Are you a Fintech or ESG expert? Hong Kong invites you with these advantages

Hong Kong government plans to offer cash grants and streamline immigration requirements to attract global fintech and ESG talent, Christopher says Hui, Secretary of Financial Services and Treasury, according to a South China Morning Post. report.

The benefits: A new round of cash grants totaling $1.3 million is expected to be available for fintech start-ups starting September 10, the report says.

Also read:Hong Kong Stocks Open Mixed Ahead Of US Jobs Data: Is- What Market Ignore Chengdu Lockdown?

A cash grant in the range of HK$150,000 to HK$400,000 will be given to each approved project for fintech start-ups to create innovative financial products or services for banks, insurers or wealth management companies in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area, according to the report.

Last year, grants worth HK$10 million were awarded for 90 projects, he added.

Requirements: The government prepared a talent list in 2018 to attract high-quality professionals to support Hong Kong's development towards a "value-added and diversified economy".

In last year's review, ESG was added to the list and immigration requirements were relaxed, according to the report.

Those who intend to come to Hong Kong must have a bachelor's degree in ESG with relevant experience, but do not need a job offer from a local company . They can bring their dependents with them, he said.

"As an ESG hub, we need to have the right talent. And that's why on this front, the government will provide support in terms of training professionals in Hong Kong to enable them acquire ESG knowledge and standards,” Hui said.

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Are you a Fintech or ESG expert? Hong Kong invites you with these advantages

Hong Kong government plans to offer cash grants and streamline immigration requirements to attract global fintech and ESG talent, Christopher says Hui, Secretary of Financial Services and Treasury, according to a South China Morning Post. report.

The benefits: A new round of cash grants totaling $1.3 million is expected to be available for fintech start-ups starting September 10, the report says.

Also read:Hong Kong Stocks Open Mixed Ahead Of US Jobs Data: Is- What Market Ignore Chengdu Lockdown?

A cash grant in the range of HK$150,000 to HK$400,000 will be given to each approved project for fintech start-ups to create innovative financial products or services for banks, insurers or wealth management companies in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area, according to the report.

Last year, grants worth HK$10 million were awarded for 90 projects, he added.

Requirements: The government prepared a talent list in 2018 to attract high-quality professionals to support Hong Kong's development towards a "value-added and diversified economy".

In last year's review, ESG was added to the list and immigration requirements were relaxed, according to the report.

Those who intend to come to Hong Kong must have a bachelor's degree in ESG with relevant experience, but do not need a job offer from a local company . They can bring their dependents with them, he said.

"As an ESG hub, we need to have the right talent. And that's why on this front, the government will provide support in terms of training professionals in Hong Kong to enable them acquire ESG knowledge and standards,” Hui said.

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