COP27: How African Youth Contributed to Egypt's Climate Change Agreement

One of the strengths of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP27) was to ensure that the voices of young people and future generations were included in conversations about climate and the environment . The Children and Youth Pavilion allowed youth from the summit to deepen the conversation by lending their voices to issues related to the climate change crisis ravaging communities around the world.

Two days after the opening of the 2022 conference, the first-ever “Children and Youth Pavilion” in COP history kicked off on the axis of the conference’s COP27 Blue Zone. This provided the dynamic young climate advocates in the city of Sharm el-Sheikh with the opportunity to voice their concerns about the climate change negotiations.

The UN said the aim of creating a youth-focused pavilion was to help increase the visibility, engagement and empowerment of the voices of children and youth networks and foster their inclusion in global climate conversation and policy-making.

“I count on your voice. It is your future that we are meant to be here to secure. land, forests and air and to live a long and prosperous future on our beautiful planet once governments take up their responsibilities. You are the future and it is your voice that will help make it happen," said COP27 President Sameh Shoukry during a visit to the Youth Pavilion.

Throughout the two weeks of the summit, PREMIUM TIMES observed that the pavilion was duly run by children and young people from all continents during COP27. Excitement, cheers and important conversations about climate justice and the inclusion of young people in climate negotiations dominated the conversations.

Repeatedly, dozens of COP attendees and passers-by were drawn to the thrills that echoed from the youth pavilion stands. Sometimes many stopped to get a sense of the creative exhibits presented by young people on the premises of the pavilion and to listen to the distinguished guests welcomed.

These activities caught the attention of those who deployed their mobile phones to capture the unique moments at the youth pavilion.

Newly launched Children and Youth Pavilion at COP27, EgyptNew Childr Launch en and Yo uh Pavilion at COP27, Egypt

This year, COP27 brought together more than 46,000 delegations from nearly 200 countries in Egypt for two weeks to advance sustainable action on climate change as the world continues to grapple with the existential scourge of fluctuations weather caused largely by human activities.< /p>

Unlike previous COPs, this year's conference was extended after negotiations stalled on terms calling on wealthy polluters (developed countries) to provide funding for "loss and damage" - a major program proposed by the African Group of Negotiators, for countries ruined by climatic disasters, as well as exaggerated ambitions in the fight against global warming.

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Similarly, the European Union outright rejected a document presented by Egypt overnight over concerns that emissions cuts were weak. But after several hours of negotiations, a historic Sharm El-Sheikh Implementation Plan (SHIP), which established funding for loss and damage, was reached on November 19.

The new fund will allow donors to contribute to a global fund to save lives and livelihoods...

COP27: How African Youth Contributed to Egypt's Climate Change Agreement

One of the strengths of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP27) was to ensure that the voices of young people and future generations were included in conversations about climate and the environment . The Children and Youth Pavilion allowed youth from the summit to deepen the conversation by lending their voices to issues related to the climate change crisis ravaging communities around the world.

Two days after the opening of the 2022 conference, the first-ever “Children and Youth Pavilion” in COP history kicked off on the axis of the conference’s COP27 Blue Zone. This provided the dynamic young climate advocates in the city of Sharm el-Sheikh with the opportunity to voice their concerns about the climate change negotiations.

The UN said the aim of creating a youth-focused pavilion was to help increase the visibility, engagement and empowerment of the voices of children and youth networks and foster their inclusion in global climate conversation and policy-making.

“I count on your voice. It is your future that we are meant to be here to secure. land, forests and air and to live a long and prosperous future on our beautiful planet once governments take up their responsibilities. You are the future and it is your voice that will help make it happen," said COP27 President Sameh Shoukry during a visit to the Youth Pavilion.

Throughout the two weeks of the summit, PREMIUM TIMES observed that the pavilion was duly run by children and young people from all continents during COP27. Excitement, cheers and important conversations about climate justice and the inclusion of young people in climate negotiations dominated the conversations.

Repeatedly, dozens of COP attendees and passers-by were drawn to the thrills that echoed from the youth pavilion stands. Sometimes many stopped to get a sense of the creative exhibits presented by young people on the premises of the pavilion and to listen to the distinguished guests welcomed.

These activities caught the attention of those who deployed their mobile phones to capture the unique moments at the youth pavilion.

Newly launched Children and Youth Pavilion at COP27, EgyptNew Childr Launch en and Yo uh Pavilion at COP27, Egypt

This year, COP27 brought together more than 46,000 delegations from nearly 200 countries in Egypt for two weeks to advance sustainable action on climate change as the world continues to grapple with the existential scourge of fluctuations weather caused largely by human activities.< /p>

Unlike previous COPs, this year's conference was extended after negotiations stalled on terms calling on wealthy polluters (developed countries) to provide funding for "loss and damage" - a major program proposed by the African Group of Negotiators, for countries ruined by climatic disasters, as well as exaggerated ambitions in the fight against global warming.

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Similarly, the European Union outright rejected a document presented by Egypt overnight over concerns that emissions cuts were weak. But after several hours of negotiations, a historic Sharm El-Sheikh Implementation Plan (SHIP), which established funding for loss and damage, was reached on November 19.

The new fund will allow donors to contribute to a global fund to save lives and livelihoods...

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