CEOs aren't getting the most out of G2 (and why it matters)

When you only have a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

Imagine having a well-stocked toolbox and picking up a hammer for every job. It does a handful of things very well, but why limit yourself when all these tools can do so much more?

Customer reviews on G2 are a powerful tool for B2B software. They establish your brand as trustworthy and authoritative, and help drive pipeline growth. But most CEOs don't realize that G2 is an incredible solution for more than just acquiring buyers.

In this guide, you'll learn why G2 is a valuable addition to the CEO's toolkit beyond business and marketing needs.

Why G2 matters to CEOs

G2 is where you go for software. Software vendors leverage their G2 profiles to gather customer feedback and persuade potential buyers. At the highest level, this is how most people tend to think of G2.

Why G2?

G2 is where B2B software brands can increase their visibility and convert new customers:

Over 6 million monthly buyers Over 1.8 million genuine user reviews Over 160,000 software vendors in over 2,000 product categories

B2B software marketers turn to G2 to build their brand and boost the pipeline, while the sales team focuses on converting buyers.

Acquiring leads and closing deals is the lifeblood of any software company. CEOs need to care about these things, but they mostly care about the big picture: hitting the right VCs at the right time to get funding.

In the eyes of a CEO, the potential of G2 as a research tool can have an impact:

How venture capitalists (VC) and private equity (PE) research and shape the way they view your business. Know which venture capital and private equity firms are looking for you right now. How to identify new partnerships and strategic acquisitions. How top talent discovers your brand and evaluates job opportunities. Understand how venture capital and private equity firms use G2

CEOs increase their chances of success in their fundraising efforts by prioritizing a strong presence on G2. Let's explore how venture capital and private equity firms are using G2 to see how you can use it to your advantage.

It's worth mentioning that venture capitalists and private equity firms can use G2 just like software buyers. But most choose to use G2 Investor Solutions, a more comprehensive tool for analyzing our extensive database of software providers.

Investors use G2 to identify potential investments

G2 is a massive marketplace in countless industries and covers many software categories. This is why private equity firms and venture capitalists consider G2 to be a reliable tool for market research.

Imagine the daily life of a VC. They travel the world looking for new opportunities to become early stage investors. Using client feedback and G2's third-party, independent research, they can assess strong candidates and engage with start-ups before competing investors have a chance.

One of their primary goals is to identify companies that match their investment criteria and are growing or growing significantly relative to their competitors or within their product categories. These moves can include:

Critical Increase Increase in traffic Changes in search (such as top company search) Increased competitiveness based on G2 exam data

Venture capital and private equity firms need more than a good product and founders they like when looking for new investment targets. G2 helps VCs gauge long-term demand by understanding market sentiment on different software.

G2 data justifies investment

Once a VC has identified a vendor, they need a bit more qualitative research to drill down. A good starting point for them is to ask questions like:

Do they care about the opinions and voice of their customers? What are their customers saying about them? How do they compare to their competitors? What is their momentum on G2? Who is looking for them on G2?

Then comes the hard part for the VC: justifying its investment. We have increasingly seen VCs using G2 data as part of this rationale. While review data is essential, it goes far beyond that. Venture capital and private equity firms will use G2 to get some of the other crucial market research data, such as:

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CEOs aren't getting the most out of G2 (and why it matters)

When you only have a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

Imagine having a well-stocked toolbox and picking up a hammer for every job. It does a handful of things very well, but why limit yourself when all these tools can do so much more?

Customer reviews on G2 are a powerful tool for B2B software. They establish your brand as trustworthy and authoritative, and help drive pipeline growth. But most CEOs don't realize that G2 is an incredible solution for more than just acquiring buyers.

In this guide, you'll learn why G2 is a valuable addition to the CEO's toolkit beyond business and marketing needs.

Why G2 matters to CEOs

G2 is where you go for software. Software vendors leverage their G2 profiles to gather customer feedback and persuade potential buyers. At the highest level, this is how most people tend to think of G2.

Why G2?

G2 is where B2B software brands can increase their visibility and convert new customers:

Over 6 million monthly buyers Over 1.8 million genuine user reviews Over 160,000 software vendors in over 2,000 product categories

B2B software marketers turn to G2 to build their brand and boost the pipeline, while the sales team focuses on converting buyers.

Acquiring leads and closing deals is the lifeblood of any software company. CEOs need to care about these things, but they mostly care about the big picture: hitting the right VCs at the right time to get funding.

In the eyes of a CEO, the potential of G2 as a research tool can have an impact:

How venture capitalists (VC) and private equity (PE) research and shape the way they view your business. Know which venture capital and private equity firms are looking for you right now. How to identify new partnerships and strategic acquisitions. How top talent discovers your brand and evaluates job opportunities. Understand how venture capital and private equity firms use G2

CEOs increase their chances of success in their fundraising efforts by prioritizing a strong presence on G2. Let's explore how venture capital and private equity firms are using G2 to see how you can use it to your advantage.

It's worth mentioning that venture capitalists and private equity firms can use G2 just like software buyers. But most choose to use G2 Investor Solutions, a more comprehensive tool for analyzing our extensive database of software providers.

Investors use G2 to identify potential investments

G2 is a massive marketplace in countless industries and covers many software categories. This is why private equity firms and venture capitalists consider G2 to be a reliable tool for market research.

Imagine the daily life of a VC. They travel the world looking for new opportunities to become early stage investors. Using client feedback and G2's third-party, independent research, they can assess strong candidates and engage with start-ups before competing investors have a chance.

One of their primary goals is to identify companies that match their investment criteria and are growing or growing significantly relative to their competitors or within their product categories. These moves can include:

Critical Increase Increase in traffic Changes in search (such as top company search) Increased competitiveness based on G2 exam data

Venture capital and private equity firms need more than a good product and founders they like when looking for new investment targets. G2 helps VCs gauge long-term demand by understanding market sentiment on different software.

G2 data justifies investment

Once a VC has identified a vendor, they need a bit more qualitative research to drill down. A good starting point for them is to ask questions like:

Do they care about the opinions and voice of their customers? What are their customers saying about them? How do they compare to their competitors? What is their momentum on G2? Who is looking for them on G2?

Then comes the hard part for the VC: justifying its investment. We have increasingly seen VCs using G2 data as part of this rationale. While review data is essential, it goes far beyond that. Venture capital and private equity firms will use G2 to get some of the other crucial market research data, such as:

Features Satisfaction KING Implementation Pricing The duration of the contract Performance trends 3 ways...

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