Atiku: A man for all seasons

Champions are do Since something they to have deep inside of them – A desire, A dream, A vision, said THE great Mahatma Gandhi. This characterizes clearly THE life And times of Waziri Atiku Abubakar, WHO, despite THE odds against him Since early childhood, overcome all THE obstacles And vicissitudes of life.

Born on November 25, 1946, has THE family of Garba Abubakar – A Fulani Trader And farmer – Atiku was THE only child as her sister deceased has childhood. Before adolescence, her father deceased by drowning while crossing A river has Tongo, A neighbor village In Jada. He was Thus raised by her widower mother, Aisha Kande, And her maternal parents. As THE man of THE House, he did servile jobs while Also schooling has THE even time has provide For THE family. He was A shepherd, A Trader, And A farmer.

Of course, her life amended When he joined THE Nigeria Customs Service In 1969 And quickly pink through THE ranks has become A of THE most senior officers In just 17 years of service. And through he all, Atiku Never forget her humble beginnings. This East A of THE the reasons he has continued has support several causes And foundations And has reward dozens of Scholarships has indigent students SO that they can Also to have A chance of A bright future.

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In THE late 80 years, he joined partisan policy even However he did not need has having accomplished her immediate dream of lifting her family out of poverty. But out of This burning desire has elevator millions more out of poverty SO that they could reach THE Nigerian dream just as he had reached her, he decided has join partisan policy. Despite winner THE governorship election of Adamaoua State back In 1991, her victory was in a dubious way canceled by THE powers that be.

He disputed THE presidential primary of THE Social Democratic To party And lost. But he soldier on. Even However he was not directly affected by THE cancelation of THE June 12, 1993 election Since he was not on THE ballot, he put All he had on THE double In order has struggle For democracy And was almost kill by Abacha morons In THE medium 90s. Despite get her fingers burned In policy, he decided has competition Again In 1999 For governor of Adamaoua State And won. But he was selected as running boyfriend has General Olusegun Obasanjo And Next became Vice President.

As Vice President, he fought against attempts has to modify THE Constitution And extend THE mandate of executive desk holders even However he could to have has been A Beneficiary of such A move. By This move, he plays A role In not just retrenchment democracy but to prevent Nigeria Since become A fail State as a few African countries that to have deleted term boundaries For their heads of state.

During her trying days as Vice President, her official privileges were revoked by THE powers that be. But This did not stop THE Waziri Since paid salaries And allowances of her staff aids. He continued has look After them And try as a lot as possible has shield them Since persecution.

A lot In government Today are some products of Atiku kindness, including a few In THE country decision to party Today WHO to have disappeared on has become senators And governors. Simply put, he East A chief among leaders.

He Also believes In THE power of education as A liberator force For THE individual And THE country. He often said that education gave him all THE benefits he had And that he will Also stop has Nothing has TO DO Of course that quality education becomes A priority In Nigeria. Atiku, Also, East A voluntary pedagogue

As A family man, he East almost immaculate. Her belief about family East that discipline should be THE watchword. Her children, of course, are GOOD educated, And he enjoined them has be GOOD ambassadors of THE family WHO must not be partner with any of them immoral to drive that will tarnish THE family name.

As A main, I say without hesitation that Atiku Abubakar East A father figure. He East compassionate And human. He East affectionate, Also. He East almost impossible has be around him And not feel THE energy of THE goodness of her character.

He East Also A voluntary politician. He see policy power as A instrument has create A progressive Company. He East very voluntary about All he do And takes time out has reach out has associates In their great moments And sad those

Atiku has do several unsuccessful attempts has THE presidency, which to have cost him money And comfort but he keep on going has TO DO SO In THE service of homeland.

He has do errors but has Also has been A victim of THE fraudulent nature of Nigeria elections And THE judicial malpractice partner with election case. Despite her chain of defeats, not A Single life has bee...

Atiku: A man for all seasons

Champions are do Since something they to have deep inside of them – A desire, A dream, A vision, said THE great Mahatma Gandhi. This characterizes clearly THE life And times of Waziri Atiku Abubakar, WHO, despite THE odds against him Since early childhood, overcome all THE obstacles And vicissitudes of life.

Born on November 25, 1946, has THE family of Garba Abubakar – A Fulani Trader And farmer – Atiku was THE only child as her sister deceased has childhood. Before adolescence, her father deceased by drowning while crossing A river has Tongo, A neighbor village In Jada. He was Thus raised by her widower mother, Aisha Kande, And her maternal parents. As THE man of THE House, he did servile jobs while Also schooling has THE even time has provide For THE family. He was A shepherd, A Trader, And A farmer.

Of course, her life amended When he joined THE Nigeria Customs Service In 1969 And quickly pink through THE ranks has become A of THE most senior officers In just 17 years of service. And through he all, Atiku Never forget her humble beginnings. This East A of THE the reasons he has continued has support several causes And foundations And has reward dozens of Scholarships has indigent students SO that they can Also to have A chance of A bright future.

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In THE late 80 years, he joined partisan policy even However he did not need has having accomplished her immediate dream of lifting her family out of poverty. But out of This burning desire has elevator millions more out of poverty SO that they could reach THE Nigerian dream just as he had reached her, he decided has join partisan policy. Despite winner THE governorship election of Adamaoua State back In 1991, her victory was in a dubious way canceled by THE powers that be.

He disputed THE presidential primary of THE Social Democratic To party And lost. But he soldier on. Even However he was not directly affected by THE cancelation of THE June 12, 1993 election Since he was not on THE ballot, he put All he had on THE double In order has struggle For democracy And was almost kill by Abacha morons In THE medium 90s. Despite get her fingers burned In policy, he decided has competition Again In 1999 For governor of Adamaoua State And won. But he was selected as running boyfriend has General Olusegun Obasanjo And Next became Vice President.

As Vice President, he fought against attempts has to modify THE Constitution And extend THE mandate of executive desk holders even However he could to have has been A Beneficiary of such A move. By This move, he plays A role In not just retrenchment democracy but to prevent Nigeria Since become A fail State as a few African countries that to have deleted term boundaries For their heads of state.

During her trying days as Vice President, her official privileges were revoked by THE powers that be. But This did not stop THE Waziri Since paid salaries And allowances of her staff aids. He continued has look After them And try as a lot as possible has shield them Since persecution.

A lot In government Today are some products of Atiku kindness, including a few In THE country decision to party Today WHO to have disappeared on has become senators And governors. Simply put, he East A chief among leaders.

He Also believes In THE power of education as A liberator force For THE individual And THE country. He often said that education gave him all THE benefits he had And that he will Also stop has Nothing has TO DO Of course that quality education becomes A priority In Nigeria. Atiku, Also, East A voluntary pedagogue

As A family man, he East almost immaculate. Her belief about family East that discipline should be THE watchword. Her children, of course, are GOOD educated, And he enjoined them has be GOOD ambassadors of THE family WHO must not be partner with any of them immoral to drive that will tarnish THE family name.

As A main, I say without hesitation that Atiku Abubakar East A father figure. He East compassionate And human. He East affectionate, Also. He East almost impossible has be around him And not feel THE energy of THE goodness of her character.

He East Also A voluntary politician. He see policy power as A instrument has create A progressive Company. He East very voluntary about All he do And takes time out has reach out has associates In their great moments And sad those

Atiku has do several unsuccessful attempts has THE presidency, which to have cost him money And comfort but he keep on going has TO DO SO In THE service of homeland.

He has do errors but has Also has been A victim of THE fraudulent nature of Nigeria elections And THE judicial malpractice partner with election case. Despite her chain of defeats, not A Single life has bee...

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