CSU: Nothing to celebrate in Atiku's Pyrrhic victory - Onoh

President Bolas Tinubu campaign ancient spokesperson In THE South East, Dr. Joseph Onoh has describe as THE 'Ajasco dance' THE party of ancient Vice President Atiku Abubakar And her supporters on THE Judgement of THE United States court that order THE Chicago State University has release THE certificate of THE Nigeria President.

Jeffrey Gilbert, A WE magistrate Judge had order THE Chicago State University has release Tinubu credentials as request by Atiku, which brought party has Atiku supporters.

Onoh However against Atiku party, describing he as A Pyrrhic victory that has No DETOUR Since THE previous order of THE court that had given A similar order has release THE certificate.

He describe as unfounded, Atiku argument that President Tinubu second Chicago State University diploma had emerged, date June 27, 1979, with A alleged difference Since THE June 22, 1979 diploma.

Onoh said he was unfortunate THE inability of a few credulous public not has to understand that THE Family Educative Rights And Confidentiality Act (FERPA) as amended In 1974 has Already covered problems raised by Atiku.

According to has Oh, FERPA establishes THE RIGHT of students has inspect And goodbye their education recordings And has provide guidelines For THE correction of inaccurate And misleading data through informal And official audiences.

"SO Atiku has Nothing has celebrate about. He said THE WE that he research has authenticate these documents, if A Chicago State University diploma In THE name of Bolas Ahmed Tinubu date June 22, 1979, that was submitted has THE CENI Before THE Nigerian presidential election In FEBRUARY 2023 East authentic Or was forged.

“Atiku said that below Nigerian law, THE submission of A fraudulent document has THE CENI would be to have disqualified President Tinubu Since participant In THE election.

"NOW, When Atiku deposit her application In THE WE district court on August 2, her petition difficult THE presidential election was on hold Before THE Nigerian Presidential Election Petition Court. Atiku said her application In THE WE court was has get discoveries that would be support her petitions In THE Nigerian court of call.

"For problems of clarity I wish has State that THE Nigerian Court of Call decreases has consider problems related has President Tinubu educative background that had not has been included In Petition but instead were tardily raised For THE First of all time In Atiku petition.

"So, even if Atiku Back Since her savage shipping, he will always meet THE even empty dinner painting And No guests has serve her Oysters because they to have disappeared out of season.

"THE WE East Illinois court that order THE Chicago State University has release THE academic recordings of President Bolas Tinubu has Atiku was clear And specific while discount down THE decision In service of Atiku with THE RIGHT And skillfully socket THE keys with THE on the left.

"When Jeffrey Gilbert of WE magistrate judge, gave THE decision on order THE university has produce all relevant And not privileged documents has Atiku In two days. This means that Chicago State University East only limit has provide all documents not protected by THE FERPA has Atiku. Unfortunately, a few of THE documents request by Atiku are Protected by FERPA.

"SO, clearly there East Nothing new has celebrate, THE reason be that THE Chicago State University Already complied with THE order even Before THE magistrate granted Atiku her order. CSU Already confirmed that President Bolas Ahmed Tinubu assisted THE university And diploma In 1979 with A bachelors diploma.

"However, THE university declared that THE United States' federal law, stop he Since provide any of them further information about Tinubu save, without consent Or unless allowed has TO DO SO via court order. Clearly, Atiku And her cohorts to have Nothing has celebrate as THE court clearly declared that only not privileged recordings can be issued has “Atiku,” Onoh said.

CSU: Nothing to celebrate in Atiku's Pyrrhic victory - Onoh

President Bolas Tinubu campaign ancient spokesperson In THE South East, Dr. Joseph Onoh has describe as THE 'Ajasco dance' THE party of ancient Vice President Atiku Abubakar And her supporters on THE Judgement of THE United States court that order THE Chicago State University has release THE certificate of THE Nigeria President.

Jeffrey Gilbert, A WE magistrate Judge had order THE Chicago State University has release Tinubu credentials as request by Atiku, which brought party has Atiku supporters.

Onoh However against Atiku party, describing he as A Pyrrhic victory that has No DETOUR Since THE previous order of THE court that had given A similar order has release THE certificate.

He describe as unfounded, Atiku argument that President Tinubu second Chicago State University diploma had emerged, date June 27, 1979, with A alleged difference Since THE June 22, 1979 diploma.

Onoh said he was unfortunate THE inability of a few credulous public not has to understand that THE Family Educative Rights And Confidentiality Act (FERPA) as amended In 1974 has Already covered problems raised by Atiku.

According to has Oh, FERPA establishes THE RIGHT of students has inspect And goodbye their education recordings And has provide guidelines For THE correction of inaccurate And misleading data through informal And official audiences.

"SO Atiku has Nothing has celebrate about. He said THE WE that he research has authenticate these documents, if A Chicago State University diploma In THE name of Bolas Ahmed Tinubu date June 22, 1979, that was submitted has THE CENI Before THE Nigerian presidential election In FEBRUARY 2023 East authentic Or was forged.

“Atiku said that below Nigerian law, THE submission of A fraudulent document has THE CENI would be to have disqualified President Tinubu Since participant In THE election.

"NOW, When Atiku deposit her application In THE WE district court on August 2, her petition difficult THE presidential election was on hold Before THE Nigerian Presidential Election Petition Court. Atiku said her application In THE WE court was has get discoveries that would be support her petitions In THE Nigerian court of call.

"For problems of clarity I wish has State that THE Nigerian Court of Call decreases has consider problems related has President Tinubu educative background that had not has been included In Petition but instead were tardily raised For THE First of all time In Atiku petition.

"So, even if Atiku Back Since her savage shipping, he will always meet THE even empty dinner painting And No guests has serve her Oysters because they to have disappeared out of season.

"THE WE East Illinois court that order THE Chicago State University has release THE academic recordings of President Bolas Tinubu has Atiku was clear And specific while discount down THE decision In service of Atiku with THE RIGHT And skillfully socket THE keys with THE on the left.

"When Jeffrey Gilbert of WE magistrate judge, gave THE decision on order THE university has produce all relevant And not privileged documents has Atiku In two days. This means that Chicago State University East only limit has provide all documents not protected by THE FERPA has Atiku. Unfortunately, a few of THE documents request by Atiku are Protected by FERPA.

"SO, clearly there East Nothing new has celebrate, THE reason be that THE Chicago State University Already complied with THE order even Before THE magistrate granted Atiku her order. CSU Already confirmed that President Bolas Ahmed Tinubu assisted THE university And diploma In 1979 with A bachelors diploma.

"However, THE university declared that THE United States' federal law, stop he Since provide any of them further information about Tinubu save, without consent Or unless allowed has TO DO SO via court order. Clearly, Atiku And her cohorts to have Nothing has celebrate as THE court clearly declared that only not privileged recordings can be issued has “Atiku,” Onoh said.

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