Bobby Wooten III: 5 things to know about the musician who separated from Katie Holmes

bobby wooten iii See the gallery Katie Holmes attends the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute Benefit Gala Celebrating the Opening of Editorial Use Only. No Book Cover Usage. Mandatory Credit: Photo by Moviestore/Shutterstock (1567011a) Dawson's Creek , Katie Holmes, James Van Der Beek Film and Television 20001003 Los Angeles, CA Katie Holmes at the premiere screening of Twentieth Century Fox's Bobby Wooten III is a very accomplished musician. He and Katie Holmes started dating in the spring of 2022. They reportedly ended their short-lived romance after eight months in December.

Katie Holmes and Bobby Wooten III have gotten serious since they started dating in April 2022. In fact, even Katie's teenage daughter Suri Cruise seemed to approve! But despite their red carpet debut on PDA in June, they appeared to have fallen apart in December 2022, according to a June 16 report from . Here's what to know about the musician who captured the hearts of the Thank Your For Smoking beauty, for just under a year.

More infoKatie Holmes 1. Bobby is a bassist

First and foremost, Bobby is a musician, and his instrument of choice is the bass. Bobby with a number of renowned musicians, including

Bobby Wooten III: 5 things to know about the musician who separated from Katie Holmes
bobby wooten iii See the gallery Katie Holmes attends the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute Benefit Gala Celebrating the Opening of Editorial Use Only. No Book Cover Usage. Mandatory Credit: Photo by Moviestore/Shutterstock (1567011a) Dawson's Creek , Katie Holmes, James Van Der Beek Film and Television 20001003 Los Angeles, CA Katie Holmes at the premiere screening of Twentieth Century Fox's Bobby Wooten III is a very accomplished musician. He and Katie Holmes started dating in the spring of 2022. They reportedly ended their short-lived romance after eight months in December.

Katie Holmes and Bobby Wooten III have gotten serious since they started dating in April 2022. In fact, even Katie's teenage daughter Suri Cruise seemed to approve! But despite their red carpet debut on PDA in June, they appeared to have fallen apart in December 2022, according to a June 16 report from . Here's what to know about the musician who captured the hearts of the Thank Your For Smoking beauty, for just under a year.

More infoKatie Holmes 1. Bobby is a bassist

First and foremost, Bobby is a musician, and his instrument of choice is the bass. Bobby with a number of renowned musicians, including

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