CSOs threaten legal action over rainforest depletion at C'River

Civil society organizations in Cross River State have accused the state government of being at the center and the main perpetrator of the illegal depletion, destruction and loss of forests in the state. 'State.

Reports presented by CSOs have indicated that the categorization of Cross River State as home to “West Africa’s largest virgin rainforest” is highly questionable given that the status 50% of Nigeria's rainforest remaining in the state has declined since 1990.

"As a result, between 1991 and 2010, Cross River State lost 1,514 km2 of forest, or 12% of the total cover. A further 1,764% was lost between 2000 and 2008, or 17.64 %.

"We the People, Rainforest Resources and Development Center (RRDC) and Citizen's Solution Network; noted that forest depletion is caused by illegal logging, agriculture, urbanization, among others said CSOs

Presenting the report, RRDC Director General Odey Oyama said, “The forest has come under severe attack from several factors including the state government, plantation companies and illegal loggers. ."

Furthermore, Ken Henshaw expressed concern that CSOs might resort to legal action, describing the act of forest depletion as a criminal offence.

Recall that the state government, at the beginning of August, would have lifted the ban on logging.

The government's decision was made public in Calabar through the chairman of the Cross River State Forestry Commission, Chief Tony Undiandeye.


Legal Actions Cross-Riverforest

CSOs threaten legal action over rainforest depletion at C'River

Civil society organizations in Cross River State have accused the state government of being at the center and the main perpetrator of the illegal depletion, destruction and loss of forests in the state. 'State.

Reports presented by CSOs have indicated that the categorization of Cross River State as home to “West Africa’s largest virgin rainforest” is highly questionable given that the status 50% of Nigeria's rainforest remaining in the state has declined since 1990.

"As a result, between 1991 and 2010, Cross River State lost 1,514 km2 of forest, or 12% of the total cover. A further 1,764% was lost between 2000 and 2008, or 17.64 %.

"We the People, Rainforest Resources and Development Center (RRDC) and Citizen's Solution Network; noted that forest depletion is caused by illegal logging, agriculture, urbanization, among others said CSOs

Presenting the report, RRDC Director General Odey Oyama said, “The forest has come under severe attack from several factors including the state government, plantation companies and illegal loggers. ."

Furthermore, Ken Henshaw expressed concern that CSOs might resort to legal action, describing the act of forest depletion as a criminal offence.

Recall that the state government, at the beginning of August, would have lifted the ban on logging.

The government's decision was made public in Calabar through the chairman of the Cross River State Forestry Commission, Chief Tony Undiandeye.


Legal Actions Cross-Riverforest

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