Bauchi Assembly Adopts Hausa as Second Language for Legislative Business, Rules of Procedure

During its plenary session on Tuesday, the Bauchi National Assembly adopted Hausa as the second language for debates and other legislative discussions.

The adoption came after a motion presented by the Hon. Auwal Hassan of Shira Constituency, calling for the inclusion of Hausa as a second language alongside English in the conduct of House business.

Hon. Auwal Hassan argued that English is the official language used in governmental and non-governmental institutions in Nigeria.

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He referred to Article 97 of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and Article 3, Rule 8 of the Standing Orders of the Bauchi State Assembly 2017, which states that proceedings and debates must be conducted in English, but the House may also conduct business in other languages ​​spoken in the state.

He suggested that since Hausa is the most widely spoken language in Bauchi State, used by over 90% of the population, it should be adopted as the second official language for the conduct of House business.

Hon. Musa Wakili Nakwada from Bogoro Constituency seconded the motion, congratulating the mover and recalling that he had presented a similar motion at the 9th Assembly.

After the debate, Speaker Abubakar Sulaiman put the motion to a voice vote and the House passed it unanimously.

During the same plenary session, Majority Leader Hon. Saleh Hodi Jibir, representing Disina Constituency, moved a motion calling for the adoption of the Bauchi State Bylaws 2017 (as amended).

Hon. Jibir explained that the Rules of Procedure are a rule agreed upon by the Chamber to govern its work in the Chamber and in the committees, pointing out that the Chamber cannot function without permanent rules.

He proposed that the House adopt the Standing Orders of the previous Assembly until existing rules are reviewed or amended to improve the delivery of legislative services.

Deputy Majority Leader Hon. Babayo Muhammad from Hardawa Constituency seconded the motion.

The President put the motion to a voice vote and the deputies voted in favour.

Under personal explanation, the new House Majority Leader, Hon. Saleh Hodi Jibir, expressed his gratitude to their respective parties and MPs for their endorsement.

He also thanked Governor Bala Abdulkadir Muhammad and the leaders of the two political parties and urged management and staff to help them fulfill their responsibilities.

Hon. Hodi stressed that their positions are a collective responsibility and need input from MPs and House staff. He prayed for guidance in carrying out their activities and promised to fulfill their responsibilities according to the rules.

Under Matters of Urgent Public Importance, Hon. Garba Adamu from Ganjuwa West constituency drew attention to a bridge in Filin Shagari, Kariya district, which is on the verge of collapse.

He said taking the matter to the House was a last resort, as the bridge was soon to be washed away, and he called for government intervention.

In his remarks, the President acknowledged that similar complaints occur across the state during the rainy season, underscoring the need for prompt action.

Contributing to the discussion, Hon. Ladan Muhammad from Ganjuwa East constituency mentioned a similar problem in his constituency, where a bridge had recently collapsed.

He called on the government executive to rebuild the bridge, as it is the only road connecting the community of Soro to the local government of Kirfi.

Hon. Musa Wakili Nakwada from Bogoro constituency highlighted the danger posed by a bridge on the road linking Bogoro to Gobbiya, urging the government to act. He suggested that a department be tasked with assessing similar issues across the state before they arise.


The thought of not graduating first class gave me hypertension —Shukroh Adeyemi, LASU first class English graduate

Shukroh Adeyemi is a first class graduate of the Department of English, Lagos State University (LASU), for…

Full List: Names of Past Governors Receiving 10th Senate Pensions


Bauchi Assembly Adopts Hausa as Second Language for Legislative Business, Rules of Procedure

During its plenary session on Tuesday, the Bauchi National Assembly adopted Hausa as the second language for debates and other legislative discussions.

The adoption came after a motion presented by the Hon. Auwal Hassan of Shira Constituency, calling for the inclusion of Hausa as a second language alongside English in the conduct of House business.

Hon. Auwal Hassan argued that English is the official language used in governmental and non-governmental institutions in Nigeria.

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He referred to Article 97 of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and Article 3, Rule 8 of the Standing Orders of the Bauchi State Assembly 2017, which states that proceedings and debates must be conducted in English, but the House may also conduct business in other languages ​​spoken in the state.

He suggested that since Hausa is the most widely spoken language in Bauchi State, used by over 90% of the population, it should be adopted as the second official language for the conduct of House business.

Hon. Musa Wakili Nakwada from Bogoro Constituency seconded the motion, congratulating the mover and recalling that he had presented a similar motion at the 9th Assembly.

After the debate, Speaker Abubakar Sulaiman put the motion to a voice vote and the House passed it unanimously.

During the same plenary session, Majority Leader Hon. Saleh Hodi Jibir, representing Disina Constituency, moved a motion calling for the adoption of the Bauchi State Bylaws 2017 (as amended).

Hon. Jibir explained that the Rules of Procedure are a rule agreed upon by the Chamber to govern its work in the Chamber and in the committees, pointing out that the Chamber cannot function without permanent rules.

He proposed that the House adopt the Standing Orders of the previous Assembly until existing rules are reviewed or amended to improve the delivery of legislative services.

Deputy Majority Leader Hon. Babayo Muhammad from Hardawa Constituency seconded the motion.

The President put the motion to a voice vote and the deputies voted in favour.

Under personal explanation, the new House Majority Leader, Hon. Saleh Hodi Jibir, expressed his gratitude to their respective parties and MPs for their endorsement.

He also thanked Governor Bala Abdulkadir Muhammad and the leaders of the two political parties and urged management and staff to help them fulfill their responsibilities.

Hon. Hodi stressed that their positions are a collective responsibility and need input from MPs and House staff. He prayed for guidance in carrying out their activities and promised to fulfill their responsibilities according to the rules.

Under Matters of Urgent Public Importance, Hon. Garba Adamu from Ganjuwa West constituency drew attention to a bridge in Filin Shagari, Kariya district, which is on the verge of collapse.

He said taking the matter to the House was a last resort, as the bridge was soon to be washed away, and he called for government intervention.

In his remarks, the President acknowledged that similar complaints occur across the state during the rainy season, underscoring the need for prompt action.

Contributing to the discussion, Hon. Ladan Muhammad from Ganjuwa East constituency mentioned a similar problem in his constituency, where a bridge had recently collapsed.

He called on the government executive to rebuild the bridge, as it is the only road connecting the community of Soro to the local government of Kirfi.

Hon. Musa Wakili Nakwada from Bogoro constituency highlighted the danger posed by a bridge on the road linking Bogoro to Gobbiya, urging the government to act. He suggested that a department be tasked with assessing similar issues across the state before they arise.


The thought of not graduating first class gave me hypertension —Shukroh Adeyemi, LASU first class English graduate

Shukroh Adeyemi is a first class graduate of the Department of English, Lagos State University (LASU), for…

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