Ars Technica's Favorite Movies of 2022

Ars Technica's favorite movies of 2022Expand Aurich Lawson | Getty Images

In 2022, moviegoers weary of two years of a raging pandemic have begun to cautiously dive back into the theatrical movie experience. And while the selections might have been a little thinner than in pre-pandemic years, there were still plenty of tantalizing options, from the usual blockbuster superhero movies from the Marvel and DC Cinematic Universes, to quirky indie features. and Netflix surprise gems. /p>

We again go for an unranked list, except for our "best of the year" vote at the very end so you can examine the variety of genres and options and possibly add surprises to your potential watch list. As always, we invite you to head to the comments and add your own suggestions for movies coming out in 2022.

Things get weird when two strangers book a house rental at embBarbarian/em. Enlarge / Things get weird when two strangers book a Barbarian rental house. 20th century workshops

Don't watch the trailer, don't even read the synopsis, just watch this movie.

That's the advice I got before watching this year's trendy Barbarian horror movie, and I'm glad I took it. That's advice I would give to anyone reading this - if you like horror, don't even read the rest of this blurb. Watch it, you can stream it on HBO Max right now.

But ok, for those who need a little more convincing, I'll make the lightest of introductions. The film opens with a woman checking into a rental house in Detroit, until she realizes she's been double-booked and is already occupied. She decides to spend the night anyway. Things get weird. Then they get weirder.

That's about all I'm willing to give up here. At no point during my viewing did I know where the movie was headed next, and I think that's the best way to experience this movie. Barbarian is one of those crazy horror adventures best enjoyed with uninitiated friends the same way - everyone squirms, yells and jumps out of their seats together as the madness unfolds.

The movie has its fair share of chills and thrills, sure, but it's also hilarious: it gave me the biggest, most genuine laughs of any movie I've seen all year. A respectable amount of good horror movies have been released in 2022, but if you're looking for the best, look no further.

Aaron Zimmerman

 Selina Kyle (Zoë Kravitz) and Batman (Robert Pattinson) lead the long but enjoyable debates of emThe Batman/em. Enlarge / Selina Kyle (Zoë Kravitz) and Batman (Robert Pattinson) lead the long but enjoyable discussions of The Batman. Warner Bros P...

Ars Technica's Favorite Movies of 2022
Ars Technica's favorite movies of 2022Expand Aurich Lawson | Getty Images

In 2022, moviegoers weary of two years of a raging pandemic have begun to cautiously dive back into the theatrical movie experience. And while the selections might have been a little thinner than in pre-pandemic years, there were still plenty of tantalizing options, from the usual blockbuster superhero movies from the Marvel and DC Cinematic Universes, to quirky indie features. and Netflix surprise gems. /p>

We again go for an unranked list, except for our "best of the year" vote at the very end so you can examine the variety of genres and options and possibly add surprises to your potential watch list. As always, we invite you to head to the comments and add your own suggestions for movies coming out in 2022.

Things get weird when two strangers book a house rental at embBarbarian/em. Enlarge / Things get weird when two strangers book a Barbarian rental house. 20th century workshops

Don't watch the trailer, don't even read the synopsis, just watch this movie.

That's the advice I got before watching this year's trendy Barbarian horror movie, and I'm glad I took it. That's advice I would give to anyone reading this - if you like horror, don't even read the rest of this blurb. Watch it, you can stream it on HBO Max right now.

But ok, for those who need a little more convincing, I'll make the lightest of introductions. The film opens with a woman checking into a rental house in Detroit, until she realizes she's been double-booked and is already occupied. She decides to spend the night anyway. Things get weird. Then they get weirder.

That's about all I'm willing to give up here. At no point during my viewing did I know where the movie was headed next, and I think that's the best way to experience this movie. Barbarian is one of those crazy horror adventures best enjoyed with uninitiated friends the same way - everyone squirms, yells and jumps out of their seats together as the madness unfolds.

The movie has its fair share of chills and thrills, sure, but it's also hilarious: it gave me the biggest, most genuine laughs of any movie I've seen all year. A respectable amount of good horror movies have been released in 2022, but if you're looking for the best, look no further.

Aaron Zimmerman

 Selina Kyle (Zoë Kravitz) and Batman (Robert Pattinson) lead the long but enjoyable debates of emThe Batman/em. Enlarge / Selina Kyle (Zoë Kravitz) and Batman (Robert Pattinson) lead the long but enjoyable discussions of The Batman. Warner Bros P...

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