaafin. If a was not consulted When late Oba Noon Olayiwola Adeyemi III was has be inducted as THE Alaafin. What arrived has THE time of her induction East always costs In OUR memories. For what was he that THE person that overcome THE list was not inducted as THE king but Oba Adeyemi if Really If a was implied In THE selection process? From We to have has been inducting THE Alaafin In Oyo, If a has Never has been consulted. THE issue of If a arose during THE reign of Alaafin Sango. » This LEFT My mouth agape! How can A Oyo man say such A statement? We are talk about THE nomination of A of THE princes In Oyo has fill THE vacant stool of A Alaafin And A member of THE Oyomesi East saying If a had Never has been consulted In THE pass In wearing out such A exercise! Really? WHO East If a? WHO East Oyomesi? How can If a be Oyomesi And Oyomesi East If a? How can THE decision of Oyomesi be superior has that of If a? WHO do Oyomesi In THE First of all example? From Or TO DO members of THE Oyomesi Advice derive their poof...

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