Chrisland: Lagos opposes alleged plan to exhume student's corpse

The Lagos State government has responded to alleged plans to exhume the body of Whitney Adeniran, a 12-year-old student at Chrisland Schools in Lagos, who died during an inter-house sport in February.< /p>

The government has said it will oppose any request for an exhumation, adding that it does not want to “further traumatize the family of the deceased”.

This was revealed in a statement signed Saturday by the state Department of Justice's Director of Public Affairs, Grace Alo, noting that "in any event, the circumstances of exhumation under the law of 2015 on coroners' systems do not arise in this case".

The rumor had gone viral after the mother of the deceased student, Blessing Adeniran, alleged that the Chrisland school had requested another autopsy for the deceased who was buried on Thursday.

She wrote on her Instagram: "CHRISLAND!!! Play all your games!!! They just called the police to request another autopsy. They want to exhume my daughter's body for another butcher. These people are a bunch of pranksters!"

autopsy report

Lagos State Government earlier confirmed that the autopsy report dated March 1 released by the Lagos State Teaching Hospital revealed that the student died of "asphyxiation and electrocution".

He also reassured the people of Lagos that "anyone found guilty would be brought to justice immediately".

In the new statement, the government said it was now working closely with the police "who gave assurances that the duplicate file would be forwarded on Monday 6 March 2023 to the Public Prosecutions Branch to assist to the rapid delivery of legal advice".


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In response to the controversies surrounding the student's death, the government has also ordered the school closed indefinitely.


Following the death of the student, the parents of the deceased accused the school management of negligence.

They took to social media to demand a public intervention to unravel the circumstances that may have led to the sudden death of their daughter while they were taking part in the sporting events held at the Agege Stadium in Lagos.


Parents insisted that the lack of an ambulance or first responders at sporting events contributed to the student's death.

In response, school advisory board chairman Ike Ofuokwu noted in a statement that the deceased 12-year-old “collapsed in public view and not under hidden circumstances.”

p> READ ALSO: Chrisland Schools and the Need for Restraint, By Uju Nwoye

“Our immediate response was to take advantage of the proximity by identifying the nearest medical facility to take him to, where the doctor on call gave him oxygen and all possible aids,” said Mr. .Ofuokwu.

Support the integrity and credibility journalism of PREMIUM TIMES Good journalism costs a lot of money. Yet only good journalism can guarantee the possibility of a good society, an accountable democracy and a transparent government. For free and continued access to the best investigative journalism in the country, we ask that you consider providing modest support to this noble endeavour. By contributing to PREMIUM TIMES, you help sustain relevant journalism and keep it free and accessible to everyone.


Chrisland: Lagos opposes alleged plan to exhume student's corpse

The Lagos State government has responded to alleged plans to exhume the body of Whitney Adeniran, a 12-year-old student at Chrisland Schools in Lagos, who died during an inter-house sport in February.< /p>

The government has said it will oppose any request for an exhumation, adding that it does not want to “further traumatize the family of the deceased”.

This was revealed in a statement signed Saturday by the state Department of Justice's Director of Public Affairs, Grace Alo, noting that "in any event, the circumstances of exhumation under the law of 2015 on coroners' systems do not arise in this case".

The rumor had gone viral after the mother of the deceased student, Blessing Adeniran, alleged that the Chrisland school had requested another autopsy for the deceased who was buried on Thursday.

She wrote on her Instagram: "CHRISLAND!!! Play all your games!!! They just called the police to request another autopsy. They want to exhume my daughter's body for another butcher. These people are a bunch of pranksters!"

autopsy report

Lagos State Government earlier confirmed that the autopsy report dated March 1 released by the Lagos State Teaching Hospital revealed that the student died of "asphyxiation and electrocution".

He also reassured the people of Lagos that "anyone found guilty would be brought to justice immediately".

In the new statement, the government said it was now working closely with the police "who gave assurances that the duplicate file would be forwarded on Monday 6 March 2023 to the Public Prosecutions Branch to assist to the rapid delivery of legal advice".


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In response to the controversies surrounding the student's death, the government has also ordered the school closed indefinitely.


Following the death of the student, the parents of the deceased accused the school management of negligence.

They took to social media to demand a public intervention to unravel the circumstances that may have led to the sudden death of their daughter while they were taking part in the sporting events held at the Agege Stadium in Lagos.


Parents insisted that the lack of an ambulance or first responders at sporting events contributed to the student's death.

In response, school advisory board chairman Ike Ofuokwu noted in a statement that the deceased 12-year-old “collapsed in public view and not under hidden circumstances.”

p> READ ALSO: Chrisland Schools and the Need for Restraint, By Uju Nwoye

“Our immediate response was to take advantage of the proximity by identifying the nearest medical facility to take him to, where the doctor on call gave him oxygen and all possible aids,” said Mr. .Ofuokwu.

Support the integrity and credibility journalism of PREMIUM TIMES Good journalism costs a lot of money. Yet only good journalism can guarantee the possibility of a good society, an accountable democracy and a transparent government. For free and continued access to the best investigative journalism in the country, we ask that you consider providing modest support to this noble endeavour. By contributing to PREMIUM TIMES, you help sustain relevant journalism and keep it free and accessible to everyone.


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