Apapa Customs find guns concealed in cargo

Nigeria Customs Service Apapa Region Command said it seized two pistols hidden in a container and other contraband items worth N506 billion over the course of for the last six months.

In a statement on Tuesday, the command's public relations officer, Abdullahi Usman, said the command had recorded 16 seizures with a duty paid value of N1.4 billion over the past of the period.

He said the seizures made included banned drugs, used tires, rice, vegetable oil and sundries.

"It should be noted that the command seized two pistols in an age group shipment. A suspect is arrested and the matter is under investigation", it reads partly in the press release.

He quoted the regional comptroller, Auwal Mohammed, as saying that revenue collection and seizures made were the fallout of increased compliance.

He urged officers to step up efforts in revenue collection, trade facilitation and strict enforcement of anti-smuggling activities.

Mohammed said, "The command completed a collection of 9.2 billion naira on July 20, 2023. This feat is the highest daily collection ever since the establishment of the port. The service collected a total of N502 billion from January 2023 to date and made 16 seizures with a duty paid value of N1.4 billion during the same period.”

He added that the command under his leadership had achieved an increased level of compliance by importers, exporters and their agents through deliberate system profiling and manifest tracking.

"This allowed merchants to be treated in accordance with their previous transaction records, providing reassurance that compliance pays through time savings and cost efficiency," he said. added.

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Apapa Customs find guns concealed in cargo

Nigeria Customs Service Apapa Region Command said it seized two pistols hidden in a container and other contraband items worth N506 billion over the course of for the last six months.

In a statement on Tuesday, the command's public relations officer, Abdullahi Usman, said the command had recorded 16 seizures with a duty paid value of N1.4 billion over the past of the period.

He said the seizures made included banned drugs, used tires, rice, vegetable oil and sundries.

"It should be noted that the command seized two pistols in an age group shipment. A suspect is arrested and the matter is under investigation", it reads partly in the press release.

He quoted the regional comptroller, Auwal Mohammed, as saying that revenue collection and seizures made were the fallout of increased compliance.

He urged officers to step up efforts in revenue collection, trade facilitation and strict enforcement of anti-smuggling activities.

Mohammed said, "The command completed a collection of 9.2 billion naira on July 20, 2023. This feat is the highest daily collection ever since the establishment of the port. The service collected a total of N502 billion from January 2023 to date and made 16 seizures with a duty paid value of N1.4 billion during the same period.”

He added that the command under his leadership had achieved an increased level of compliance by importers, exporters and their agents through deliberate system profiling and manifest tracking.

"This allowed merchants to be treated in accordance with their previous transaction records, providing reassurance that compliance pays through time savings and cost efficiency," he said. added.

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