APC candidates assure Lekki residents of good representation

Candidates for the Senate, House of Representatives and House of Assembly of the All Progressives Congress (APC) have ensured the residents of Lekki Phase One in Lagos are well represented.

Lagos Central Senate candidate Wasiu Sanni-Eshilokun led the duo of House of Representatives candidate Babajide Obanikoro and Lagos Assembly candidate Noheem Adams in the interactive session with residents .

Residents have called on them to help bolster security in the axis and address the infrastructure deficit plaguing the area if elected.

APC Lekki Phase 1 President Hajia Shareefah Abiola Andu said the meeting gave residents an opportunity to demand how they want to be governed.

"We don't want to sit on the fence anymore. We want to be involved and being involved means asking questions, making demands extracting promises from them," she said.

She added that the candidates were up to par with the way they responded to questions posed by residents. “Of all the questions that were asked, they actually exceeded our expectations. They did very well. So we know we can give them our votes. If they don't live up to our expectations, we won't vote for them. But they did very well, so they can be assured of our votes. »

APC Women Leader in the field, Ajibike Onigbanjo, said the crucial needs of the community are safety and good roads. If these things are assured, she says, Lekki would be safe.

“The safety and sanctity of our community is our priority. Lekki Phase 1 is gradually turning into a no man's land. "We don't have a recreation center in all of Lekki Phase 1 except for this pavilion where we hold meetings. And they're planning to take it away from us. We have to make sure we keep it or they're give elsewhere,” she said.

Onigbanjo's aide, Toun Bombata, urged the candidates to keep their election promises, as this will go a long way in restoring people's confidence in the APC.

"We want them to go out there and keep their promise, so the next time they come to solicit the vote, people will accept them."

APC House of Representatives candidate for Eti-Osa constituency, Babajide Obanikoro, urged residents to elect all APC candidates to leave room for continuity.

“APC has kept most of its promises and will keep the others. If we are re-elected, we will continue where we left off. In the next dispensation, we will finish all our projects and we will launch new ideas.

“For example, Fintech, there is no law coordinating the industry, at this time I encourage all Fintech companies to come to me so that we can form a team that will allow them to operate at the maximum of their abilities."

He said the issue of special status for Lagos was still a hot one. “We started on it at the ninth assembly, but there is a lot of work to be done. There are 360 ​​members who pull the National Assembly left, right and center; It is not an easy task. We need a lot of effort, we started it but it didn't come to anything because it encompasses a lot of things,” he said.

He urged Nigerians to vote for Asiwaju because he is a visionary, adding, “Looking at Lagos State today, these are his ideas.

He's the mastermind behind the red line, the blue line. These are his insights during his eight years as Governor of Lagos State. »

House of Assembly candidate Noheem Adams said the interactive session is necessary to assure residents that we are going there to fully represent constituency interests, not our individual interests.

"I intend to introduce policies and laws that will be community friendly and facilitate the development of infrastructure in the region. Earlier this year, Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu mentioned that the fourth continent bridge would start." Our Eti-Osa community will benefit a lot from the bridge as it will facilitate transportation. Likewise, we are also working on the regional road to be completed and we hope that the BRT park in Ajah will be completed soon for the implementation. in service."

"So many road projects are in progress, Alpha Beach road, we hope this year it will be completed. Orchid road near toll, Salu Obodo road and Girigiri Tapa Rrad will also start," said he said.

APC candidates assure Lekki residents of good representation

Candidates for the Senate, House of Representatives and House of Assembly of the All Progressives Congress (APC) have ensured the residents of Lekki Phase One in Lagos are well represented.

Lagos Central Senate candidate Wasiu Sanni-Eshilokun led the duo of House of Representatives candidate Babajide Obanikoro and Lagos Assembly candidate Noheem Adams in the interactive session with residents .

Residents have called on them to help bolster security in the axis and address the infrastructure deficit plaguing the area if elected.

APC Lekki Phase 1 President Hajia Shareefah Abiola Andu said the meeting gave residents an opportunity to demand how they want to be governed.

"We don't want to sit on the fence anymore. We want to be involved and being involved means asking questions, making demands extracting promises from them," she said.

She added that the candidates were up to par with the way they responded to questions posed by residents. “Of all the questions that were asked, they actually exceeded our expectations. They did very well. So we know we can give them our votes. If they don't live up to our expectations, we won't vote for them. But they did very well, so they can be assured of our votes. »

APC Women Leader in the field, Ajibike Onigbanjo, said the crucial needs of the community are safety and good roads. If these things are assured, she says, Lekki would be safe.

“The safety and sanctity of our community is our priority. Lekki Phase 1 is gradually turning into a no man's land. "We don't have a recreation center in all of Lekki Phase 1 except for this pavilion where we hold meetings. And they're planning to take it away from us. We have to make sure we keep it or they're give elsewhere,” she said.

Onigbanjo's aide, Toun Bombata, urged the candidates to keep their election promises, as this will go a long way in restoring people's confidence in the APC.

"We want them to go out there and keep their promise, so the next time they come to solicit the vote, people will accept them."

APC House of Representatives candidate for Eti-Osa constituency, Babajide Obanikoro, urged residents to elect all APC candidates to leave room for continuity.

“APC has kept most of its promises and will keep the others. If we are re-elected, we will continue where we left off. In the next dispensation, we will finish all our projects and we will launch new ideas.

“For example, Fintech, there is no law coordinating the industry, at this time I encourage all Fintech companies to come to me so that we can form a team that will allow them to operate at the maximum of their abilities."

He said the issue of special status for Lagos was still a hot one. “We started on it at the ninth assembly, but there is a lot of work to be done. There are 360 ​​members who pull the National Assembly left, right and center; It is not an easy task. We need a lot of effort, we started it but it didn't come to anything because it encompasses a lot of things,” he said.

He urged Nigerians to vote for Asiwaju because he is a visionary, adding, “Looking at Lagos State today, these are his ideas.

He's the mastermind behind the red line, the blue line. These are his insights during his eight years as Governor of Lagos State. »

House of Assembly candidate Noheem Adams said the interactive session is necessary to assure residents that we are going there to fully represent constituency interests, not our individual interests.

"I intend to introduce policies and laws that will be community friendly and facilitate the development of infrastructure in the region. Earlier this year, Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu mentioned that the fourth continent bridge would start." Our Eti-Osa community will benefit a lot from the bridge as it will facilitate transportation. Likewise, we are also working on the regional road to be completed and we hope that the BRT park in Ajah will be completed soon for the implementation. in service."

"So many road projects are in progress, Alpha Beach road, we hope this year it will be completed. Orchid road near toll, Salu Obodo road and Girigiri Tapa Rrad will also start," said he said.

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