Matawalle: HURIWA calls for due process and protests against the “media trial” of the ex-governor

THE Human Rights Writers Association of Nigeria (HURIWA) has protested What he called THE 'alleged media trial of Minister of State For Defense, Dr. Bello Mohammed Matawalle.

THE band staging A demonstration In Abuja, call on THE Economic And Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) And other fight against corruption body In Nigeria has subscribe And conform fully with THE constitutional principles of THE ruler of law, And has resist any of them external pressure has seaside resort has orchestrated by the media persecution of any of them alleged delinquent.

HAS THE event, assisted by several affiliates And supporters of civil rights And democracy, HURIWA national coordinator, Emmanuelle Onwubiko, read out A letter, which was Also present has THE Executive President of THE EFCC, Mr. Olanipekun Olukayode.

According to has him, THE peaceful assembly, supported up by THE constitutional provisions on freedoms of peaceful assembly And information dedicated In THE OBLIGATORY Chapter 4 of THE Constitution, was need by THE flood of politically acquired And motivated demonstrations by The politicians against THE portion cupboard member of THE government of President Bolas Ahmed Tinubu In THE person of THE Minister of State For Defense, Dr. Matawalle.

THE band Also Express It is without mixing And total solidarity And support For THE fight against corruption crusade of THE EFCC, which he maintained should be based on law And adapted towards strict compliance with THE principle of THE ruler of law And provisions backup human rights of citizens as encompassed In THE Constitution.

HURIWA recommended THE observance of THE principles of THE law, which recognize suspects as be totally innocent In THE eyes of THE law until A opposite determination East reached by A competent court of law And not by researchers of 'lynch crowd injustice'.

THE letter, title "Sponsored Demonstration Against Matawalle: Policy Adopted Also Far And A Distraction," read In part: "We are constrained has address THE recent developments concerning THE demonstrations against THE Minister of State For Defense, Dr. Bello Mohammed Matawalle.

"THE protests, which appear has be sponsored, to have reached A worrying level And are NOW A cause For serious concern. While THE RIGHT has peaceful assembly And free speech East fundamental, these rights should not be exercised In A manner that disturbs public peace And security.

"THE last band of demonstrators identified himself as Tinubu Youth And Women Network. In addition, THE APC Akida Forum recently submitted A petition alleging Dr. Matawalle participation In arm offers And financial irregularities that arrived about 15 years there is.

"However, he East imperative has State that if THE allegation against him were TRUE, he I could not to have emerged as A member of THE Federal Home of Representatives, Governor of her State, Or A minister of THE Federal Republic of Nigeria.

"He East crucial has emphasize that allegations alone TO DO not constitute guilt. These complaints lack substantial evidence And seem politically motivated.

"We urge that such imported be manipulated through THE appropriate legal chains, with writing petitions submitted has THE EFCC as required by law, instead that through public demonstrations that aim has intimidate And exercise undue pressure on THE Commissions.

“Dr. Matawalle has regularly exploited In THE terminals of THE law And has Express her will has cooperate fully with THE EFCC has ensure A transparent And fair investigation.

"Her track save of service has THE nation speak volumes about her integrity And dedication has public desk. As such, THE EFCC must to drive It is investigations without external pressures Or distractions.

"THE context of these allegations can't be ignored. Nigeria policy landscape East often spoils by defame campaigns And character assassination attempts, particularly against those In positions of authority.

"THE in progress demonstrations are likely aiming has diversion policy office stands Since their homework And responsibilities.

"We, has HURIWA, respectfully request THE Executive President of THE EFCC has to discourage these politically motivated demonstrations against government civil servants.

"We advise those with grievances has follow due process by submission writing petitions Or while searching to sort out through competent courts of law.

"Furthermore, We to propose that THE demonstrators Or their sponsors sign A bind All right that, should THE investigation exonerate Dr. Matawalle, they will confront Stop And be do has pay THE even Rising they are alleging as damage has Dr. Matawalle.

"THE EFCC East A respected institution that must defend It is mandate with integrity And independence. We trust that You will consider OUR concerns And take THE necessary not has ensure that justice East served impartially. »

Matawalle: HURIWA calls for due process and protests against the “media trial” of the ex-governor

THE Human Rights Writers Association of Nigeria (HURIWA) has protested What he called THE 'alleged media trial of Minister of State For Defense, Dr. Bello Mohammed Matawalle.

THE band staging A demonstration In Abuja, call on THE Economic And Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) And other fight against corruption body In Nigeria has subscribe And conform fully with THE constitutional principles of THE ruler of law, And has resist any of them external pressure has seaside resort has orchestrated by the media persecution of any of them alleged delinquent.

HAS THE event, assisted by several affiliates And supporters of civil rights And democracy, HURIWA national coordinator, Emmanuelle Onwubiko, read out A letter, which was Also present has THE Executive President of THE EFCC, Mr. Olanipekun Olukayode.

According to has him, THE peaceful assembly, supported up by THE constitutional provisions on freedoms of peaceful assembly And information dedicated In THE OBLIGATORY Chapter 4 of THE Constitution, was need by THE flood of politically acquired And motivated demonstrations by The politicians against THE portion cupboard member of THE government of President Bolas Ahmed Tinubu In THE person of THE Minister of State For Defense, Dr. Matawalle.

THE band Also Express It is without mixing And total solidarity And support For THE fight against corruption crusade of THE EFCC, which he maintained should be based on law And adapted towards strict compliance with THE principle of THE ruler of law And provisions backup human rights of citizens as encompassed In THE Constitution.

HURIWA recommended THE observance of THE principles of THE law, which recognize suspects as be totally innocent In THE eyes of THE law until A opposite determination East reached by A competent court of law And not by researchers of 'lynch crowd injustice'.

THE letter, title "Sponsored Demonstration Against Matawalle: Policy Adopted Also Far And A Distraction," read In part: "We are constrained has address THE recent developments concerning THE demonstrations against THE Minister of State For Defense, Dr. Bello Mohammed Matawalle.

"THE protests, which appear has be sponsored, to have reached A worrying level And are NOW A cause For serious concern. While THE RIGHT has peaceful assembly And free speech East fundamental, these rights should not be exercised In A manner that disturbs public peace And security.

"THE last band of demonstrators identified himself as Tinubu Youth And Women Network. In addition, THE APC Akida Forum recently submitted A petition alleging Dr. Matawalle participation In arm offers And financial irregularities that arrived about 15 years there is.

"However, he East imperative has State that if THE allegation against him were TRUE, he I could not to have emerged as A member of THE Federal Home of Representatives, Governor of her State, Or A minister of THE Federal Republic of Nigeria.

"He East crucial has emphasize that allegations alone TO DO not constitute guilt. These complaints lack substantial evidence And seem politically motivated.

"We urge that such imported be manipulated through THE appropriate legal chains, with writing petitions submitted has THE EFCC as required by law, instead that through public demonstrations that aim has intimidate And exercise undue pressure on THE Commissions.

“Dr. Matawalle has regularly exploited In THE terminals of THE law And has Express her will has cooperate fully with THE EFCC has ensure A transparent And fair investigation.

"Her track save of service has THE nation speak volumes about her integrity And dedication has public desk. As such, THE EFCC must to drive It is investigations without external pressures Or distractions.

"THE context of these allegations can't be ignored. Nigeria policy landscape East often spoils by defame campaigns And character assassination attempts, particularly against those In positions of authority.

"THE in progress demonstrations are likely aiming has diversion policy office stands Since their homework And responsibilities.

"We, has HURIWA, respectfully request THE Executive President of THE EFCC has to discourage these politically motivated demonstrations against government civil servants.

"We advise those with grievances has follow due process by submission writing petitions Or while searching to sort out through competent courts of law.

"Furthermore, We to propose that THE demonstrators Or their sponsors sign A bind All right that, should THE investigation exonerate Dr. Matawalle, they will confront Stop And be do has pay THE even Rising they are alleging as damage has Dr. Matawalle.

"THE EFCC East A respected institution that must defend It is mandate with integrity And independence. We trust that You will consider OUR concerns And take THE necessary not has ensure that justice East served impartially. »

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