Battle of wealth and wits: Elon Musk is the richest in the world, but how does his genius compare to Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg?

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Although Tesla Inc. TSLA CEO Elon Musk East THE the richest person In THE world, he can not be as smart as a few of her billionaire peers, according to has new data used has assess general intelligence.

What HAS Namely: according to has A report of Street cite online tutoring Preply company, Musk brand below both, Inc. AMZN founder And executive president Jeff Bezos and meta Platforms Inc. META CEO Brand Zuckerberg In A speech analysis study.

THE study evaluate different aspects of speech has TO DO A determination about someone's intelligence. He integrated several different factors And SO generates A score For each individual analyzed.

Categories include vocabulary width, which measures THE diversity of word choice; sophistication base on word complexity; texture readability, which evaluate sentence complexity And idea depth; critical thought as he to be related to has argument training and analysis; And contextual relevance, which measures her ability has connect dialogue has wider ideas.

Base on THE different data groups, Musk brand A 64 in Preply language analysis study, ranking below both Bezos has 71 and Zuckerberg has 69.67. THE The highest score of all those analysis was DeepMind Half Hassabis with 87.33. Legendary investor Warren Buffett was class third with A score of 74.

It is No secret musk East in front of everyone is on it THE billionaire list. According to has Forbes, THE You're here CEO has A net value of approximately $231.9 billion has THE time of in writing, even as You're here actions are down almost ten% on THE day. Bezos East class third with A net value of approximately $152.1 billion And Zuckerberg is sitting In seventh has $112.6 billion.

Read Next: The Elite Billionaires of Sports Ownership: Meet THE High ten The richest Team Owners

This drawing was generated using artificial intelligence via Halfway.

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Battle of wealth and wits: Elon Musk is the richest in the world, but how does his genius compare to Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg?
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Although Tesla Inc. TSLA CEO Elon Musk East THE the richest person In THE world, he can not be as smart as a few of her billionaire peers, according to has new data used has assess general intelligence.

What HAS Namely: according to has A report of Street cite online tutoring Preply company, Musk brand below both, Inc. AMZN founder And executive president Jeff Bezos and meta Platforms Inc. META CEO Brand Zuckerberg In A speech analysis study.

THE study evaluate different aspects of speech has TO DO A determination about someone's intelligence. He integrated several different factors And SO generates A score For each individual analyzed.

Categories include vocabulary width, which measures THE diversity of word choice; sophistication base on word complexity; texture readability, which evaluate sentence complexity And idea depth; critical thought as he to be related to has argument training and analysis; And contextual relevance, which measures her ability has connect dialogue has wider ideas.

Base on THE different data groups, Musk brand A 64 in Preply language analysis study, ranking below both Bezos has 71 and Zuckerberg has 69.67. THE The highest score of all those analysis was DeepMind Half Hassabis with 87.33. Legendary investor Warren Buffett was class third with A score of 74.

It is No secret musk East in front of everyone is on it THE billionaire list. According to has Forbes, THE You're here CEO has A net value of approximately $231.9 billion has THE time of in writing, even as You're here actions are down almost ten% on THE day. Bezos East class third with A net value of approximately $152.1 billion And Zuckerberg is sitting In seventh has $112.6 billion.

Read Next: The Elite Billionaires of Sports Ownership: Meet THE High ten The richest Team Owners

This drawing was generated using artificial intelligence via Halfway.

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