Briggs: No region, religion or people alone can save Nigeria

Annkio Briggs is the animator of the Niger Delta Self-Determination Movement and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Agape Birthrights Organization, an NGO advocating for environmental, development, political and human rights. In this interview with OBIRE ONAKEMU, he talks about the state of the nation and what Nigerians should do to ensure that the 2023 general elections bring about a better Nigeria where justice and fairness prevail.

How about the state of the nation and preparations for the 2023 election? The state of the nation is deplorable. Nigeria, a country of six political areas, 36 states and 774 local government areas with an estimated population of over 200 million, is supposed to be a democratic society. Government, regardless of political party, should deliver the dividends of democracy, in terms of infrastructure and human capital development, ensuring security of life and property, a clean and livable environment, ensuring equity, justice, equity, peace and responsibility. Unfortunately, since independence in 1960, one government after another has failed the people in this regard to the point that one wonders if there is any hope or reason to continue. The preparation for the 2023 elections, in my opinion and my analysis, began before 2015.

The growing insecurity over the past eight years is part of the strategy of a group of Nigerians who believe that Nigeria is their piece of land to own, use and control. Comptrollers who are not members of the ruling political party have no desire to relinquish power despite their obvious failures.

What kind of politics can save our nation and bring it to greatness? Nigeria is supposed to be a democracy on the platform of federalism, fairness and accountability. Politics is at the service of its nation and the people. Truth, Credibility, Fairness, Justice and Equity are the pillars that will take Nigeria to greater heights. Nepotism will continue to kill Nigeria. No state, region, religion or people alone can save Nigeria. The task of saving the country should be a collective responsibility.

Do you have a preferred candidate and what are your reasons? There are three main candidates for the 2023 elections, in all truth, among the three, I will vote for Peter Obi. Age, credibility, humility, experience, compassion and responsibility are some of the leadership qualities I see in him. Nigerians should not talk about equity just as a word, they should display it by voting for Peter Obi. 3 years, late Umaru Musa Yaradua.(c)2010 to 2011 Niger Delta of Southern Nigeria ruled for 1 year, completing Yaradua's term as stated by the 1999 Constitution, GEJ.(d)2011 to 2015 Niger Delta of Southern Nigeria ruled for 4 years, GEJ.(e)2015 to 2023 North West of Northern Nigeria ruled for 8 years Muhammad Buhari.

Justice and fairness are not a favor, they are a right. All Nigerians should uphold justice and equity.

Obi is a candidate from the Southeast zone who failed to produce the country's president. It is right for all areas to support a capable Nigerian from the South East and Peter Obi is that candidate.

Do you trust the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to organize free and fair elections in 2023? The INEC, if made up of truthful people from different parts of Nigeria, should have no problem doing their job honestly and fairly as expected of them with all the new electoral laws in place. The concern is, will INEC be truthful to the key word in its name, independent? The question is: is INEC credible, independent and accountable to the electorate?

I remain skeptical, but when the Nigerian electorate and the world see the turnout, we will listen to the election results. Although elections in Nigeria in the past have been marred by violence, murder and rigging, it is up to Nigerians to demand free and fair elections from INEC and the electorate owes Nigerians free and fair elections. Citizens should decide whether they would accept a rigged election in February this year.

Northern governor says 2023 polls still at two horses. What is your reaction to this? As usual, some Northern politicians who believe that Nigeria belongs to them are making statements and taking positions that remind us of Southern Nigeria and the statement attributed to the late Prime Minister of the Northern Region, Sir. Ahmadu Bello, published on October 12, 1960 in a newspaper, The Pilot referring to Nigeria as a domain of their great-grandfather, Othman Dan Fodio. This claim remains among them to this day. If you think the 2023 election is a two-horse race, that means Peter O...

Briggs: No region, religion or people alone can save Nigeria

Annkio Briggs is the animator of the Niger Delta Self-Determination Movement and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Agape Birthrights Organization, an NGO advocating for environmental, development, political and human rights. In this interview with OBIRE ONAKEMU, he talks about the state of the nation and what Nigerians should do to ensure that the 2023 general elections bring about a better Nigeria where justice and fairness prevail.

How about the state of the nation and preparations for the 2023 election? The state of the nation is deplorable. Nigeria, a country of six political areas, 36 states and 774 local government areas with an estimated population of over 200 million, is supposed to be a democratic society. Government, regardless of political party, should deliver the dividends of democracy, in terms of infrastructure and human capital development, ensuring security of life and property, a clean and livable environment, ensuring equity, justice, equity, peace and responsibility. Unfortunately, since independence in 1960, one government after another has failed the people in this regard to the point that one wonders if there is any hope or reason to continue. The preparation for the 2023 elections, in my opinion and my analysis, began before 2015.

The growing insecurity over the past eight years is part of the strategy of a group of Nigerians who believe that Nigeria is their piece of land to own, use and control. Comptrollers who are not members of the ruling political party have no desire to relinquish power despite their obvious failures.

What kind of politics can save our nation and bring it to greatness? Nigeria is supposed to be a democracy on the platform of federalism, fairness and accountability. Politics is at the service of its nation and the people. Truth, Credibility, Fairness, Justice and Equity are the pillars that will take Nigeria to greater heights. Nepotism will continue to kill Nigeria. No state, region, religion or people alone can save Nigeria. The task of saving the country should be a collective responsibility.

Do you have a preferred candidate and what are your reasons? There are three main candidates for the 2023 elections, in all truth, among the three, I will vote for Peter Obi. Age, credibility, humility, experience, compassion and responsibility are some of the leadership qualities I see in him. Nigerians should not talk about equity just as a word, they should display it by voting for Peter Obi. 3 years, late Umaru Musa Yaradua.(c)2010 to 2011 Niger Delta of Southern Nigeria ruled for 1 year, completing Yaradua's term as stated by the 1999 Constitution, GEJ.(d)2011 to 2015 Niger Delta of Southern Nigeria ruled for 4 years, GEJ.(e)2015 to 2023 North West of Northern Nigeria ruled for 8 years Muhammad Buhari.

Justice and fairness are not a favor, they are a right. All Nigerians should uphold justice and equity.

Obi is a candidate from the Southeast zone who failed to produce the country's president. It is right for all areas to support a capable Nigerian from the South East and Peter Obi is that candidate.

Do you trust the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to organize free and fair elections in 2023? The INEC, if made up of truthful people from different parts of Nigeria, should have no problem doing their job honestly and fairly as expected of them with all the new electoral laws in place. The concern is, will INEC be truthful to the key word in its name, independent? The question is: is INEC credible, independent and accountable to the electorate?

I remain skeptical, but when the Nigerian electorate and the world see the turnout, we will listen to the election results. Although elections in Nigeria in the past have been marred by violence, murder and rigging, it is up to Nigerians to demand free and fair elections from INEC and the electorate owes Nigerians free and fair elections. Citizens should decide whether they would accept a rigged election in February this year.

Northern governor says 2023 polls still at two horses. What is your reaction to this? As usual, some Northern politicians who believe that Nigeria belongs to them are making statements and taking positions that remind us of Southern Nigeria and the statement attributed to the late Prime Minister of the Northern Region, Sir. Ahmadu Bello, published on October 12, 1960 in a newspaper, The Pilot referring to Nigeria as a domain of their great-grandfather, Othman Dan Fodio. This claim remains among them to this day. If you think the 2023 election is a two-horse race, that means Peter O...

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