Apple punishes women for the same behaviors that get men promoted, lawsuit says

Apple punishes women for the same behaviors that allow men to be promoted, lawsuit says Enlarge Marcos of the Mazo / Donor | LightRocket

Apple has spent years "intentionally, knowingly, And deliberately paid women less that Men For substantially similar work," A propose class action trial deposit In California on THURSDAY alleged.

A victory For women pursue could mean that more that 12,000 current And ancient female employees In California could collectively claw back potentially millions In lost wages Since A apparently ever wider salary gap allegedly perpetuated by Apple policies.

THE trial was deposit by two employees WHO to have each has been with Apple For more that A decade, Justine Jong And Amina Salgado. They claims that Apple violated California job laws between 2020 And 2024 by unfairly discriminant against Based in California female employees In Apples engineering, marketing, And AppleCare Divisions And "systematically" paid women "lower compensation that Men with similar education And experience."

Apple allegedly has poster A in progress bias towards male employees, offer them upper departure salaries And promote them For THE "even behaviours" that female employees allegedly were punished for.

Jon, Currently A customer/technical training instructor on Apples global developer relationships/application goodbye team, said that She only became aware of A rigid pay disparity by luck.

"A day, I saw A W-2 LEFT on THE desk printer," Jong said. "He belonged has My male colleague, WHO has THE even job position. I REMARK that he was be paid almost $10,000 more that Me, even However We carried out substantially similar work. This revelation do Me feel terrible."

But Salgado had long has been aware of THE issue. Salgado, Currently on A temporary assignment as A development director In THE AppleCare division, spent years complain about her lower wages, inciting Apple internal investigations that Never directed has salary increases.

Finally, late last year, Salgado insistence on fair pay was resolved After Apple hiring A third party farm that concluded She was "paid less that Men perform substantially similar work." Apple Next increase her pay rate but dodged responsibility For back pay that Salgado NOW look for has recover.

Day before Cervantez, A lawyer For women pursue, said In A press release sharing with Ars that these women were put In "A now in situation."

"Once women are hiring In A lower pay range has Apple, subsequent pay raised Or any of them bonuses are follow up therefore, meaning they don't do it correct THE gender pay gap," Cervantez said. "Instead, they perpetuate And to broaden THE gap because raised And bonuses are base on A percentage of THE employees base salary. »

Apple did not immediately answer has Ars' request has comment.

Trial: Apple Above all only rewards male "Talent"

According to has THE complaint, several of Apples Strategies promoting Men to have further cut off THE alleged pay gap. That understand Apples performance assessment system, which women pursue alleged reward Men In categories such as team work And direction but "penalized" women For excel In those areas.

Apple Also apparently has "A policy Or practical of selection people WHO to have 'Talent' And compensate for those people more very that other employees." But Neither Jong neither Salgado, although both to have detained miscellaneous direction roles - were Never designated as "Talent" deserving of A pay increase, THE trial said. They have alleged that This Apple policy East biased against women, more often reward male "Talent" while female Talent go without acknowledgment of receipt.

"More Men are identified as having Talent," THE complaint said.

Separately, Jong has Also alleged that Apple submitted her has A hostile work environment After A senior member of her team, Blaine Weilert, sexually harassed her. After She complained, Apple investigation And Weiler would have admitted has moving her "In A sexually suggestive manner without her consent," THE complaint said. Apple SO discipline Weiler but Ultimately would be not allow Jong has escape THE hostile work environment...

Apple punishes women for the same behaviors that get men promoted, lawsuit says
Apple punishes women for the same behaviors that allow men to be promoted, lawsuit says Enlarge Marcos of the Mazo / Donor | LightRocket

Apple has spent years "intentionally, knowingly, And deliberately paid women less that Men For substantially similar work," A propose class action trial deposit In California on THURSDAY alleged.

A victory For women pursue could mean that more that 12,000 current And ancient female employees In California could collectively claw back potentially millions In lost wages Since A apparently ever wider salary gap allegedly perpetuated by Apple policies.

THE trial was deposit by two employees WHO to have each has been with Apple For more that A decade, Justine Jong And Amina Salgado. They claims that Apple violated California job laws between 2020 And 2024 by unfairly discriminant against Based in California female employees In Apples engineering, marketing, And AppleCare Divisions And "systematically" paid women "lower compensation that Men with similar education And experience."

Apple allegedly has poster A in progress bias towards male employees, offer them upper departure salaries And promote them For THE "even behaviours" that female employees allegedly were punished for.

Jon, Currently A customer/technical training instructor on Apples global developer relationships/application goodbye team, said that She only became aware of A rigid pay disparity by luck.

"A day, I saw A W-2 LEFT on THE desk printer," Jong said. "He belonged has My male colleague, WHO has THE even job position. I REMARK that he was be paid almost $10,000 more that Me, even However We carried out substantially similar work. This revelation do Me feel terrible."

But Salgado had long has been aware of THE issue. Salgado, Currently on A temporary assignment as A development director In THE AppleCare division, spent years complain about her lower wages, inciting Apple internal investigations that Never directed has salary increases.

Finally, late last year, Salgado insistence on fair pay was resolved After Apple hiring A third party farm that concluded She was "paid less that Men perform substantially similar work." Apple Next increase her pay rate but dodged responsibility For back pay that Salgado NOW look for has recover.

Day before Cervantez, A lawyer For women pursue, said In A press release sharing with Ars that these women were put In "A now in situation."

"Once women are hiring In A lower pay range has Apple, subsequent pay raised Or any of them bonuses are follow up therefore, meaning they don't do it correct THE gender pay gap," Cervantez said. "Instead, they perpetuate And to broaden THE gap because raised And bonuses are base on A percentage of THE employees base salary. »

Apple did not immediately answer has Ars' request has comment.

Trial: Apple Above all only rewards male "Talent"

According to has THE complaint, several of Apples Strategies promoting Men to have further cut off THE alleged pay gap. That understand Apples performance assessment system, which women pursue alleged reward Men In categories such as team work And direction but "penalized" women For excel In those areas.

Apple Also apparently has "A policy Or practical of selection people WHO to have 'Talent' And compensate for those people more very that other employees." But Neither Jong neither Salgado, although both to have detained miscellaneous direction roles - were Never designated as "Talent" deserving of A pay increase, THE trial said. They have alleged that This Apple policy East biased against women, more often reward male "Talent" while female Talent go without acknowledgment of receipt.

"More Men are identified as having Talent," THE complaint said.

Separately, Jong has Also alleged that Apple submitted her has A hostile work environment After A senior member of her team, Blaine Weilert, sexually harassed her. After She complained, Apple investigation And Weiler would have admitted has moving her "In A sexually suggestive manner without her consent," THE complaint said. Apple SO discipline Weiler but Ultimately would be not allow Jong has escape THE hostile work environment...

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