Chiharu Shiota's String Art installations highlight the ties that unite us

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To have You Never admired THE bright threads of A spiders the Web In THE Morning dew And request What A super-size the Web could look as? How would be It is a lot patterns, angles, And Connections translate In reality? Chiharu Shiota signature art facilities come close, using a lot interconnected threads has explore abstract Notions of meaning And memory.

Born In Japan In 1972, Shiota has work as A artist For THE last 26 years In Berlin. She doesn't often plan her pieces In advance, preferring has to use THE existing ground space as She see adjust. A Single facility generally uses 250 has 300 kilometers of her selected material — almost 200 kilometers value of black Or red thread, rope, chain, And wool. For Shiota, THE art process East not SO a lot about THE idea as he East about THE experience. "THE entrance East THE most important part," She said. "When I together up has THE exposure space, I create THE path For THE visitors First of all. SO, We to start with THE net on THE ceiling And on THE back of THE wall, And SO We connect he with THE ground. I TO DO art In THE space, as paint on A cloth. »

Shiota Also love has to integrate hundreds Or even thousands of every day household objects In THE mass of son. Keys, rocks, papers, glasses, shoes, clothes, boats, chairs, And more hang suspended In in the air has illustrate THE connected nature of even THE most banal objects In THE human experience.The size And ladder of Shiota facilities are impressive, but to focus uniquely on those aspects lack THE most important part - THE memories implicit In THE empty the spaces. "When I begin weaving In A empty apartment For A exposure, I request THE conservative WHO lived there Before, And they said A old women. I thought about her life, how She used THE the apartment space, Why She stayed there, And THE traces She LEFT behind — even However Identifier Never encounter her. Especially When people die, THE memory stay. " A lot of THE ordinary items She understand were LEFT behind has Chip the steps, And She chooses them because they were SO important has their owner In life but to have lost all meaning In the death. "THE material East not SO important," Shiota States, "but It is meaning East a lot more interesting. Contemporary art has No concrete answer, And It is important that everyone can feel differently. »

This article appeared In Do: Volume 88.

Chiharu Shiota's String Art installations highlight the ties that unite us

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To have You Never admired THE bright threads of A spiders the Web In THE Morning dew And request What A super-size the Web could look as? How would be It is a lot patterns, angles, And Connections translate In reality? Chiharu Shiota signature art facilities come close, using a lot interconnected threads has explore abstract Notions of meaning And memory.

Born In Japan In 1972, Shiota has work as A artist For THE last 26 years In Berlin. She doesn't often plan her pieces In advance, preferring has to use THE existing ground space as She see adjust. A Single facility generally uses 250 has 300 kilometers of her selected material — almost 200 kilometers value of black Or red thread, rope, chain, And wool. For Shiota, THE art process East not SO a lot about THE idea as he East about THE experience. "THE entrance East THE most important part," She said. "When I together up has THE exposure space, I create THE path For THE visitors First of all. SO, We to start with THE net on THE ceiling And on THE back of THE wall, And SO We connect he with THE ground. I TO DO art In THE space, as paint on A cloth. »

Shiota Also love has to integrate hundreds Or even thousands of every day household objects In THE mass of son. Keys, rocks, papers, glasses, shoes, clothes, boats, chairs, And more hang suspended In in the air has illustrate THE connected nature of even THE most banal objects In THE human experience.The size And ladder of Shiota facilities are impressive, but to focus uniquely on those aspects lack THE most important part - THE memories implicit In THE empty the spaces. "When I begin weaving In A empty apartment For A exposure, I request THE conservative WHO lived there Before, And they said A old women. I thought about her life, how She used THE the apartment space, Why She stayed there, And THE traces She LEFT behind — even However Identifier Never encounter her. Especially When people die, THE memory stay. " A lot of THE ordinary items She understand were LEFT behind has Chip the steps, And She chooses them because they were SO important has their owner In life but to have lost all meaning In the death. "THE material East not SO important," Shiota States, "but It is meaning East a lot more interesting. Contemporary art has No concrete answer, And It is important that everyone can feel differently. »

This article appeared In Do: Volume 88.

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