Basel Committee finalizes cryptocurrency exposure rules for banks

THE Committee East unveiling THE standards later In July, climax A years process.

Basel Committee finalizes crypto exposure rules for banks News

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THE Basel Committee encounter on July 2-3 And do policy the decisions on problems that included disclosure of banks' crypto exposure. It is the decisions are part of THE Basel III reforms that were begin In 2019 has improve THE resilience of European union banks through regulation, monitoring And risk management.

A disclosure frame For banks' crypto assets was propose In December 2022 And open For comments In Can 2023. THE frame understand A together of target amendments has THE original proposal And revisions has THE prudential standard For stable coin assets.

Disclosure East destined has improve transparency And encourage walk discipline. Update standards will be published later In July, according to has A Bank For International Regulations (BIS) declaration.

THE committee consideration of banks' crypto exposure

Basel Committee finalizes cryptocurrency exposure rules for banks

THE Committee East unveiling THE standards later In July, climax A years process.

Basel Committee finalizes crypto exposure rules for banks News

Own This piece of crypto history

Collect This article as NFT Join We on social networks

THE Basel Committee encounter on July 2-3 And do policy the decisions on problems that included disclosure of banks' crypto exposure. It is the decisions are part of THE Basel III reforms that were begin In 2019 has improve THE resilience of European union banks through regulation, monitoring And risk management.

A disclosure frame For banks' crypto assets was propose In December 2022 And open For comments In Can 2023. THE frame understand A together of target amendments has THE original proposal And revisions has THE prudential standard For stable coin assets.

Disclosure East destined has improve transparency And encourage walk discipline. Update standards will be published later In July, according to has A Bank For International Regulations (BIS) declaration.

THE committee consideration of banks' crypto exposure

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