Varieties of Black Gram and Green Gram for Kharif and Rabi seasons

To welcome has OUR insightful exploration of Black Gram And Green Gram varieties, adapted For both THE Kharif And Rabi seasons. This job search In THE miscellaneous types of these nutrient impulses, highlighting their unique features And relevance For different climatic terms. If You are A farmer while searching THE best reframe choice Or A curious drive interested In agronomy, This guide provides A clear And direct preview of these vital legumes, ensure A rich understanding of their cultivation And importance In sustainable agricultural.

Black Gram and Green Gram Varieties: Black Gram Market
Black Gram And Green Gram Varieties Green Gram (Moon) Agriculture Best Practices Climate And Ground Requirements Climate Adaptability: Green gram prosperous In hot And hot the climates, with A ideal annual precipitation of 60 has 75 cm. It is A robust crop, able of resist drought has A significant extent, manufacturing he appropriate For miscellaneous climatic terms. Ground Preference: He grows best In well drained floors as sandy potting soil has black cotton floors. Avoid saline, alkaline, Or tempera terms. Field Preparation Plowing And Heart touching: To start with A Or two plowing, follow up by cross harrowing And boards. Ensure THE field East level And free Since weeds. Ground Humidity: In THE summer, prepare THE field has Vapsa terms (optimal ground humidity), ensure minimal humidity loss. Sowing Hourly: Sow has THE beginning of monsoon For THE Kharif season And during late FEBRUARY has early March For THE summer reframe. Method: To use A seed drill Or local plow For sowing. Seed Treatment: To treat seeds with Thiram Or Captan (2-3 g/kg) For disease prevention And consider rhizobia strain treatment For first time crops. Spacing And Depth: Maintain A spacing of 45 cm X ten cm (Kharif) Or 30 cm X ten cm (Rabi And Summer), seedling seeds has A depth of 5-7 cm.

In case You lack he: Pest And Disease Management In Red Gram: Causes, Symptoms, Chemical, And Biological Control

Black Gram < /figure> Fertilization Organic And Inorganic Fertilizers: Apply 10-15 CL/ha of well decomposed AFYM along with basal application of NOT, P2O5, And Sometimes K2O, adjustment For ground types. Sulfur Application: In sulfur deficient the grounds, apply 20 kg/ha of sulfur. Irrigation Rainfed cultivation Crop: Natural precipitation generally enough, but appropriate drainage East critical. Summer Crop: Requires 5-6 watering, with THE First of all has 20-25 days After seedling ...

Varieties of Black Gram and Green Gram for Kharif and Rabi seasons

To welcome has OUR insightful exploration of Black Gram And Green Gram varieties, adapted For both THE Kharif And Rabi seasons. This job search In THE miscellaneous types of these nutrient impulses, highlighting their unique features And relevance For different climatic terms. If You are A farmer while searching THE best reframe choice Or A curious drive interested In agronomy, This guide provides A clear And direct preview of these vital legumes, ensure A rich understanding of their cultivation And importance In sustainable agricultural.

Black Gram and Green Gram Varieties: Black Gram Market
Black Gram And Green Gram Varieties Green Gram (Moon) Agriculture Best Practices Climate And Ground Requirements Climate Adaptability: Green gram prosperous In hot And hot the climates, with A ideal annual precipitation of 60 has 75 cm. It is A robust crop, able of resist drought has A significant extent, manufacturing he appropriate For miscellaneous climatic terms. Ground Preference: He grows best In well drained floors as sandy potting soil has black cotton floors. Avoid saline, alkaline, Or tempera terms. Field Preparation Plowing And Heart touching: To start with A Or two plowing, follow up by cross harrowing And boards. Ensure THE field East level And free Since weeds. Ground Humidity: In THE summer, prepare THE field has Vapsa terms (optimal ground humidity), ensure minimal humidity loss. Sowing Hourly: Sow has THE beginning of monsoon For THE Kharif season And during late FEBRUARY has early March For THE summer reframe. Method: To use A seed drill Or local plow For sowing. Seed Treatment: To treat seeds with Thiram Or Captan (2-3 g/kg) For disease prevention And consider rhizobia strain treatment For first time crops. Spacing And Depth: Maintain A spacing of 45 cm X ten cm (Kharif) Or 30 cm X ten cm (Rabi And Summer), seedling seeds has A depth of 5-7 cm.

In case You lack he: Pest And Disease Management In Red Gram: Causes, Symptoms, Chemical, And Biological Control

Black Gram < /figure> Fertilization Organic And Inorganic Fertilizers: Apply 10-15 CL/ha of well decomposed AFYM along with basal application of NOT, P2O5, And Sometimes K2O, adjustment For ground types. Sulfur Application: In sulfur deficient the grounds, apply 20 kg/ha of sulfur. Irrigation Rainfed cultivation Crop: Natural precipitation generally enough, but appropriate drainage East critical. Summer Crop: Requires 5-6 watering, with THE First of all has 20-25 days After seedling ...

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