How Extended Reality Tactics Can Benefit Your Marketing Strategy

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Many marketers feel a little burned by the promises of the metaverse. Take virtual real estate, which was supposed to be a safe bet, an investment that would surely pay dividends. Now that real estate in the metaverse has lost 85% of its value, marketers who stayed away understandably feel like they've dodged a bullet.

Spending over $900,000 on a plot of land in Decentraland may be a little premature, but make no mistake, the metaverse is coming and it will be a major driver of the global economy. According to McKinsey & Co, it has the potential to exceed $5 trillion in value over the next seven or eight years. It's not far in the future. Now is the time for every marketer to start experimenting with the metaverse and the opportunities it offers.

One of the challenges marketers face is that the whole notion of a metaverse is pretty vague. What is it exactly? And does it serve any purpose beyond providing a platform for cool games and avatars visiting virtual outlets to buy virtual luxury clothes?

It is, and to be honest, time is running out. Here is an analogy that we can all relate to in order to understand the urgency. When COVID-19 emerged, companies were ordered to send their employees home. Those who had embraced digital work tools like Microsoft Teams or Slack made the transition easily. Those who had a corporate culture that demanded face-to-face interactions faltered. In other words, those who embraced digital tools were prepared for the new reality that was thrust upon them. Their preparation paid off.


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So will marketers experimenting with metaverse-like trends, such as extended reality. Additionally, they can experiment without investing in virtual real estate, minting an NFT, or mining new crypto. If you're a marketer, your greatest asset right now is the 3D elements your company created while developing new products on a computer.

Extended Reality and the Role of 3D Assets in Solving Marketing Challenges

Every company that uses computers for product creation has 3D assets scattered throughout their organization, usually on an on-premises storage drive. Rather than leaving them there, marketers should start exploring new ways to use them in the sales and marketing funnel. 3D is the recipe for being in the metaverse and developing the skills and assets needed to create those assets and deploy them in enterprises.

How Extended Reality Tactics Can Benefit Your Marketing Strategy

Couldn't attend Transform 2022? Check out all the summit sessions in our on-demand library now! Look here.

Many marketers feel a little burned by the promises of the metaverse. Take virtual real estate, which was supposed to be a safe bet, an investment that would surely pay dividends. Now that real estate in the metaverse has lost 85% of its value, marketers who stayed away understandably feel like they've dodged a bullet.

Spending over $900,000 on a plot of land in Decentraland may be a little premature, but make no mistake, the metaverse is coming and it will be a major driver of the global economy. According to McKinsey & Co, it has the potential to exceed $5 trillion in value over the next seven or eight years. It's not far in the future. Now is the time for every marketer to start experimenting with the metaverse and the opportunities it offers.

One of the challenges marketers face is that the whole notion of a metaverse is pretty vague. What is it exactly? And does it serve any purpose beyond providing a platform for cool games and avatars visiting virtual outlets to buy virtual luxury clothes?

It is, and to be honest, time is running out. Here is an analogy that we can all relate to in order to understand the urgency. When COVID-19 emerged, companies were ordered to send their employees home. Those who had embraced digital work tools like Microsoft Teams or Slack made the transition easily. Those who had a corporate culture that demanded face-to-face interactions faltered. In other words, those who embraced digital tools were prepared for the new reality that was thrust upon them. Their preparation paid off.


Next GamesBeat Summit 2022

Join gaming leaders live October 25-26 in San Francisco to examine the next big opportunities within the gaming industry.

register here

So will marketers experimenting with metaverse-like trends, such as extended reality. Additionally, they can experiment without investing in virtual real estate, minting an NFT, or mining new crypto. If you're a marketer, your greatest asset right now is the 3D elements your company created while developing new products on a computer.

Extended Reality and the Role of 3D Assets in Solving Marketing Challenges

Every company that uses computers for product creation has 3D assets scattered throughout their organization, usually on an on-premises storage drive. Rather than leaving them there, marketers should start exploring new ways to use them in the sales and marketing funnel. 3D is the recipe for being in the metaverse and developing the skills and assets needed to create those assets and deploy them in enterprises.

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