Provosts Committee and Stakeholders Meet to Reflect on the Functionality of the Education System

Education has has been describe as THE corner stone of societal development And THE foundation For innovation, prosperity And progress.

THE executive secretary of THE National Commission For Colleges of Education, Teacher Paulin Chijioke Okwelle declared This on Tuesday has THE opening ceremony of THE young lady biennial conference of THE Committee of Provost of Colleges of Education In Nigeria (CPCEN), detained has THE Ukeje Room, NCCE, Abuja.

THE theme of THE conference East 'Reinforcement THE Nigerian Education System For Functionality, Employability, And Global Relevance In THE 21 century.'

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He further said "to strenghten THE Nigeria Education System requires THE urgent need For complete reform, in the meantime, In This 21 century THE global landscape East evolution has A unprecedented pace. »

He observed that technology advancement, socioeconomic changes And cultural transformation are remodel THE requests put on education today.

According to has him, functional education go beyond THE traditional boundaries of classroom, but embodies A educative paradigm that team the learners with THE skill, SKILLS And critical thought that East required has prosper In A constantly evolving socioeconomic parameter.

He accused THE participants has THE conference, WHO are major stakeholders In THE education system, has to favor A academic environment that would be to kiss academic Excellency And cultivate creativity, resilience And adaptability, saying employability East THE bridge between education And economic empowerment.

"OUR education System must be A catalyst For create A Workforce able of not only meeting current industry needs but Also anticipating And conduct future economic tendencies," he added.

HAS reach these, he said that there must be collaboration between THE academia And industry as THE educative establishments must be incarnation of global citizens And people WHO to understand And appreciate miscellaneous perspectives, exploit cultural intelligence as A tool For diplomacy And collaboration on THE world scene.

He accused THE Committee of provosts has address THE Infrastructure deficits, to prioritize teacher training And well-being, leverage technology as A facilitator of learning And to integrate professional And technical SKILLS In THE program.

He Also enjoined THE educators has be torch bearers of change, to kiss innovative pedagogies, inspire intellectual curiosity And infuse A passion For for life learning has THE conference, noting that "your influence extends beyond THE Classroom; You are A architect of THE the nation the future. »

In her opening Remarks has THE event, THE president of THE Home Committee on Federal Colleges of Education, WHO double as THE president of THE occasion, Hon. Tanko Adamu, said colleges of education to have on THE years do significant contributions has THE development of THE country education system through THE advancement of teacher education And bringing In THE in front burner THE role of teachers as A profession.

He said, education East A powerful postman In any of them nation especially Nigeria, add that THE here socioeconomic And policy challenges In Nigerian here themselves through unemployment, Corruption, policy electoral propaganda, ethno-religious Conflicts And terrorism, among others

He, SO, submitted that THE education methodologies In THE nation should evolve In new dimensions that will "facilitate THE the integration of Nigerian citizens In THE logic of GOOD the governance, which will improve And to strenghten OUR education system And improve It is Functionality And employability towards global relevance In THE 21 century. »

He applauded THE direction of THE Committee of Provost of College of Education In Nigeria For their initiative In organize THE conference.

Earlier In her to welcome address, THE provost of Federal College of Education WHO East Also THE president of THE Committee of Provost, Teacher Faruk Rachid Harunah said that THE Artificial Intelligence double as AI, And THE recent upgrade of THE colleges of education has A double fashion; are development innovation greeted with mixed feelings of excitement And apprehension.

He said that THE conference was put In place has address THE benefits And the inconvenients of both development vis à vis education, acquired SKILLS And their relevance has THE job walk In THE 21 century.

He note that with THE caliber of THE stakeholders And policy creators In education WHO were gathered has THE conference, there was No doubt that THE direct application of feasible recommendation And solution has panels And plenary sessions of THE co...

Provosts Committee and Stakeholders Meet to Reflect on the Functionality of the Education System

Education has has been describe as THE corner stone of societal development And THE foundation For innovation, prosperity And progress.

THE executive secretary of THE National Commission For Colleges of Education, Teacher Paulin Chijioke Okwelle declared This on Tuesday has THE opening ceremony of THE young lady biennial conference of THE Committee of Provost of Colleges of Education In Nigeria (CPCEN), detained has THE Ukeje Room, NCCE, Abuja.

THE theme of THE conference East 'Reinforcement THE Nigerian Education System For Functionality, Employability, And Global Relevance In THE 21 century.'

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He further said "to strenghten THE Nigeria Education System requires THE urgent need For complete reform, in the meantime, In This 21 century THE global landscape East evolution has A unprecedented pace. »

He observed that technology advancement, socioeconomic changes And cultural transformation are remodel THE requests put on education today.

According to has him, functional education go beyond THE traditional boundaries of classroom, but embodies A educative paradigm that team the learners with THE skill, SKILLS And critical thought that East required has prosper In A constantly evolving socioeconomic parameter.

He accused THE participants has THE conference, WHO are major stakeholders In THE education system, has to favor A academic environment that would be to kiss academic Excellency And cultivate creativity, resilience And adaptability, saying employability East THE bridge between education And economic empowerment.

"OUR education System must be A catalyst For create A Workforce able of not only meeting current industry needs but Also anticipating And conduct future economic tendencies," he added.

HAS reach these, he said that there must be collaboration between THE academia And industry as THE educative establishments must be incarnation of global citizens And people WHO to understand And appreciate miscellaneous perspectives, exploit cultural intelligence as A tool For diplomacy And collaboration on THE world scene.

He accused THE Committee of provosts has address THE Infrastructure deficits, to prioritize teacher training And well-being, leverage technology as A facilitator of learning And to integrate professional And technical SKILLS In THE program.

He Also enjoined THE educators has be torch bearers of change, to kiss innovative pedagogies, inspire intellectual curiosity And infuse A passion For for life learning has THE conference, noting that "your influence extends beyond THE Classroom; You are A architect of THE the nation the future. »

In her opening Remarks has THE event, THE president of THE Home Committee on Federal Colleges of Education, WHO double as THE president of THE occasion, Hon. Tanko Adamu, said colleges of education to have on THE years do significant contributions has THE development of THE country education system through THE advancement of teacher education And bringing In THE in front burner THE role of teachers as A profession.

He said, education East A powerful postman In any of them nation especially Nigeria, add that THE here socioeconomic And policy challenges In Nigerian here themselves through unemployment, Corruption, policy electoral propaganda, ethno-religious Conflicts And terrorism, among others

He, SO, submitted that THE education methodologies In THE nation should evolve In new dimensions that will "facilitate THE the integration of Nigerian citizens In THE logic of GOOD the governance, which will improve And to strenghten OUR education system And improve It is Functionality And employability towards global relevance In THE 21 century. »

He applauded THE direction of THE Committee of Provost of College of Education In Nigeria For their initiative In organize THE conference.

Earlier In her to welcome address, THE provost of Federal College of Education WHO East Also THE president of THE Committee of Provost, Teacher Faruk Rachid Harunah said that THE Artificial Intelligence double as AI, And THE recent upgrade of THE colleges of education has A double fashion; are development innovation greeted with mixed feelings of excitement And apprehension.

He said that THE conference was put In place has address THE benefits And the inconvenients of both development vis à vis education, acquired SKILLS And their relevance has THE job walk In THE 21 century.

He note that with THE caliber of THE stakeholders And policy creators In education WHO were gathered has THE conference, there was No doubt that THE direct application of feasible recommendation And solution has panels And plenary sessions of THE co...

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