Beyond the Hijrah of Prophet Muhammad (II)

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful.

The Prophet Salih (as) and those who believed in his message of the unity of God went on emigration (Hijrah). A camel was given to them as a symbol, to graze freely in order to check the arrogance of the rich over the poor; the greed of the oppressors to give water to the people; and the selfishness of the powerful who allow the sheep of the poor to graze freely in the land (Quran 7:73-79).

But they paralyzed the camel sent to graze freely in the land. The people of Prophet Salih (as) were invited to emigrate (Hijrah) with him. On the third day, Allah Almighty destroyed the arrogant with their beautiful buildings in an earthquake (Quran 11:61-68; 26:141-159; 27:45-53). The Holy Quran 11:66 reports: "When our decree was issued, we saved Salih and those who believed with him, by a (special) grace from us - and from the disgrace of that day, for it is your Lord who is the strongest, and able to enforce his will. »

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Similarly, Prophet Lut (as) and his people were forced to emigrate from the plain cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. The Holy Quran 11:81 says: “The messengers (angels) said: “O Lot! We are messengers of your Lord! They will not reach you in any case! Now travel with your family while there is still part of the night, and none of you look back. But your wife will stay behind. To her will happen what happens to the people. The morning is their rendezvous: is not the morning near?' »

The people of Lut had rejected the message of the oneness of God and relished homosexuality. Thus, they were killed by the hot stone pellets sent to destroy them, including Lut's wife who served as an informant to the detractors. The Holy Quran 11:77-83 relates the destruction of people engaged in homosexuality, "When Our Messengers came to Luṭ, he was grieved because of them and felt powerless (to protect them). He said, 'It is a painful day.' And his people rushed to him, and they had long been accustomed to practice abominations. He said, 'O my people! Behold my daughters: they are purer to you (if you marry)! Now fear God, and put me not to shame for my hosts! Is there not one sensible man among you?" They said, "You know well that we 'we don't need your daughters; indeed, you know very well what we want!' He said, 'Would I have the power to suppress you or could I turn to powerful support'. (The Messengers) said, "O Luṭ! We are Messengers of your Lord! They will not overtake you! Now travel with your family while part of the night remains, and none of you don't look back: but your wife (will stay behind): To her will happen what happens to the people. Morning is their appointed hour: is not morning at hand?" When Our decree was issued, We overthrew (the cities) and rained upon them stones hard as baked clay, spread out, layer upon layer, —marked as from your Lord.: Neither are they far from those who do evil!"

In July 2005 and September 2007, I was at the Dead Sea on the outskirts of Amman, Jordan, where the event took place. You could still see the relics of the salt stone pillar and the Dead Sea only produces salt. In fact, the water of the rivers and the boreholes of the Jordan remains undrinkable because of the bad deeds of the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah. So far, Jordan imports water from Israel for domestic and industrial use.

Furthermore, Prophet Ibrahim (as), the Father of the Faith, embarked on the Hijrah in his propagation of the message of the Oneness of Allah. Prophet Ibrahim (as) was born in Ur in Chaldea, a place on the lower reaches of the Euphrates, less than a hundred miles from the Persian Gulf. It was one of the cradles of human civilization. Astronomy was studied there in ancient times, and the worship of the sun, moon, stars was the dominant form of religion. Prophet Ibrahim rebelled against this quite early in his life, and his argument is mentioned in the Holy Quran 6:74-82. The inhabitants had idols in their temples, probably idols representing celestial bodies and celestial winged creatures.

Prophet Ibrahim (as) was a youth when he broke the idols (Quran 21:60). The Holy Quran, Anbiyaa, The Prophets, 21:51-73, relates the story of the Hijrah (holy flight) of Prophet Ibrahim (AS), with him. See! He said to his father and his people, “What are these images to which you are (so assiduously) devoted? They said, "We found our fathers who worshiped them." He said, "Indeed you have been in manifest error, you and your fathers." They said, "Did you bring...

Beyond the Hijrah of Prophet Muhammad (II)

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful.

The Prophet Salih (as) and those who believed in his message of the unity of God went on emigration (Hijrah). A camel was given to them as a symbol, to graze freely in order to check the arrogance of the rich over the poor; the greed of the oppressors to give water to the people; and the selfishness of the powerful who allow the sheep of the poor to graze freely in the land (Quran 7:73-79).

But they paralyzed the camel sent to graze freely in the land. The people of Prophet Salih (as) were invited to emigrate (Hijrah) with him. On the third day, Allah Almighty destroyed the arrogant with their beautiful buildings in an earthquake (Quran 11:61-68; 26:141-159; 27:45-53). The Holy Quran 11:66 reports: "When our decree was issued, we saved Salih and those who believed with him, by a (special) grace from us - and from the disgrace of that day, for it is your Lord who is the strongest, and able to enforce his will. »

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Similarly, Prophet Lut (as) and his people were forced to emigrate from the plain cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. The Holy Quran 11:81 says: “The messengers (angels) said: “O Lot! We are messengers of your Lord! They will not reach you in any case! Now travel with your family while there is still part of the night, and none of you look back. But your wife will stay behind. To her will happen what happens to the people. The morning is their rendezvous: is not the morning near?' »

The people of Lut had rejected the message of the oneness of God and relished homosexuality. Thus, they were killed by the hot stone pellets sent to destroy them, including Lut's wife who served as an informant to the detractors. The Holy Quran 11:77-83 relates the destruction of people engaged in homosexuality, "When Our Messengers came to Luṭ, he was grieved because of them and felt powerless (to protect them). He said, 'It is a painful day.' And his people rushed to him, and they had long been accustomed to practice abominations. He said, 'O my people! Behold my daughters: they are purer to you (if you marry)! Now fear God, and put me not to shame for my hosts! Is there not one sensible man among you?" They said, "You know well that we 'we don't need your daughters; indeed, you know very well what we want!' He said, 'Would I have the power to suppress you or could I turn to powerful support'. (The Messengers) said, "O Luṭ! We are Messengers of your Lord! They will not overtake you! Now travel with your family while part of the night remains, and none of you don't look back: but your wife (will stay behind): To her will happen what happens to the people. Morning is their appointed hour: is not morning at hand?" When Our decree was issued, We overthrew (the cities) and rained upon them stones hard as baked clay, spread out, layer upon layer, —marked as from your Lord.: Neither are they far from those who do evil!"

In July 2005 and September 2007, I was at the Dead Sea on the outskirts of Amman, Jordan, where the event took place. You could still see the relics of the salt stone pillar and the Dead Sea only produces salt. In fact, the water of the rivers and the boreholes of the Jordan remains undrinkable because of the bad deeds of the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah. So far, Jordan imports water from Israel for domestic and industrial use.

Furthermore, Prophet Ibrahim (as), the Father of the Faith, embarked on the Hijrah in his propagation of the message of the Oneness of Allah. Prophet Ibrahim (as) was born in Ur in Chaldea, a place on the lower reaches of the Euphrates, less than a hundred miles from the Persian Gulf. It was one of the cradles of human civilization. Astronomy was studied there in ancient times, and the worship of the sun, moon, stars was the dominant form of religion. Prophet Ibrahim rebelled against this quite early in his life, and his argument is mentioned in the Holy Quran 6:74-82. The inhabitants had idols in their temples, probably idols representing celestial bodies and celestial winged creatures.

Prophet Ibrahim (as) was a youth when he broke the idols (Quran 21:60). The Holy Quran, Anbiyaa, The Prophets, 21:51-73, relates the story of the Hijrah (holy flight) of Prophet Ibrahim (AS), with him. See! He said to his father and his people, “What are these images to which you are (so assiduously) devoted? They said, "We found our fathers who worshiped them." He said, "Indeed you have been in manifest error, you and your fathers." They said, "Did you bring...

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