The fate of deputy governors

MEMBERS has elective office stands such as vice president, deputy presidents of local government advice And, more significantly, deputy governors In Nigeria, are questionably THE most endangered species among public civil servants. They are considered as consumable, And Sometimes describe with derogatory nicknames as 'spare tires" And treaty as such by governors. In word And action, there are very little governors In THE country WHO to treat their deputies with THE respect that their desk requests. And In a lot case, other cupboard members take A signal Since THE body language of their directors has to treat deputy governors with contempt, often In demonstration of lost loyalty has THE governors. He seems that THE deputy governor is holding desk has THE pleasure of her chief but that East far Since THE intention of THE law that created THE desk. He East SO bad that THE desk of deputy governor has clearly reduced In importance, And a lot Nigerians are call For It is scrapping Or alteration of THE law that established he In order has TO DO THE desk functional And relevant. Again, if anybody East In doubt of THE importance of THE deputy governor has THE desk of THE governor as joint ticket holders, THE case of Bayelsa In THE 2019 of the governor election should be instructive. In Bayelsa State, A governor-elect was deleted A day has inauguration by THE Supreme Court because her running boyfriend was judge has to have forge certificates. That underlines THE importance of deputy governors has THE electoral system.

Useless And avoidable imbroglio between governors And their deputies East not new In This climate. THE unresolved policy disagreement between Pennsylvania Adekunle Ajasin And her deputy, Chief Close Omoboriowo, In Ondo State, In 1983, contributed In No little measure has THE truncation of THE Second Republic by THE soldiers of fortune In 1983. Also, Senator Bolas Ahmed Tinubu, When he was governor of Lagos State, work with three deputies during her eight years mandate. Maybe THE the most bitter enemies In THE Nigerian policy space Today are Dr. Rabiu Moussa Kwankwanso And Dr. Abdallahi Oumar Gandujé, Again both were governor And deputy governor respectively, In THE even government In Kano State For four years. Currently, In Edo, Ondo And other States, This issue has impacted governance negatively. For example, In Ondo State, governance East literally In pending situation as THE sick governor of THE State did not hand on, as required by law, has her deputy, WHO East expected, by law, has act In her place while he East far on medical treatment. Instances are legion Or policy office stands to prioritize self-preservation And staff interests on And above public GOOD. And he East instead surprising that a lot are assign THE blame For THE preponderance of case of intolerance between governors And their deputies has THE existing laws which they consider inadequate. However, THE true issue yards more on human Errors tag by the excesses, fragilities And defective character that insufficiency of THE provisions In THE relevant statuses.

THE bitter truth East that there East Nothing spectacularly fake with THE constitutional provisions with respect has THE desk And functions of THE deputy governor (And other deputy positions) In Nigeria as those provisions largely mirror THE practical In other democracies Since Or THE Nigerian democratic system East copy. THE real issue has has TO DO with THE virulent, if not toxic, human element that has come has define THE path The politicians behave In Nigeria. Indeed, there are enough checks And sales In THE provisions has TO DO he almost impossible For those In positions of responsibility not has work together For THE promotion of public interests without THE idea of lord he on A another. However, a lot public office stands, especially THE the governors, act as if their powers are total And, on time, they to have do SO with absolute impunity, Thus create A sense In them of master-servant relationship, not just between them And their MPs, but Also with THE rest of THE citizens WHO employee them In THE First of all location.

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For example, In theory, No governor should to have THE powers has to have No deputy governor In THE dump of responsibilities without THE connivance of THE State Home of Assembly that East expected has to have monitoring on executive functions. And THE ordinary waiting East that THE legislators will ensure that No impunity East tolerated with their monitoring powers. But he East Also THE case that Since THE advent of civil ruler In 1999, THE Houses of Assembly to have has been run, And largely has worked, as appendages has THE the governors, always has their (governors) beck And call, TO DO only never mind THE govern...

The fate of deputy governors

MEMBERS has elective office stands such as vice president, deputy presidents of local government advice And, more significantly, deputy governors In Nigeria, are questionably THE most endangered species among public civil servants. They are considered as consumable, And Sometimes describe with derogatory nicknames as 'spare tires" And treaty as such by governors. In word And action, there are very little governors In THE country WHO to treat their deputies with THE respect that their desk requests. And In a lot case, other cupboard members take A signal Since THE body language of their directors has to treat deputy governors with contempt, often In demonstration of lost loyalty has THE governors. He seems that THE deputy governor is holding desk has THE pleasure of her chief but that East far Since THE intention of THE law that created THE desk. He East SO bad that THE desk of deputy governor has clearly reduced In importance, And a lot Nigerians are call For It is scrapping Or alteration of THE law that established he In order has TO DO THE desk functional And relevant. Again, if anybody East In doubt of THE importance of THE deputy governor has THE desk of THE governor as joint ticket holders, THE case of Bayelsa In THE 2019 of the governor election should be instructive. In Bayelsa State, A governor-elect was deleted A day has inauguration by THE Supreme Court because her running boyfriend was judge has to have forge certificates. That underlines THE importance of deputy governors has THE electoral system.

Useless And avoidable imbroglio between governors And their deputies East not new In This climate. THE unresolved policy disagreement between Pennsylvania Adekunle Ajasin And her deputy, Chief Close Omoboriowo, In Ondo State, In 1983, contributed In No little measure has THE truncation of THE Second Republic by THE soldiers of fortune In 1983. Also, Senator Bolas Ahmed Tinubu, When he was governor of Lagos State, work with three deputies during her eight years mandate. Maybe THE the most bitter enemies In THE Nigerian policy space Today are Dr. Rabiu Moussa Kwankwanso And Dr. Abdallahi Oumar Gandujé, Again both were governor And deputy governor respectively, In THE even government In Kano State For four years. Currently, In Edo, Ondo And other States, This issue has impacted governance negatively. For example, In Ondo State, governance East literally In pending situation as THE sick governor of THE State did not hand on, as required by law, has her deputy, WHO East expected, by law, has act In her place while he East far on medical treatment. Instances are legion Or policy office stands to prioritize self-preservation And staff interests on And above public GOOD. And he East instead surprising that a lot are assign THE blame For THE preponderance of case of intolerance between governors And their deputies has THE existing laws which they consider inadequate. However, THE true issue yards more on human Errors tag by the excesses, fragilities And defective character that insufficiency of THE provisions In THE relevant statuses.

THE bitter truth East that there East Nothing spectacularly fake with THE constitutional provisions with respect has THE desk And functions of THE deputy governor (And other deputy positions) In Nigeria as those provisions largely mirror THE practical In other democracies Since Or THE Nigerian democratic system East copy. THE real issue has has TO DO with THE virulent, if not toxic, human element that has come has define THE path The politicians behave In Nigeria. Indeed, there are enough checks And sales In THE provisions has TO DO he almost impossible For those In positions of responsibility not has work together For THE promotion of public interests without THE idea of lord he on A another. However, a lot public office stands, especially THE the governors, act as if their powers are total And, on time, they to have do SO with absolute impunity, Thus create A sense In them of master-servant relationship, not just between them And their MPs, but Also with THE rest of THE citizens WHO employee them In THE First of all location.

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For example, In theory, No governor should to have THE powers has to have No deputy governor In THE dump of responsibilities without THE connivance of THE State Home of Assembly that East expected has to have monitoring on executive functions. And THE ordinary waiting East that THE legislators will ensure that No impunity East tolerated with their monitoring powers. But he East Also THE case that Since THE advent of civil ruler In 1999, THE Houses of Assembly to have has been run, And largely has worked, as appendages has THE the governors, always has their (governors) beck And call, TO DO only never mind THE govern...

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