Britney Spears raves about Madonna on her 64th birthday, posts photo of couple kissing

Britney Spears & Madonna See the gallery Britney Spears Authur Ashe Kids' Day, New York, USA - September 27, 1999 Britney Spears rehearsing for Arthur Ashe's Children's Day at the Usta National Tennis Center Flushing Ny on August 28, 1999 Â MISCELLANEOUS Britney Spears Britney Spears at Walt Disney World, Orlando Florida, USA - June 15, 1999

Britney Spears, 40, showed off her best "Vogue" performance in a new Instagram post on August 18, for Madonna's birthday. And in the same post, the "Stronger" singer shared an adorable snapshot that showed the two pop singers kissing at Britney's wedding. Of course, she also made sure to wish the singer a "Happy Belated Birthday," as Madonna turned 64 on August 16.

More infoBritney Spears

In the video portion of Britney's post, she is seen dancing to Madonna's hit song

Britney Spears raves about Madonna on her 64th birthday, posts photo of couple kissing
Britney Spears & Madonna See the gallery Britney Spears Authur Ashe Kids' Day, New York, USA - September 27, 1999 Britney Spears rehearsing for Arthur Ashe's Children's Day at the Usta National Tennis Center Flushing Ny on August 28, 1999 Â MISCELLANEOUS Britney Spears Britney Spears at Walt Disney World, Orlando Florida, USA - June 15, 1999

Britney Spears, 40, showed off her best "Vogue" performance in a new Instagram post on August 18, for Madonna's birthday. And in the same post, the "Stronger" singer shared an adorable snapshot that showed the two pop singers kissing at Britney's wedding. Of course, she also made sure to wish the singer a "Happy Belated Birthday," as Madonna turned 64 on August 16.

More infoBritney Spears

In the video portion of Britney's post, she is seen dancing to Madonna's hit song

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